I actually wanted to post an article with pictures of water – pictures of our natural river here in Lapland, right in front of our noses. I'll just insert the pictures into the text here – to keep things from getting too boring.
Sometimes extensive text is important to gain a new perspective.
Blood is the area that must be the least out of whack to avoid a complete derailment in the body.
Thus, we need to think about what actually happens to the substances that we can find or have found in the blood at intervals.
Where do they go if they are not excreted?
The most obvious and logical answer is in the tissue. As we have all observed under the microscope, the most diverse substances and small bubbles that work like factories are assembled in the blood, or rather, the substances needed for the construction of a wide variety of substances are found there.
But what for?
What is so special about hydrogels and other substances that are extremely difficult to break down?
If we look at the connection with 5G - or further 6G and 7G, a normal biological body is not able to survive this radiation unscathed. Vascular wall and epithelial damage are pre-programmed and it comes to hemorrhages and disease-like conditions, as in hemorrhagic fever diseases.
If we now assume that the substances pass from the blood into the tissue by diffusion and osmosis, a further process could take place here that leads to tissue transformation.
We have already seen this transformation phenomenon in erythrocytes and also in the epidermis. So why should the tissue in between be spared?
In my opinion, it is about a complete reconstruction of our tissue structure into a resilient body. In other words, a complete genetic transformation. As soon as the vessel walls and the remaining tissue are provided with hydrogel-like walls or similar, it will also be able to withstand high radiation exposure.
If this is not the case, and the radiation exposure is increased, the image shows the patient as if they had a hemorrhagic fever.
See Germany on October 2, 2024:
Deadly virus scare closes tracks at Hamburg rail station – Marburg virus causes fever with symptoms: convulsions, bloody vomiting, diarrhea, mortality rate of up to 88%, according to WHO. People become infected thro contact with bodily fluids of infected
It is definitely not to be played down - only the deaths that will occur through the above-mentioned process even without a virus.
It is purely coincidental that Germany is one of the countries that has been using the electronic vaccination certificate for testing purposes since September 1. Irony off...
To address the diffusion and osmosis capacity between bloodstream and tissue again, here is an example of this that has occurred more and more in recent years - which is actually completely logical if you know the underlying process.
The increase in gestational toxemia
A complication during pregnancy, especially in the last few months, that results in kidney failure and poses a risk to the child and mother.
Our environment is increasingly polluted with toxins and as a human being, you will not be able to simply escape them. As a woman, do I now have a completely new little body, like the baby growing inside me – it's like a clean sponge. Placental pollutants are drawn out of the bloodstream towards the child – and the blood becomes cleaner.
However, this has the effect that the woman's own body cells now release harmful substances in the direction of the bloodstream.
A cascade effect.
In the last months of pregnancy, we primarily have an increase in the size of the child and thus an ever-increasing suction out of the cells towards the child. The liver and kidneys of the mother are running at full speed until they are overburdened.
This is when so-called gestosis occurs. And whether a woman is prone to this cannot be seen from a normal blood count beforehand. And first pregnancies are predisposed to this problem. Now it is also clear why...
This process can also be imagined in reverse, with substances diffusing from the blood into the tissue. The only thing needed is a gradient of substances.
Since all the strange formations that could be observed in the blood in the last 2-3 years have all disappeared, except for a few permanent “representatives”, it can be assumed that they have settled in the tissue.
In doing so, they do not necessarily have to be active or productive. They can simply wait for their “mission” there. Possibly they can simply be switched on by a corresponding frequency or radiation and then lead to new phenomena.

All that we have seen in the blood in recent years has not been thought up by anyone. We have our hands full trying to find solutions and limit the damage.
We have to think bigger. If we do not know the goal of this transformation or ask for it, all the successes we have are deceptive.
What I am trying to say is this: just because of a blood test and the fact that we don't see much under the microscope during the live blood test, we are far from achieving that everything is back to the way it was before.
I think that is a fallacy.
One example is the nicotine issue.
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), also known as nicotine receptors for short, are membrane-bound receptors found in various nerve cells and in muscle fibers. These receptors bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) as a substrate, but can also be activated by nicotine and similar nicotinic substances.
These ionotropic receptors consist of five subunits, which, in addition to the receptive binding sites, together form a pore spanning the cell membrane and thus represent a ligand-controlled ion channel. This is a non-specific cation channel that is particularly permeable to monovalent Na+ and K+ ions. In contrast, muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are metabotropic membrane receptors.
These receptors are not present in the blood. So can I really detect an effect of nicotine in the blood?
Not really.
Does nicotine now help against or for this conversion process?
It would make sense if a synthetic component uses this receptor to gain access to our nervous system, especially to our brain.
I'm thinking out loud now and everyone has to make up their own mind or try it out to see if they feel better with or without nicotine:
Nicotine and tobacco are to be banned by 2030 (WEF)
AI is to gain control of our brains - keyword: connection to the cloud or Mr. Musk's neurochip
Potatoes are suddenly said to be poisonous - see the press in Germany - and what is one of the main ingredients? Nicotine. By the way: have you ever seen a potato junkie?
And what about the studies where post-COVID symptoms disappear when nicotine is administered?
There must be a connection, but everyone has to decide for themselves which path to take.
Dr. Ardis has reported on this at length and in detail - you don't have to like this man and you may not agree with him on many things, but not to consider his arguments would be foolish.
You can learn from everyone - whether you like them or not.
And above all, consider whether they could be right...
There is little pure black and white - most things are gray...
On that note,
have a nice weekend everyone
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