Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by SAM

Fascinating information about the link between heavy metal toxicity, parasites and fungi.

Earlier this year my wife took a relatively high dose of ivermectin for an issue she had with a lymph node. After a couple of days, her eyesight degraded to a point that she said it was like looking through frosted glass. She also had a sensation like her eyes were constantly trying to refocus, like an autofocusing camera would do. Her intuitive feeling was that the nanotech structures in her eyes had been disrupted, and they were ‘freaking out’. She could see, even with her eyes closed, an overlay that was attempting to optimise the vision but could not.

Perhaps the ivermectin threw out the balance of the heavy metals and nanotech, along with the parasites & fungi trying to counteract it.

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Nice work, Silvia. Cheers, Rod

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Jun 17Liked by SAM

Hi Silvia!

Great pictures! The fibres video is astonishing.

Fungus are generally very difficult to get rid of, which is not a good news in itself. Could they be destroyed by the Laser cube?


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