Massive changes in the "code" strands and new fibers in the blood
Every day the blood changes at a pace that is hard to keep up with...
Many people have already noticed these long, regularly arranged dots, strands or small thickenings that are more and more in the blood.
They are either very long or very tightly packed.
Here are some pictures of how they are or were found in the blood so far.
Here they can be seen in the form of a row of dots and in a slightly thickened form.
Sometimes they lie alone and quite lonely or tightly packed as in the following example.
Here it can be seen that one form merges into the other and therefore there are no different strands, but rather a development.
And here is the more developed form, also with regular, repeating sections. A widening can be seen and also a kind of rotation of the strand itself.
There is another type of strand that looks slightly different in its individual sections. But also here in regular repetition. It looks like a link in a chain.
At the same time as the new, much more structured strands appear, other fibers can also be found in the blood. On the one hand, they also take on a different structure and others are beginning to be colored red.
Or threads with a more complicated structure, like this one:
Here is a blue fiber that has been stained with methylene blue, revealing sections of the fiber's structure that would otherwise not be so prominent.
It can also be observed that these fibers frequently show accumulations of gel-like structures at the edge.
As I pondered in my first post, whether these strands represent a kind of code that is the blueprint for the other building blocks...
The behavior of the blood has also changed in the way it dries out at the edge of the slide. This can be seen in the following example and a movie recorded in real time.
The blood drying out at the edge of the slide is recorded in real time.
The conclusions of this Substack are based solely on daily observations of blood samples and therefore cannot be guaranteed to be correct. However, the correlations are clearly visible.