Attack on our leukocytes - our defense system in the blood
Our white blood cells are rebuilt in the blood by "technology"
If you have wondered why more and more people are falling ill or dying, it is usually our immune system that is affected first.
Here are some images and pictures from the blood count showing what is currently happening to our non-specific defense system, the phagocytes.
In my first post, I showed how a cell produces a "technical rectangle" and noted that the cell is very similar to a leukocyte.
Unfortunately, the suspicion has been confirmed.
Here is a new movie from the blood count. One of these cells, please note the round circles in the center, is producing "offspring". As long as these round structures can be seen inside, these cells are active. Here you can see a neutrophil granulocyte on the outside.
This "nanotechnology" in our blood uses our defense cells and builds a protective shield for its own reproduction sites.
The eosinophil granulocytes are also affected. This can be seen in the following film. They are characterized in the dark field by the fact that they are somewhat yellower and brighter and the individual granules are somewhat larger.
The following image shows a leukocyte with a peculiar marginal zone. It looks as if these phagocytes are changing from the inside out and their function is being rewritten.
These remodeled cells can usually be found concentrated in several places in the blood count. If something like this gets out of hand, it is clear why the immune system breaks down or ends in HIV-like illnesses.
We are all affected by this - not only vaccinated people, but also non-vaccinated people.
But if no one is prepared to face this truth, how can a solution be found?
The consequences should be clear.
You can get these results very easily by simply taking a dark field microscope and looking at the blood as it develops over several weeks. The important point here is not just to look at fresh blood. A longer observation period of several days is necessary in order to better understand the developmental steps. The red blood count decomposes and at first hardly any meaningful information can be obtained. But this is when synthetic biological technology really begins. I suspect that this is related to the changing pH value.
Once you've seen the conversion and the self-assembling components, you quickly discover them in live blood within a few hours of taking the sample.
This study shows that neutrophil elastase is involved in the formation of nanostructures:
At this point, I can only appeal to all treating physicians or alternative practitioners to take a look at this process and become aware of the necessary consequences - and hopefully to take action.
And here is another picture showing how leukocytes are trapped inside the large, artificial leukocyte cells and a new structure is being built.
I agree that blood cells are being sequestered in some of these circles. I have also seen rbcs being sequestered and entwined in the strands that were forming up in blood. My thought when I saw that was the that rbcs were being used for food and growth as they were totally enwrapped into the strand. I also saw large segments of the blood pools that were totally denuded of energy and looked like a grey slab of cement.