After the pandemic is before the pandemic
Comparisons of medical content from different remote viewing sessions

A brief analysis of data
I summarize here some information from my remote viewing sessions in combination with content made by the Farsight Institute in relation to a possible upcoming pandemic. (
I am limiting myself here to statements on the course of events and symptoms.
My sessions refer to the current processes - those of Intysam to a coming pandemic. The pattern of spread and backgrounds are congruent. It is important to know that remote viewers are normally blind in the target. This means that they only receive a combination of numbers and letters and start collecting data.
To summarize, I would describe it as an update of the current processes. Just as software gets an update - so, apparently, does nanotechnology.
The Farsight Institute is primarily concerned with extraterrestrial intelligences - whatever you think. Here too, discussions are useless if there is no evidence. However, the institute does provide instructions on how to make your own recordings so that you can capture unusual flying objects on camera. The interesting thing is that there are plenty of them and they are anything but rare.
Even when recording these objects, the question arises - where do they come from? There is still the possibility that they are earthly flying machines whose existence has been kept secret. But that is not the subject of this substack.
This is about the question of understanding this technology in our bodies and how to control it.
Here are some pictures from our river water. Everything we find in the water, we will soon be able to find in the blood.
What is striking is the increase in mushroom-shaped cells, which continue to grow and enlarge even under the microscope. I think it's a combination of nanotechnology and fungi.
From a naturopathic point of view, the body tolerates fungal infestation when it suffers from heavy metal intoxication. Normally, heavy metals do not occur in large quantities in the human body. The only way to get rid of them is through parasites or fungi. The membranes of various parasites and fungi are able to bind heavy metals. If I excrete these fungi through my intestines, for example, some of them leave my body.
Normally, heavy metals pass through the so-called entero-hepatic circulation, which means the following:
The liver sorts the metals out of the blood and passes them on via the bile. The bile enters the intestine and should leave the body with it. Unfortunately, many heavy metals cause inflammation in the intestine, which leads to increased permeability of the cell walls and the metals are reabsorbed and end up in the blood. Since they are back in the blood - they end up in the liver again and the game starts all over again.
Either fats are now created, as fats are a wonderful storage medium - or the body will eventually tolerate fungi - in this case Candida Albicans - in order to get rid of at least some of it. However, the fungus itself loves sugar. And it gets it by trying to get through the cell walls in the body - in other words, by trying to penetrate deeper into the body. Cell wall damage means that repair measures have to take place - and that means more LDL in the blood, which is converted to HDL - our increased cholesterol level.
Experience has shown that these cholesterol levels have (in the past) returned to normal when the heavy metal load in the body is reduced. (for example through detoxification)
But now we have our nanotechnology, which is extremely toxic for the body and is artificially packaged and transported in mushrooms. A sophisticated system - and our immune system has little to counter this.
If I have a high load of parasites and fungi in my body, which I destroy with whatever means, heaps of heavy metals are released again. So that alone cannot be the solution. A binding agent for the released substances must also be offered, as otherwise massive symptoms of poisoning will occur.
How can this be achieved?
One possibility is apharesis. It is not cheap and is currently only offered to long Covid patients in the medical field.
Plasmapheresis: Blood purification by removing pathogenic substances from the serum.
Modern extracorporeal blood purification procedures have been proven to improve metabolism, the immune system, organ function and therefore quality of life. They are an effective tool on the way to regeneration and recovery.
Blood purification procedures are used for therapeutic purposes. In the case of so-called "elimination", elimination then takes place via the liver and kidneys, which can lead to temporary or permanent stress on the organ systems. Extracorporeal blood purification offers the advantage of blood purification combined with additional detoxification of the liver and kidneys.
The word apheresis comes from the Greek and means "to separate" or "to take away". The term apheresis covers various plasma treatment procedures. In a first step, solid components (blood cells) are separated from the plasma. The plasma obtained in this way is then passed through specific filters/adsorbers to remove unwanted substances.
Plasmapheresis is one of the modern extracorporeal blood purification procedures.
Although plasmapheresis cleans the plasma, the infection of the erythrocytes unfortunately still remains. Just as it is not possible to sort out the synthetic erythrocytes.
Many thanks to Eike and Michaela!!!
Finally, some pictures of river water - with structures that we can all find in the blood. Also everything in 1000x magnification - stained with methylene blue - in the ratio 4 parts water - 1 part methylene blue.
I have set up a Telegram channel - where I post new images from darkfield microscopy. If you would like to browse through new pictures in between, you are welcome to register.
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Fascinating information about the link between heavy metal toxicity, parasites and fungi.
Earlier this year my wife took a relatively high dose of ivermectin for an issue she had with a lymph node. After a couple of days, her eyesight degraded to a point that she said it was like looking through frosted glass. She also had a sensation like her eyes were constantly trying to refocus, like an autofocusing camera would do. Her intuitive feeling was that the nanotech structures in her eyes had been disrupted, and they were ‘freaking out’. She could see, even with her eyes closed, an overlay that was attempting to optimise the vision but could not.
Perhaps the ivermectin threw out the balance of the heavy metals and nanotech, along with the parasites & fungi trying to counteract it.
Hi Silvia!
Great pictures! The fibres video is astonishing.
Fungus are generally very difficult to get rid of, which is not a good news in itself. Could they be destroyed by the Laser cube?