I was sent blood from Germany and was able to look at it from day 4. Like everywhere else in the world at the moment, we have massive changes.
Squares, rectangles, changes in the whole preparation. The client is not vaccinated.
We have many cells here with massive membrane damage. As the blood is four days old, this phenomenon can also be interpreted as normal decay. However, normally shaped cells are still visible, which are not beginning to show a deformation of the membrane.
The red arrows indicate the square and rectangular structures, the green arrows are the structures still under construction, which are still transforming into these chip-like looking structures.
At the same time, cells can be found in cells. The absolutely round cells that still look like intact red blood cells are located in larger, “worn out” cell structures, as can be seen here:
Another striking feature is the low number of leukocytes. If you look at them more closely, they look similar to the transforming leukocytes that I observed at the turn of the year.
The transformation process that took place in the defense cells in December 2023 appears to be similar to the process that is now taking place within the red blood cells. An infiltrated Trojan that changes the cell from the inside out. It was my first post ever.
History of a self-replicating structure in the blood
Instead, there are green flashing lights that run across the slide. Nanobots?
A similar process begins in the blood samples here in Lapland, but it is not yet as advanced. At first, strange membrane indentations can be seen in the following sample, as if there is something in the blood that is beginning to damage the surrounding RBCs. I was able to observe a similar phenomenon months ago, but not in this quantity.
The entire transformation process takes place in several phases that increase in intensity.
The picture above shows this initial process. At the same time, you have the impression that the flow rate of the blood has changed strangely, as if an oily substance were present in the plasma.
The erythrocytes begin to show a completely different deformation reaction when they flow through constrictions.
Their membrane begins to show damage. My suspicion here: Is this possibly the point of the thing, to find a way to be able to introduce something into the cells?
It is precisely around these areas that the cells begin to change and show the first structures within the cells that definitely do not belong there.
Two days later, this:
At close range, the membranes are severely damaged and begin to form visible angular structures. The pathological condition spreads in the blood count.
Without a mass spectrometer, it is not possible to say what is new in the blood.
The picture above shows the same beginnings and deformations as the 4-day-old blood at the beginning of the article. It reminds me a lot of the blood sample I had lying here for several weeks, still showing growth and artificial formation processes.
Non-decaying blood ... - what is that?
We all know that the ultimate goal is to connect humans to AI. It's not a question of if, but when?
Nobody has asked us, and the question I am still asking myself is: What happens when it happens? Are you still an empathic being? Will the AI programming take over your behavior?
In any case, the process shows that whether you are vaccinated or not, the stuff is everywhere and no one is spared. It is an illusion. I don't like fear porn. But the pictures above are facts.
And of course we will observe the responsiveness of this phenomenon with the help of the LaserCube.
And then there's something else:
English is not my native language and I translate all texts with the help of a translation program. These programs are now almost all AI-controlled. And more and more incorrect text passages are appearing.
An example of a completely wrong translation: If I write few cells - the AI turns it into: there are no cells.
These programs can't be that stupid. On the one hand, we have highly complex technology in our blood and the translation AI makes such mistakes?
If you want to get a whole story, take one sentence and switch it back and forth between two languages in the translator. The translations get crazier and crazier. If you repeat this 10 times, the sentence there no longer has anything to do with the original - this was called “silent mail” in our kindergarten days.
And thanks to everyone who supports me!
You can support me via the Ko-Fi button, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. With a paid subscription you get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube via my website.
It was called the telephone game here in the US. By the time a whispered sentence passed around a circle of children it was far removed from the original sentence. I don't think AI is very intelligent, not nearly as it's portrayed, but I am also doubtful it's that nonsensical either. I don't think it was ever created to be all that helpful because that's what "they" are attempting to turn us into.
Living robots. "They" will use our brains and the rest of our bodies. AI will be used like a terminal for relaying. Who needs to go to the trouble and expense of making a fully mechanized machine when you have a perfectly good supercomputer at your disposal? Complete with exceptional mobility that can execute complex tasks a machine could never do.
"They" are transitioning as well. Though "they" have much better remedies should anything go wrong during the transition. This isn't a mass extinction or genocide. It's eugenics masquerading as transhumanism. "They" don't care how many "they" murder" as "they" are only interested in the ones who complete the transition with them into living robots, fleshbots.
They will be as gods and live forever and the fleshbots will be their people. Or so the fantasy goes.
I believe this is what's happening. It was foretold in the bible thousands of years ago.
That's why I keep emphasizing a spiritual solution. Because I see no other. Though we must keep trying and praying. Having no fear and much faith. God will prevail. I have no doubt.
God told us He would allow this though only up to a point and then He will end it. "They" do not win. Far from it. God has His excellent reasons for letting it all unfold precisely as it is.
ALL things work to the glory of God. Even this. Jesus is our escape.
Given the problematic contents of the cov injection are in virtually all injectables, I don't think whether or not one got the cov injection is enough info now. A better question may be has one been injected with anything in the past 4 years. Then, taken any meds or supps.