The transmutation of our blood is an electromagnetic process
Or the biological destruction by electromagnetic fields...
In most cases, we look at the transmutation that is currently taking place in our bodies through chemical and medical glasses.
However, the control of nanotechnology is more likely to be found at the light level and in electromagnetism.
This also explains why all electromagnetic effects are currently generating increased activity in the self-assembly of technology.
Here is an example that I have been able to follow clearly in my blood in recent weeks:
Here is a picture of angular and technical looking “hydrogel packets”.
When these structures are formed, it can be assumed that the surrounding electromagnetic field has become stronger or better organized:
Summarized in this article
A short time later I found this clear bubble activity: some time ago these bubbles were still bubbling unspecifically, now they show a clear ordered grid structure. To understand: Nothing has changed here in terms of electrical devices or the like. It can only be due to changes in the overall fields.
Bubbles do not normally show rectangular or square structures, which are then arranged in a grid-like pattern.
The same spot at 100x magnification
Here is another video where you can clearly see how these bubbles dissolve erythrocytes and suck in the “red” contents - i.e. hemoglobin and presumably iron - the bubble creates a kind of suction from the membrane towards the inside of the bubble.
A short video where the bladder activity of the bladder only occurs in the area of the red blood cells inside:
The entire bladder is much larger, but these chemical bladder components only appear above the red blood cells - not where there are none. This can be clearly seen in the following video:
Or other unnatural shapes such as triangular bubbles
But how is that possible? Or rather, how is it reversible or changeable?
Electromagnetism always requires a specific resonance chamber - and from an overarching perspective, this is our entire Earth's atmosphere. Our atmosphere is currently undergoing major changes. I'll leave out the reasons here - whether they are natural or technical. Otherwise I would have to write a book at this point.
Overall, the Earth is behaving like a giant incubator that is encapsulated like a cage by satellites and technical devices.
We are therefore forced not only to look under our microscope, but also to establish an overarching context.
Here are a few examples to illustrate this:
Fritz Keilmann explains the microwave effect that leads to increased production of colchicine by E. coli bacteria.
A frequency and its harmonics promote production with only minimal field strengths → this is an informational and not an energetic effect.
Or a lecture by Dr. Pierre Gilbert. A short excerpt from this video is currently circulating on social media, where he made the apt statement on transhumanism back in 1995.
This excerpt, which lasts just 1 minute, contains the following statement:
Organized electromagnetic storms will occur, followed by contamination of the blood, leading to deliberate infections
Following laws that are enforced will mandate mandatory vaccination, and this vaccination will allow people to be controlled.
Through liquid crystals that will be embedded in brain cells that will become micro-receivers for electromagnetic fields that emit waves and very low waves. People will become incapable of thinking, they will become zombies.
This has already happened - before 1995
The entire lecture lasts over 2:30 hours and contains a great deal of information that could be described as crazy at the time. Most of his explanations have already happened or are in progress.
It is also becoming increasingly difficult to prevent erythrocytes from clumping together. Here is a video by Dr. Tom Cowan - Topic → We Breathe Electricity Not Oxygen
Another scientific interpretation, but one that could explain a lot. from December 5, 2024
This is about another recently published paper by Gerhard Pollack: Is it oxygen or electrons that our respiratory system supplies?
Also here the related further literature from
The Origin of Life According to Melanin by MD PHD Arturo Solis-Herrera
He also points out that synthetic RNA, which is produced using modern technology, bears little resemblance to anything from a living system.
I have been investigating this topic for almost 2 years now with the help of remote viewing. One result of this was the LaserCube, which we are still testing and experimenting with, primarily in order to achieve a result that is easy to use. The LaserCube is a variant to create the biological grid frame to prevent the transformation into technical units.
Currently I have not posted any further results as I am working on an extension of this. Further findings have led to a resonator plate, which is also currently being tested. Both systems can be used together or separately. The goal of all this is to find a way to stabilize our biological field by allowing the normal grid we need to prevail over the artificial one. It's like creating a bubble in the middle of a pool of water that can't be destroyed from the outside. We have artificial radiation 24 hours a day - and how are we supposed to counteract this? Even working with a medical scalar wave device is only an exposure of a few minutes a day. You could also compare it to a mud bath where you wear white clothes and try to keep them white at the same time.
Previous test subjects have reported that pain disappears where the plate is worn, which I attribute to the shielding of the artificial field. So we are not using an extra field or a chemical or medicinal substance. We wear a resonator that amplifies the natural, biological field. Because healing always comes from the body - even a plaster does not heal a wound - it is the body itself. Only the body needs the chance to do this.
I hope to be ready to publish the whole thing by the end of January 2025.
So there will finally be some progress. Because to be honest, I'm tired of only seeing the disasters and their further development.
The Resonator will then be available via a special link on my website. Possibly also a few LaserCubes. Only few, because it will take up valuable time that I don't have for other things. And you can still build it yourself.
For my part, I am working on the prerequisite that our electromagnetic system can return to a normal framework, but this does not make the need to detoxify the body superfluous. Both hand in hand could lead to much better results. And hopefully also faster...
So I wish you a happy and successful 2025. No matter what may come our way - it will probably be a wild ride - but chaos is unfortunately always the prerequisite for real change to take place. Only in which direction it goes - we have to decide for ourselves, or someone else will decide for us.
To 2025!!!! Keep an open mind!!!
PS: Science does not recognize the existence of the information field, the analysis and harmonization with it and its other significance, as there is no scientific evidence. It should also be expressly pointed out that the aids described are merely indications and methods of an alternative experimental procedure and do not represent remedies and recognized forms of therapy in the sense of today's conventional medicine.
For your help and support here on Substack you will also get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube on my website.
I have set up a Telegram channel - where I post new images from darkfield microscopy. If you would like to browse through new pictures in between, you are welcome to register.
Hello Silvia!
Wow! An isolated triangular bubble???
Congratulations, this is a first in microscopy of these nanostructures! Moreover, you demonstrated that it’s not the substrate that orders its triangular shape. :)))
I’ll send you an email tonight about our EM field.
Thank you for sharing your great findings!
Warm regards.