Fresh blueberries under the darkfield microscope
Here too, structures like in the blood - but not much... :-)))
Almost 17 percent of Sweden's area is covered with blueberry bushes. And the fruits are slowly starting to grow.
I immediately picked some from the property to see what I could find under the microscope. The good news is that most of it is natural - but not all of it. Unfortunately, it was to be expected.
The blueberry is also called the Swedish superberry. It is an important source of food for the survival of numerous animal species.
Here are the pictures
We also know the bubble structures from blood - here you can clearly see how they are connected to each other by two threads - and small bubbles are distributed on them like pearls lined up.
400x magnification
1000x magnification
Overall, I'm surprised that I didn't find more impurities - but it's nice to be positively surprised sometimes! Most of the pictures show the cell structures and tissue. Only a few structures that don't really belong here. Except for the interconnected bubbles. It's sometimes difficult to see these connecting structures clearly around blood - which was easy to do here in the berry.
On to the blueberry season - with summer greetings from Lapland!!!
I have set up a Telegram channel - where I post new images from darkfield microscopy. If you would like to browse through new pictures in between, you are welcome to register.
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Are some of the blueberries invaders parasites or they all are nanos?
Berries mean survival up North here too. If they are contaminated, whole species of native and migrating birds, insects and mammals will also be over time.
Zombie Grizzly bears? Creutzfeldt-Jacob crazy hordes of wolfs? Altered mosquitos and other blood suckers swarms ahead? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Someone must find a way to deactivate the nanos…
Maybe the Lazer disconnect those threads?