A different perspective
I have been wondering for a long time why gastric acid blocking drugs protect against Covid disease, or why they go into complete remission when taken in the early stages.
After rummaging through several scientific disciplines, I found what I was looking for. Once again in scalar wave medicine in combination with vortex physics.
In the post
I have already discussed the ring structure of water and its function as a bioantenna.
Our mobile radio frequencies lie within the biological window of water resonances. More precisely, between 2.4 and 22.2 GHz. This is where some water colloids react as antennas. In combination of 1.2 GHz and 44.4 GHz, 5G is the trigger for the water resonance of hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide).
For example, our body produces a small amount of hydrogen cyanide when we smoke.
The human body is able to break down certain amounts of hydrogen cyanide. However, if too much hydrocyanic acid is ingested or, as in this case, frequency-induced potassium cyanide is produced in the respiratory tract itself, various symptoms of poisoning can occur.
Once I have a salt such as potassium cyanide in my body, it can be converted to hydrocyanic acid by our stomach acid.
If I now take stomach acid blockers, no final conversion process into cyanide takes place.
Let's take a look at the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning:
Paralysis of the olfactory nerve cells, headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness (Flu symptoms) and cramps to cyanosis to coma and death and the bitter almond taste. Doesn't that sound familiar?
Prussic acid is extremely toxic, even 1-2 mg of prussic acid per kg of body mass is fatal.
Another indication that there is an urgent connection with 5G can be seen in Taiwan. It was spared for a long time, although they have a well-developed 5G network.
Their secret? Taiwan's 5G network is built by a European provider and runs on a frequency starting at 28 GHz!!!! They leave out the entire biological resonance range - they skipped it!!!
Here is the informative article from Ericsson
Over the past few weeks, I have thrown myself into vortex physics in combination with scalar wave medicine in order to understand these connections. And my head was literally spinning several times. But it's worth it.
Since ignorance is not a scientific discipline, I can only advise anyone who has studied frequency technology or medicine to take an interdisciplinary look at it.
Because it suggests that when the cell phone towers go up, there will be far more illnesses than we already have now. This does not have to be the case.
The books on potential vortices by Konstantin Meyl provide an enlightening insight here. Once again!
I'm not a mathematician or formula freak either - but if you have to, go through it!
To confirm this definitively - a mass spectrometer would be a great help... But it's not available to me.
But everything points to this connection.
Only one thing is necessary to remedy the situation:
If I find these connections through my remote viewing sessions and find them confirmed in the literature, come to explanations and connections - other people can take this further.
I hope so...
And thanks again to everyone who supports me!
You can support me via the Ko-Fi button, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. With a paid subscription you get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube via my website.
That is some awesome remote viewing. 🤩
An angle on 5G and the biological window of water resonances is interesting. So with 6G which starts at 30GHz, and they are planning on using humans as towers, its more adaptable?
"Their secret? Taiwan's 5G network is built by a European provider and runs on a frequency starting at 28 GHz!!!! They leave out the entire biological resonance range - they skipped it!!!"
--"5G base stations from Ericsson Radio System will cover 3.5GHz and 28GHz bands for better user experience"
That's showing midband and highband frequency 5G. Or what they refered to here in the USA as "boosted 5G" (one of my bannings on Twitter was over this!) I guess you'd need to dive into other countries to validate the Taiwan findings:
This isn't thorough though, as it doesn't show the 5G 'test' they ran in Tehran in early 2020.