Synthetic biology - the technical parasite in our bodies
Where are the common control elements of biology and technology?

Technology always imitates nature.
But what is the connection between graphene oxide and the similar properties in the body? I'll try to explain here what led me to the principle of the LaserCube. It is certainly not complete, but I want to keep it as simple as possible so that everyone can understand it without drowning in technical terms.
Here is the basic principle involved.
As an explanatory example, let's take a beryl crystal whose structure is hexagonal.
At the quantum level, real objects can be in several places at the same time. Water molecules use this tunnel effect in beryl crystals. More details under this link
This means the following:
In this hexagonal structure of beryl, the water is in 6 positions at the same time. It looks smeared and is called delocalization. Similar to my last post the qbits have a superposition where they are 0 and 1 at the same time.
The same works on a smaller scale. Now let's take the water molecule alone - H2O. The water molecule can also form a ring, which then looks like this:
This ring structure results in a change in the geometric arrangement of the water molecule. The original angle of 104.5 degrees must widen to 120 degrees.
If these hexagonal rings now form a honeycomb structure, hydrogen atoms are left over. The calculation does not work. But where do they go?
This is known as a liquid crystal. The excess hydrogen atom goes into the ring and behaves in a similar way to the water in the beryl crystal above. It begins to delocalize, in other words - it stays in 6 different places at the same time.
These water clusters now contain electrons that move freely and exchange with each other. Moving charge carriers form an electric current, which automatically creates a magnetic field. This leads to the higher density of the water.
From a high-frequency point of view, the ring molecules are ring antennas.
If a biological ring antenna comes into an electric field, a magnetic field is automatically created.
And now let's take a look at graphene oxide, which seems to be so important for synthetic biology:
If water clusters can develop magnetic properties, generated by their hexagonal lattice structure, then graphene oxide will have a similar possibility.
But it gets really interesting when it comes to DNA. Let's take a look at where biological ring antennas appear:

The four building blocks in the middle of the DNA consist of ring antennas whose connection to each other consists of so-called hydrogen bonds.
These hydrogen bonds open when the section in the DNA is to be read. How does this work?
According to size and resonance calculations, the DNA opens by the following mechanism:
Two waves are required. A DNA wave - which lies in the range of UVB radiation and the histone carrier wave - whose frequency lies in the infrared spectrum. Our DNA is wound or packaged on histones.
When both waves pass through the DNA, the faster wave overtakes the slower wave and the DNA opens at this point of intersection.
This means that we only need to influence frequencies to influence the DNA. At the same time, it makes it clear that at least two frequencies are always necessary to create such a junction.
Light therefore plays a very important role in our body and also in its control.
Biological species on our planet all have a similar light anatomy, to put it simply. This behavior is linked to the reaction of light as it enters and exits liquid crystals. They are similar to mirrors or prisms.
The most important crystal in our body is the salt crystal. It has an optimal pyramidal structure. If I put 6 of these crystals together, I get an optimal cube. This means that this cube provides the basic structure of how light or frequencies are directed within a biological body. You could also speak of a basic space or grid structure.
But what has happened to our salt crystal? It looks different. Here is an image from dark-field microscopy:
It has acquired strange deposits, with the result that the light shining into this crystal has a different exit angle. The light nodes within our body shift completely. This leads to misdirection or to a deliberate and intentional different use. A phase-shifted space and grid is formed, which is only used by synthetic technology.
I suspect that this is the reason why all the electrical, therapeutic devices we use trigger an altered effect in our body, which no longer functions in the original sense, but is diverted into the technical system built up by synthetic biology.
You could also say that our energy reserves are diverted in favor of synthetic biology - we become batteries for a machine system. A technical parasite.
This is a very simplified representation of the development of my LaserCube.
We are now in the test phase with the correct lasers and have reduced the exposure time at the beginning to just 2-3 minutes per day. Improvements are currently visible in the blood, but we are still a long way from being able to say for sure. Please be patient.
To say it again, it is a completely simple representation of the processes. I am not a scientist. I am an HRVG Remote Viewer with a medical background.
We are not promising cures or anything else here. Everyone must take responsibility for what they do or don't do.
My substack contains the summarized information that I receive and implement from my remote viewing sessions. This also explains the overlapping areas, as I check everything that comes up in the sessions on the Internet and try to summarize it into a meaningful whole.
Whoever picks up on this information, or can develop it into something further, is welcome to do so. We urgently need new ideas. Our current knowledge and state of consciousness has brought us to the point where we are now. Synthetic biology is way ahead of us.
To a future worth living!
I am happy about any support.
I now also have a Ko-Fi button where support is possible, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. For your help, you will also receive access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube.
Very well done, we need more rational translations like this to keep us all informed. Thank you for being a pioneer in this war. And don’t sell yourself short, you have a high level of technical acumen and a passionate curiosity geared toward helping many people who are suffering….we all have unique gifts so are all scientists in one way or another.
Hi Silvia,
3 weeks in now and the proof of the benefits of the lasers is only getting better, even using a direct method whether IV or sublingual. Its been great being able to show people the instant and dramatic improvement in their blood, let alone some off the positive feedback being given some time later on.
One of the first to do it here 3 weeks ago showed an 80% improvement in the blood after an IV treatment. One week later there was a 10% regression and a 20 minute sublingual was done where the blood was back to a 80 % improvement. She came in a couple of days ago to see her blood and there was no need for any further treatment. She will come back in another two weeks for a review.
I did a double canula IV in series with both the 532 green and the 405 blue at full strength ( 50mw ) for 43 minutes a few days ago, so the blood was passing the blue first and followed by the green 30mm later. No ill effects and a big improvement in my blood. I will be monitoring the progression as this experiment will show the effects of what a full strength dose of the combination can do.
It may not be 100% yet, but its the biggest and fastest improvement I have seen from any treatment tried or suggested to date. For those with low powered cold lasers the sublingual may be the best way to get an effect. A bit of cellophane wrap or a soft disposable translucent glove finger may suffice for putting the laser in for that purpose.
The build of our first cube is now underway and I look forward to testing that out too.
Big Thanks,