To a certain extent, yes.
I have been working on possible solutions with the help of remote viewing for about
2 years now - and it is starting to bear fruit.
The first design and the first test object was the Laser Cube, which led to a laser treatment. Anyone can build it themselves.
The further development from this process is a Gold Plate Resonator, which has led to the following results after some time of testing:
The Gold Plate acts like a resonator that creates a natural field so that the body’s own biological and natural functions can run more smoothly and helps to improve water quality.
As you can see from my previous articles, water is capable of far more than we have been paying attention to so far.
To test the developed Gold Plate Resonator, I tried out various test procedures.
Let's start with a simple test. As you can see above, there are a total of 4 samples on the Gold Plates and the same again without.
This is normal salt water, like the base in blood - once colored with AstraBlue and once without. Once with the slide covered and once without.
The results after 12 hours are clearly visible:
Let's start with the formation of rectangular structures that look like small chip-like shapes.
Let's start with pictures WITHOUT resonator
And now the comparison samples WITH resonator:
Conclusion 1: Without a resonator, further rectangular and symmetrically arranged subunits form in these structures. With a resonator, the basic structures are also formed, but the structure of the subunits appears to be disturbed in the interior; they only form larger, but not structured subunits.
Let's take a look at what crystal formation looks like in the different samples. Let's start again with pictures WITHOUT resonator:
The crystals that form all have a support that does not belong there and thus change the refraction of light.
The small dots that form around the crystals are a new development. Viewed with a low resolution, they look more like stamps.
Let's go back to the samples WITH Gold Plate Resonator and see how the crystal formation takes place here:
Without staining with AstraBlue, much clearer crystals are formed that have little or no deposits. The small round dots around the structures are almost completely absent.
However, the samples that were stained with AstraBlue were really interesting. Here a completely different result:
The formation of crystals was almost completely prevented. There are rudiments of basic structures, but no normal crystal forms have even begun to form.
A similar result for the formation of fractal shapes. Again, we start with the samples WITHOUT the resonator:
A large part of the slide is covered with these formations
In the following video you can even see that they are layered on top of each other. Anyone who has studied stealth technology will realize that the arrangement is very similar to these artificial coatings.
The superimposition of multiple hexagonal layers of different sizes leads to a transformation of incident light frequencies.
If you look at the following video, you can see that pyramid-like structures are placed between these layers and connect them with each other. And this process begins after just 12 hours!!!
And now the samples WITH resonator:
There is also a tendency to build up these structures, but to a much lesser extent. On the contrary, the clear formations look rather frayed and they also do not occur in several layers!!!
Since both samples also contained fibers - an interesting difference here.
WHITOUT resonator: - Pure wiring...
And now WITH resonator: The fibers that were in the preparation had virtually no or only a few contact points. They themselves were given a kind of salt coating that literally wrapped around them.
In summary, it can be said that the Gold Plate Resonator prevents or at least massively slows down the artificial and altered build-up. At the same time, some structures are no longer present at all.
We have carried out various applications and tests, on the one hand for drinking water treatment and on the other hand for direct use on the body. There are significant differences here too, but I can't list them all here now.
You can find more information about this work here:
Current research into water treatment
Using the gold resonator directly on the body
An effect on the reduced calcification process in pipes that was not intended, but is occurring.
For my paid subscribers, I have added a small excerpt from the target-oriented session and a whiteboard session as information on my Remote Viewing website. It gives a little insight into how it works and the work that has gone into this development to date.
Please don't forget to log in!
All important information about the resonator can be found on the associated page -
And as always: It is experimental - use at your own risk...
I will also offer a LaserCube there from time to time in the future - but not mainly because building it takes up a lot of time that I need for other things. Other results will also be listed.
And thank you for your support! This work would not be possible without you.
For your help and support here on Substack you will also get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube on my website.
I have set up a Telegram channel - where I post new images from darkfield microscopy. If you would like to browse through new pictures in between, you are welcome to register.
Bravo Silvia!
I can only thank and congratulate you for the exceptional quality of your photographs and supported concepts.
The perspective and the 3D effect of the third photo are incredible. Was this slide covered or not? What was the magnification used, a matter of knowing the size of the objects?
In the fifth image, the 3D effect is also well portrayed. Are the red background lines a diffraction of the luminous edges or the outlines of other crystals?
The whole thing reminded me of the strings of gas bubbles that can be seen in ice, and of the evaporation of paint remover on the bristles of a brush forgotten in a container, forms that I've also had the good fortune of seeing in clouds. This alignment could also provide a clue as to the origin of these bubbles, which could have come from these polymer filaments whose compartmentalized insides, like pea pods, suggest that they carry or have once carried a liquid or material of some kind.
The photos of crystals without resonators are very detailed and perfectly capture all the internal complexity of these layered configurations, which can only be intentional and programmed.
Would these stamps, as the resonator photos seem to demonstrate, first shed the bubbles (QD's or bots?) that surround them and which are also present inside the crystals? This would imply that the resonator is really effective in dismantling the very basis of these highly elaborate constructions.
It would be really interesting to have a slow-motion video of these specific processes, from crystallization to load shedding under the effect of the resonator, in order to find out what is the contribution of these bubbles in and outside of the crystals and if they are the real supervisors of their construction.
By the way, and this, to end once and for all with all those who allege that what the microscopists expose are simple crystals of salt, they should retract, unless they are able to demonstrate that the native salt, microphotographed under the same conditions, has the same elements and structural arrangements as those you have so brilliantly illustrated.
Once again, thank you for sharing with us your tireless work!
Thank you for this great information