This woman also used a smaller triangle device dry with success: https://firemedic8.substack.com/p/gastrointestinal-synthetic-infestations

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Feb 19Author

that gives hope!

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Feb 19Liked by SAM


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Feb 19Liked by SAM

This is amazing work. Thank you so much!

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Feb 19Liked by SAM

Amazing! I have a Triangle, but I don't have an Anti-Nano Bucket. Do you think if I just use the Triangle dry that would be enough?

Also, any side effects?

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Feb 19Author

Our experiments here are still too young to say anything about longer applications. This is the current status - and unfortunately I can't say whether it will last - it's just a start. Side effects? Good question - but at the moment I'm grateful for anything that brings me progress, because the side effects of this synthetic technology have been much more pronounced so far. And when I look around, the stages of development and effects seem to vary somewhat from continent to continent. So - remember - always use at your own risk. And not everyone reacts in the same way. All the best

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I agree with this statement.

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Did you use the triangle every day?

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Feb 18Author

Yes - I use it every day for 15-20 minutes - in the "dry run", as described. So not in the bathtub :-)

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I'm glad to hear that dry runs with the Triangle are effective on our blood. I'll try your experiments with my Triangle to verify the results.

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Feb 19Author

Yes - and I can't wait to see what you find out!!!

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I'll add that what treatments we apply to our blood at a distance also apply to the blood within us... due to quantum entanglement. :)

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What a great concept to remind us of, Robin!

Even if one were to put our photograph, especially a Polaroid, in the triangle, it could theoretically be working all the time, via quantum entanglement. Kind of like radionics, etc.

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Yes. Exactly! Quantum entanglement via consciousness. I don't know enough about radionics, but I do know about quantum feedback devices. And I frequently have run "wireless" Indigo/SCIO sessions on people at a distance... and on farms at a distance... and on our own property. All were run of course with their verbal permission. I'm not even sure if the Triangle/Bucket needs to be plugged in, because the magnets and wiring itself creates the device's connection to The Field. I need to do more experiments to find out... and take the time to do them. I've got a lot on my plate right now. Just now recycling old unused 2011 CFL light bulbs. Studying AC & DC electrical fields and how humans interact safely with them. The learning never stops and there's only 24 hrs in the day.

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Great experiments girl! What a puzzle, not knowing what pieces fit where, a

Fluid untangling of the things that shouldn’t be in life forms. Thank you, and for posting the making of the triangle from Tonyp 💕. The daylight up where you live is expanding each day as well as the light you are shining on this puzzle- grateful I am.

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Feb 18Liked by SAM

Very encouraging results, thank you. I definitely feel better and sleep better when I do the triangle. I thought it had to be moved all over in order to counteract the adaptative trait of the nanotec. If I can just leave it on my lap and have good results that's great.

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Feb 22Liked by SAM

Thank you Sam great post ! Do you know where one can find an update video or post to the triangle with the flasher etc ? 🙏🏼

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Feb 22Author

Sorry - no - I currently only know the video on YouTube listed in the post.

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Feb 22Liked by SAM

Thanks for your reply Sam i know I had it somewhere but got lost in the multitude of saved links 😅thanks for your substack and sharing of experiences ! ❤️

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Try here?


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Thanks a ton for thinking et all Ancientheart❤️🙏🏼 this one is great for the bucket and fan but not for the triangle however , but , always good to have as many versions of each ! I think I heard on tonys substack few days ago now he's put in a metal plate ? Into the triangle now but have no idea where just at the moment .. thank you omce more and 🥰🥰

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by SAM

Here is a very interesting link about what we have talked earlier on today:


GGGGrrrreeetttings from chilly -22° C !

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Feb 20Author

LOL Where are you sitting on this globe?

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

North Eastern Canada. Yesterday, my home town was-32°c with winds factor…

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Feb 20Author

Not nice... - it was colder there than here - we are currently happy about minus 18°C.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Do you include wind factor? I’ve been told you had a few days with -50°C out there, sticky nostrils and eye lids times. :)))

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Feb 20Author

There is currently no wind here. We are also well protected between the mountains. Makes a difference too. I can see the frozen river directly from my study - husky sleds - snowmobiles - or nothing at all...

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Sam, what neck o the woods are you in, friend? :)

I'm in Western North Carolina near the Smoky Mountains. It's a toasty 50 degrees F here!

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I don’t know in which city Valkrie lived. She might be dead by now so I will never know about how long has lasted this extreme weather there.

From my balcony, I can only see a part of the St. Lawrence River. It used to be a winter playground before the increasingly maritime trafic kept it opened nearly all year long. No huskys or snowmobiles allowed now, only canoes.

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