Artificial, synthetic red blood cells - they are on the rise ...
The research comes from space
The image above is from a three-week-old blood sample that consisted only of artificial blood cells and shows the production of these somewhat smaller synthetic cells. Unfortunately, I cannot determine with my equipment whether these are also supposed to be artificial blood cells or whether they are more like robot cells. But there are some interesting correlations that I would like to explain below:
This article describes in detail how red blood cells are produced in 4 stages.
From another article on the same process:
The design and synthesis of artificial materials that mimic the structures, mechanical properties, and ultimately functionalities of biological cells remains a current holy grail of materials science. Here, based on a silica cell bioreplication approach, we report the design and construction of synthetic rebuilt red blood cells (RRBCs) that fully mimic the broad properties of native RBCs: size, biconcave shape, deformability, oxygen-carrying capacity, and long circulation time. Four successive nanoscale processing steps (RBC bioreplication, layer-by-layer polymer deposition, and precision silica etching, followed by RBC ghost membrane vesicle fusion) are employed for RRBC construction. A panel of physicochemical analyses including zeta-potential measurement, fluorescence microscopy, and antibody-mediated agglutination assay proved the recapitulation of RBC shape, size, and membrane structure. Flow-based deformation studies carried out in a microfluidic blood capillary model confirmed the ability of RRBCs to deform and pass through small slits and reconstitute themselves in a manner comparable to native RBCs. Circulation studies of RRBCs conducted ex ovo in a chick embryo and in vivo in a mouse model demonstrated the requirement of both deformability and native cell membrane surface to achieve long-term circulation. To confer additional non-native functionalities to RRBCs, we developed modular procedures with which to load functional cargos such as hemoglobin, drugs, magnetic nanoparticles, and ATP biosensors within the RRBC interior to enable various functions, including oxygen delivery, therapeutic drug delivery, magnetic manipulation, and toxin biosensing and detection. Taken together, RRBCs represent a class of long-circulating RBC-inspired artificial hybrid materials with a broad range of potential applications.
An important aspect here is polyethylene glycol, which is used as a coating for living cells and is a fundamental component of the functionality.
Polyethylene glycol, PEG for short, also known as (outdated) polyethylene glycoland, in pharmacy, macrogol, is a liquid or solid, water-soluble and non-toxic polymer with the general molecular formulaC2nH4n+2On+1, depending on the chain length. Because of these properties, it is used in medicine, e.g. as an active ingredient carrier, as well as in pharmacy, in industrial applications, in cell biology research and in cosmetic products. PEG has different properties depending on the chain length and the resulting molar mass. The repeating unit of the linear polymer is (-CH2-CH2-O-), with a molar mass of around 44 g-mol-1. Chemically, it is a polyether
And exactly these substances, which are necessary for the modification of the RBCs, are produced by so-called weaponized yeast cells.
You can find good summarized information on this in the interview by Maria Crisler:
This technique has been around for a long time and we find it in Sergej Valentinovich Kolzov.
He developed the so-called Kolzov plates.
The mode of action of its plates is based on the discovery and measurement of scalar micro-magnetic fields. Russian scientists have discovered that all life on our planet exchanges information via these scalar magnetic fields, and they have researched the influence of these micro-magnetic fields on human health. The Russian physicist Sergei Valentinovich Kolzov succeeded in storing such biologically effective scalar micro-magnetic fields on his “energy plates” and thus making them available for regulation, therapy and personal development.
So while the significance and function of scalar and longitudinal magnetic fields has already been widely researched in Russia, according to the “state of science” in Western Europe, the possible existence of scalar and longitudinal fields alongside the well-known transverse field and heart waves is still being pondered in general.
The basic research for the discovery of the scalar magnetic field was experimentally proven by physicist G.V.Nikolaev from Tomsk back in 1982. He discovered that magnetic fields have a longitudinal and a transverse field - a longitudinal and a transverse field.
The Omsk Institute of Applied Psychophysics (research group led by V.I. Nesterova) investigated these weak, vortex-like magnetic fields more closely, as they had established that all biological systems have such scalar magnetic fields. They finally succeeded in unraveling the extra- and intracellular interaction of the scalar magnetic fields in the organism: The scientists learned to record these vortex-like micro-magnetic fields for the diagnosis of the condition of the organs and functions of the human organism. They succeeded in precisely distinguishing the human intrinsic fields from the scalar fields of the micro-flora and parasites that colonize the human organism and from the external foreign fields and determining them separately.
They measured the healthy range that an organ such as the liver or stomach can exhibit, for example, and thus obtained the “normal values” of the organism.
Their research made it clear once again that human health is based on a complex system of wave exchange of coupled vibrations, i.e. our organism needs the “vibrations” from pure, healthy food, good spring water and feedback with the vibrations of our earth (especially the earth's magnetic field and the Schumann waves) for its entire existence. And the fact that our Schumann frequency is currently completely changed can be clearly seen in the measurements of the last few months:
Here is an example:
Information on overmodulation in the field and background interference in the Schuhmann frequency:
If these natural vibrations are “contaminated”, our organism must actively stabilize itself against these “false vibrations” - and it can only do this for a certain amount of time and not always to a sufficient degree, with the result that we become ill in body, mind or soul.
Kolzov had initially researched special highly sensitive antenna systems for space travel. Here he discovered methods to significantly improve the capacity and effectiveness of the passive resonators in these systems.
He also discovered a strange positive effect of these resonators on people. In his quest to better understand these astonishing effects, he discovered errors and gaps in the theory of electromagnetism and in Maxwell's fundamental equations. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl pursues the same approach with his scalar wave research.
Finally, Kolzov came across the above-mentioned basic research, which enabled a new understanding with the discovery of scalar magnetic fields. Kolzov then further developed these passive resonator antennas into biorhythmic polarizers that specifically interact with the human organism, and finally invented the “correctors of the functional state”, i.e. the “Kolzov plates”.
The explanation of the technique is identical to what we can see in the blood in connection with the construction of artificial synthetic cells:
The basis for the development of the Kolzov plates was his discovery that when new magnets are produced, they “remember the characteristics of all the fields that exist next to them at the moment of magnetization” and emit them again as scalar micro-magnetic fields. This memory property is used in the Kolzov plates to store the healing information of plants, minerals, etc. To ensure that no “false vibrations” are stored, this takes place in shielded special chambers where “controlled magnetization, preparation of the necessary wave field source and strict observance of the neuronal purity of the frequency” is possible.
If this process also takes place in our body, the desired frequency must of course be present. Since synthetic biology requires a different oscillation, it was important to set up a comprehensive antenna and satellite network beforehand. Likewise a modified Schumann frequency. The assumption is that it is deliberately disturbed by the permanently running particle accelerators.
The field structure generated by the Kolzov plates is similar to the structure of the earth's magnetic field, and the earth's magnetic field is both the power source and the “connecting line” for the Kolzov plates. The manufacturing technology of the Kolzov plates repeats the organizational principles of the electromagnetic fields in the living organism at cell level. A harmonic “scalar oscillation image” is recorded on the plates in the rhythm of the earth's magnetic field and space radiation.
However, if we live in a cage of artificial vibration, these devices no longer help as effectively as they once did.
When designing the resonators and the Kolzov plates, the physical harmonic laws of the structure of the light spectrum, the musical scale and the “golden ratio” are also taken into account.
This brings us back to the crucial and fundamental control of nanotechnology - geometry and light.
The Kolzov pallets are designed to re-align the internal scalar micro-magnetic fields to the internal rhythms of the organism with the rhythms of the external field. And here lies the problem. Our external field has been massively altered. Our entire geomagnetic field and the atmosphere now resemble an artificial incubator.
The structure of the plates is identical to the structure of synthetic red blood cells!!!
The Kolzov plates consist of two outer plates made of magnetic plastic material.
In their four corners are four identical chip structures made of high-quality four-layer magnetized rubber.
There is an opening in the center of each plate, which represents the waveguide. To create the scalar magnetic field that generates the longitudinal electromagnetic forces, the poles of the four magnetic chips are aligned asymmetrically in a certain way.
In our blood, the microrobots can perform the function of controlling these individual synthetic cells.
To put it in a nutshell: The disks that emerged from space research look a lot like basic research for the current technology in our blood.
A presentation can be found on the original website
And once again it is so-called pseudoscience - which turns out to be the real basis for many processes that are currently taking place in our bodies.
In this lecture we will also look at the different spindle rotations that direct light information. Amino acids on the left, fats and carbohydrates on the right. Both in balance ensure a neutral field. This brings us back to the field of optogenetics.
He also mentions the dominant role in maintaining the immunity of unstable, non-linear open biological systems through the Earth's magnetic field, which synchronizes all biorhythms.
In conclusion, I have not tested the plates myself or recommended them. The key point here is the same mechanism that the plates use and on which the transformation of our red blood cells is based.
Overall, it is a complex interplay of many factors that are clearly not based on chance.
Here is another video from the 3-week-old blood count: a fungal structure has formed, which was not the case months ago. The fungi didn't even dare to grow in there - they turned 180 degrees after growing into the preparation and grew out again voluntarily. Now they are forming and my fear is that this type of fungus will also turn out to be a hybrid.
Inside the mushroom you can see the small fiber-like structures that move. The activity between the blood cells is also extremely high. The preparation has not dried out after three weeks. So it will not necessarily contain water...
Here is a post that is already a year old - with more pictures of these synthetic cells - which were still fully present even after 7 weeks.
One final word: My observation is that many translation programs are currently producing a lot of crap. I therefore hope that there have not been too many distortions in the sentences in this article. But every now and then something slips through when I'm correcting.
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Hi Silvia,
Good research. I was wondering what the mechanism could be to imbue a frequency into solid objects.
Warm Regards,