The lymphatic system is supposed to detoxify the body, and as a result, tiny particles (exosomes) are discarded that still carry human DNA, and they show some uniformity depending on the type of toxins they are handling. Consequently, there will never be a shortage of new "viruses" that will incarcerate people or worse.


Sad as it is, it turns out that I am probably quite a bit synthetic by now. All my body needs it the trigger to make me sick or to put me out of my misery:


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Nice work. Is this 80-year old benefiting from your experimental laser treatment? Cheers, Rod

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

No - and I won't go there either - her condition is too critical. As long as it's still in an experimental state - I prefer to test it on myself and others who know what it's about and are in a much more stable state. Greetings

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SAM I have been seen many of the things you have presented here. I've even seen pearl like strings in urine. Also some track like images in urine that some electrical engineers said were motherboard images. I don't know if they were caused by torsion effects of dropping the cover glass on the slide or not.

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Since our bodies are 98 percent water ,maybe we could figure out how to cleanse this with living water. I don't know but we are in the times of noah and this is written. Uugh keep up the good work. Pray over your research ,I know you will figure this out.

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The Bible has instructions for humankind on how to handle synthetic biology SAM. If you have not recently read it, I encourage you to choose to. It itemizes foods to eat and not, what type of water to drink from and not share your well with others, intention with praying that alters your DNA to crucifix patterns and most importantly the benefits of living in the desert away from other biological brains. If you can't reside in a remote desert or Icelandic region (e.g. you are fortunate) then your better link up with 5G or 5G+ AI BCPS.

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Brandon you are very wise. I want to try what Sam is doing with the cube and and I've read your articles. Are you free of this technology through your methods?

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Every time I am around unhealthy people I get dosed with it again. If you are able to isolate and recover without being around unhealthy people or Tik Tokers then the methods utilized work. I

Thank you, but I am not that wise just persistent :)

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Lol ok so this is definitely a contagious weaponized warfare. It's in the bible before tribulation the times of Noah, when everything is mixed and not pure . End times

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