Feb 12Liked by SAM

Correlation between 5G and Kovid. RF and rouleaux:


PDF https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2371/193545802

Angela Tsiang, Magda Havas

Trent School of the Environment

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by SAM


Stunning images and videos! All your posts are showing nanotech fundamental structures and processes I had not seen previously. I also like your deductions on what you see and how you communicate your observations to us in a simple and methodical way. Thank you so much!

Second video: Why would ‘’mini-bots’’ transport the hydrogel just besides the bigger blob? Would there a gel transformation process operated by these tiny light forms by doing so? Are they retrieving their yet non-activated fellows? There are

Third video: If he bubbles under the light change to drops when dissolving, do they reform as bubbles again? What is the upper blue Origami-like structure, an unfolding optic fibre?

First picture: Has the other crystal shape located below the black one evolved into a black one too?

Second pict.: In one of your post (https://sam368.substack.com/p/heinz-bodies-as-a-delivery-system), pictures #1, #3 and #4 have similar edges -first stage of this mushroom? Your reference to a fungal base membrane seems to apply to this mushroom too. You are definitely on the right track!

Last video: Some of the disappearing lights seem to be turned off and their shadow is still visible, while others seem to vanish completely. (See Dr. Nixon Can you Identify me? video of a similar process from a crystal, at 00:33)

May I suggest that reference numbers and date be added? It would make it easier to refer to your videos and pictures in our comments and valuable infos for your database. :)

Warm regards from freezing Québec, Canada.

P. S. You don’t have to answer my questions. I am sure you have many, many more… As an artist, I sometimes see things other discard. All one can do at the moment is trying to fit a piece in this life treathening puzzle that will have to be solved. :)

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Feb 10Author

Ok - so I can't answer everything in detail at the moment - then I won't be able to do my actual work anymore...

The nanobots that begin to transport hydrogel there - do this after I add methylene blue to the water - the structure begins to dissolve and these bots transport it exactly in the opposite direction to where the dissolution process takes place. This suggests some kind of intelligence - sounds strange - but cannot be dismissed out of hand.

Bubble activity can currently be observed in all liquids - it is some sort of chemical repeating reaction - something I have never been able to observe before.

And what this is all about - I have no idea. There are so many new structures that are emerging and without knowing whether they are developing specifically or through some kind of control from outside - we are swimming in complete ignorance here. At the moment I'm just trying to put my observations out there and maybe others can confirm or repeat them to see a pattern. My original intention was not to get into synthetic biology until you see this stuff on the slide and start looking for effective solutions to problems. Greetings from Lapland

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Feb 11Liked by SAM


Thanks for your reply. I do appreciate very much.

What escapes us should be interpreted by a particle physicist and/or a bioengineer. After all, aren’t they the ones who have elaborated this deadly junk?

Take heart and do not stop your tremendous work in helping humanity.

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after spinning the 10ml blood draw in a red top to extract the polymer and then putting that on a slide when nearly dry the same repeating bubbles are seen. the difference being those bubbles contained different colored bubbles inside. had me transfixed for hours and dont think i posted it as i see so much these days.

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