Why are our immune cells at such a disadvantage?
Why do they diminish over time and develop a picture like AIDS?
This is a somewhat longer text mail - with few pictures, but extremely important for understanding.
The following correlations have emerged from the analysis of the last remote viewing sessions:
One of the most important points in almost all remote viewing sessions is always and repeatedly a kind of two-component system.
We all know the enormous capabilities of the metamorphosis of nanotechnology, its ability to change from one aggregate state to another.
One state is completely neglected: GAS
In the following, I will present my findings and insights on this subject, which must be verified by people who have the appropriate equipment. But it is now so conclusive and provides many explanations about what we see every day.
Point 1 from the last session:
This is a silicon type gas that requires a second “sulfuric” gas to activate in order to form a crystalline form in our bodies. As we have all seen, these crystals are able to transform into liquid forms and go into a further development cycle.
Point 2 - The connection with our immune system
Our phagocytes - also known as scavenger cells - turn foreign bodies inside out and dissolve them. If you were a bacterium and a dangerous defense cell of the body was after you - wouldn't you run away? However, I have never seen a white blood cell running after its “victims” with a cacher. - So how do our leukocytes phagocytize foreign substances, such as viruses, bacteria or others?
They paralyze all the cells around them with the help of a combat gas - Nitrogen monoxide NO gas. They produce it, emit it and the membranes of cells or bacteria absorb the gas and are paralyzed for the time being. Now a defense cell can calmly surround the invader or begin to destroy its membrane.
This gas is not harmless to our body, so there is a substance that can neutralize this gas - sulphur-containing substances, which are primarily stored in the liver. If the body lacks sufficient sulphur, it will begin to reduce its so-called non-specific defense - i.e. the non-specific immune system, which forms the first line of defense and can be found above all in the blood count. Nobody lets a trigger-happy army run around freely. The T1 cells are reduced and instead, more T2 cells activate the specific system. This corresponds to the typical picture of HIV or AIDS. We then have an identical clinical picture that does not need a virus to develop.
The hermaphroditic nature of cells - which is not included in our medicine in diagnostic and therapeutic terms - but can be important for the context of the approach to cell regeneration. It is about light quanta and the influence of archaea bacteria.
The video is in German - please use English subtitles.
Dr. med Heinrich Kremer also addresses the aspect of space-time independence that is present in our cells due to light quantum control. Which brings us back to the non-linear optics of nanotechnology...
Once again: the two components (silicon-containing gas and sulphur-like gas) alone are relatively harmless, but as soon as they meet in our body, the real process begins.
Point 3 - Combination of these facts with nanotechnology
If we assume that, as we found out in the remote viewing session, an activating agent of nanotechnology is sulphur-containing gases - this means that our immune system, our first line of defence in the body (the scavenger cells) are set to ZERO - the technology is able to neutralize the nitrogen monoxide NO gas and is therefore no longer vulnerable!!!! On the contrary - our defense cells are even dismantled and recycled. We can observe this process frequently enough under the microscope.
The membranes of synthetic biology cannot be overcome by our defense cells.
If the synthetic biology takes up too much of the sulphur, a situation could also arise in which there are not enough sulphur substances available to neutralize the non-specific defences and the excess nitric oxide in the body causes the immune system to shut down, as described above. VAIDS....
Another important point:
I have now heard several times from colleagues with microscopes that they have become ill after the examination, especially of allopathic remedies (the purest poisonous broths). If I have a preparation on my microscope glass, want to observe it crystallizing and it starts to evaporate - at least one component of the gas is released again and is inhaled. The second substance - the sulphur-containing one - is present in the body and thus a transfer has already been successful. A short time later, new phenomena can be found in your own blood.
We are dealing here with a biological weapon that spreads with the help of gases!!!
Dear microscopy colleagues, wherever you are in the world - take care!!!
I cannot say whether the mechanism described here corresponds exactly to reality, as I do not have the necessary equipment to verify it. I can only pass on what comes to light as a result of the remote viewing sessions and if they are conclusive on the basis of observations and appear logical, I pass them on as an aid.
Perhaps it will help us to develop a different strategy for dealing with the issue!
… SAM …
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Hi Sam,
One of the newest ( last 3 months or so) things I have noted is what I have been calling aromatics in the blood. Its when there is a haze formed, under certain areas of the cover slip, of "bubbles" that makes it hard to see what's underneath. What you can see underneath does not look normal nor healthy. A gas would make 100% sense of this.
Best Regards,
Wonderful SAM!!! I think you just solved (discovered?) one of the most important medical issues of the past 50 years. I have been racking my brain for the triggering factor in the debilitating health issue that has tormented me for 40+ years, and effects just about everybody now. In 2024, it seems to hammer particularly hard most everyone I know over 45 years old, and many younger healthier people too. I'd like to say more later, but I need to blast this information out to a couple of hundred people. No worries, I'll suggest to them that they subscribe to your substack too <g>!