If these are in the urine, we are endlessly peeing self-replicators that won’t be destroyed by sewage treating plants. The critters will end-up in our faucets, into the rivers, seas and rain drops. Everywhere!

We need a cure, as you wrote.

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This cannot be "normal?" Did this start after c-19 vaxx rolled out?

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Many of these processes could also be seen here and there in earlier years. See the information from the Carnicom Institute. They were dismissed as rare or peculiar and not examined further. Now that they are frequently found, they are attracting attention. For me, the earlier findings were test phases and as a normal practitioner, you didn't deal with them for long. But now, since the end of 2019 / beginning of 2020, it has been increasing rapidly and can no longer be explained away as a "microscope error".

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Thank you, Sam!!

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What about those of us who wanted to try urine therapy which can be very therapeutic. Does this mean we can't use our urine to heal ourselves?

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What is your equipment setup? Thanks!

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I use a German-made MADF 700 darkfield microscope with a KADF 8.3 S camera

https://dunkelfeld-mikroskope.de - the company's Mercedes... :-)))

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