What even a distillate survives!!!
Pictures, pictures and more pictures - Diet Engerydrink Part 2...
There are many things that should not actually be included in a ready-to-drink beverage. The example used here is a diet energy drink from a large company ...
After using a still, I took another look at the material. We start with the distillate without 0.9 percent salt added.
That was the first thing I saw - a huge pile fungi:
The following pictures clearly show how gel-like substances seem to wrap themselves around this fungi structure.
Followed by a pile that looks like hydrogel:
And of course these cells again: We also find them in the blood - a genus that always indicates that heaps of erythrocytes are about to die...
With a magnification of only 10 times, you can see all the life that is in the specimen: (The red images are colored with fuchsin)
So much for the immediately obvious, which can still be found in the liquid after a short distillation. To see the whole thing in more detail, I created another 0.9 percent liquid from the distillate. This shows what can arise from this mixture in the body.
Some slides have been stained again with Astra Blue for a clear contrast. Some again with glass cover and others without glass cover. The ones without glass cover form the full crystal structures, but I can't show them at 100x magnification, unlike the ones with glass cover.
Let's start with the first view that greeted me under the microscope: a crystal guitar...
I'll just let the following pictures speak for themselves.
Fancy some hyroglyphic writing?
To summarize, I would say that I was primarily shocked by the amount of mushrooms that went through the distillate - and yet were present in quite large numbers. - In contrast to the first attempt.
It is also clear that a distillate alone is by no means sufficient to extract hydrogels or other substances from the water or beverage, which is important for the production of preparations. If a liquid medicine is not produced with water that has been distilled several times, it should be clear that the “stuff” can be found pretty much everywhere.
And what it looks like in our ready-to-drink beverages ... Cheers!
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