Hexagons and quantum dots - right into the time paradox
A bidirectional technical/biological interface that tunnels through time
Why should quantum dots and hexagonal structures be in the blood?
If you start to "rummage" in non-linear optics - the insights slowly come. Transhumanism sends its regards.
You will find self-assembling nanomachines - as well as gold nanoparticles and hexagonal crystals that glow in different colors when they are electromagnetically excited in the microwave range.
Nano-dyes, which are visible in the quantum dots, enable upconversion of photons, which means that they are excited in the microwave range at around 1800 nm and re-emit the absorbed light upconverted into the visible light spectrum.
Gold nanoparticles can intercept the light from the DNA and convert it into electromagnetic signals that are sent out of the body with the help of plasmonic antennas. In this way, I can obtain information about the activity of the DNA. (Article: Quantum-dot spin-photon entanglement via frequency downconversion to telecom wavelength)
The hexagon crystals - are self-assembling plasmonic-photonic crystals - the quantum reading units. They pick up electromagnetic signals and convert them into individual photon emissions, which in turn can be read by the DNA.
If we couple both technologies, we have a bidirectional technical/biological interface.
Nanaoparticles can form spider web-like structures in dry environments when they are stimulated to develop magnetic forces. In a humid environment, many small droplets could be combined into one large droplet, forming small antenna-like network structures.
Morgellons: actually a completely nanotechnology, a synthetic biology that combines unicellular organisms, multicellular organisms, fungi and an artificial life form.
A mixture of different life forms from our planet, combined with each other, they grow like fungi, contain organs, behave like bacteria, or reproduce in a similar way. They can grow explosively like mushrooms when stimulated by their specific frequency - e.g. 375nm blue visible light.
This is virtually impossible to destroy, as it combines the best properties of all of them into a new, albeit synthetic, species. Shock freezing, drying out, heat from a burner, concentrated bleach - nothing helps.
Let's go back to the hexagons - so can be used for quantum tunneling - such as water in a beryl. In a beryl hexagon, a water molecule can potentially occupy 6 possible positions - but you see more of a blurring - which means that this Wallser molecule is in 6 positions at the same time, this is also called delocalization, so that the charge density of the hydrogen atom "smears" and shows a wavy ring.
What does that mean? The water molecule is not local - it is in a quantum superposition - approaching the zero-phase state. And it can absorb information from other quantum states - even from other TIMES!!! And also transport this information INTO OTHER TIMES!
Take a deep breath and realize what that means!
This means that we are dealing with a technology that is capable of tunneling information through time by means of non-linearity.
Let's imagine that we take a drug against this technology. But it is able to send this information into the past in order to take defensive measures in the past before we even get the idea of this preparation. - Crazy?
To clarify: You consciously perceive your everyday life in the Hertz frequency. You are in a waking state. If you lie down and dream - even for just an hour - you have the feeling that time has passed much faster. We dream in the infrared range. This means that a different area of the brain is active. Infrared is faster than Hertz.
A technology that can convert light information up and down - and then tunnel this information - is TIME INDEPENDENT.
So what possibilities do we have?
Time is closely linked to the space lattice structure. One part of this lattice structure is the electromagnetic field. Or rather the vortex that is generated by an electromagnetic field and carries all the different frequency lengths.
One way to access this is to produce an electromagnetic vortex - see my last post, where it was possible to dissolve a crystal structure within a very short time.
Whisker formation with methylene blue - a surprising discovery
Our biology is also capable of acting non-linearly. Even if we don't realize it - but our DNA is full of hexagonal structures, like our bases adenine, guanine, tymine and cytosine. These hexagons form a tunnel through which light can tunnel - and thus also remain in a quantum superposition.
We are in the field of nanotechnology, where shaping, i.e. geometry, is far more important and decisive than the effect of matter. In our normal lives, this is exactly the opposite - we also live in the macro world.
Ergo, we will only get closer to the topic if we shift our "strategy" of treatment or change to the area of light technology - such as lasers (non-linear optics) and geometry.
Here is an excerpt from my target - Luciferase
Light and geometric structures are directly related and thus bring the fourth component, time, into play.
And we are already in science fiction - the Starship Enterprise sends its regards...
For those who want to take a serious look at the subject - Robert G. Sachs - The Physics of Time Reversal - University of Chicago - Time reversal, or communication backwards and forwards through time - have long been recognized.
In Russia there is a guy who can heal any illness/disease if you can bring him your picture of you as a healthy child!
So I am not surprised at this discovery! I would add that the transhumanists are trying to hack our biology so that it can be better used by entities who do not manifest on a physical plane. Imagine humans who lost the connection to their souls and who do not know about the spirit world. Empty vessels that can be taken for a ride without any opposition!
Much appreciated! Now I’ve actualized I know much much less than previously understood! Age and wisdom is a path of continuous humility..