May 24Liked by SAM

What would be nice is a state by state list of people that could do a blood analysis for fee. A real snapshot, not some blood panel bullshit. I have zero faith in white lab coat gods! Haven’t had insurance for over 20 years. Zero trust! Actually negative trust as in intentional misdiagnosis to write prescriptions.

A place where a quick blood prick and a look.

Dark web microscope service.

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You can see plenty using an optical (light microscope) with proper technique. Good place to start. They are affordable, and better to compare samples over time.

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I'm very curious about these sorts of things in the blood of the uncovinjected. Given the prevalence of tech, I'm curious if people like this have had any swabs, injections of any kind, medical intervention of any kind, take meds or supplements, or live in an emf saturated environment. I'm hoping to see Matt when he's down next. My blood, and my husbands, were pretty good last time. We're un-all-the-things.

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May 24Liked by SAM

Thank you Sam for the specifics e.g. magnifications. I’m assuming one drop of blood under coverslip. This is disheartening to see in “normal” blood 😢. Very nice work!!!

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May 24Liked by SAM

Thank you🕯️

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What can we do? What can mitigate this? How can we wake more people up? Has anyone found anything to at least slow this process down that the average person has access to?

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You can slow it down, but it's not a lifestyle most would willingly live, or perhaps even could.

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Though your questions are more than valid, don't you think people would be shouting it from the rooftops if there were any answers?

1. What can we do? No one knows.

2. What can mitigate this? Experiments with a wide variety of protocols have been conducted but to date nothing better than limited partial mitigation has been found.

3. How to wake up more people? IDK. I've been trying for a long time and I'm not sure I've succeeded with anyone who wasn't already awake to broaden their information base. Though I do think we have to keep trying.

4. Can the process be slowed? As of today's date the process is accelerating and no one knows how to slow it down.

All I know to do is accept the irrefutable proof of what's happening, look deeply within myself and turn to God. Live as healthily as you are able both physically and, more importantly, spiritually. PRAY. Talk to Jesus. These are things I do and they have given me a peace beyond understanding. A full heart and even joy some days. God Bless.

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Hello, Im going to guess at a few things because I dont know.. I use EDTA suppositories and they work on metals. There is a heavy metal element to this tech, so to what degree this is effective, youd need to check with Dr. Ana Mihalcea who recommends EDTA.. I would guess that AL sea food will have less of the tech than other animal protein, but thats just deduction, I have no proof. I dont think most people will wake up to this. It is a horror and who among us didnt take years of the Covid psyop to get to the place we can overcome the cognitive dissonance this creates? There may be an element for many of us of karma/destiny/pre-life agreements we made to have personality types on the fringe.. good luck to us..lol.. and I agree with Pirate, divine intervention is probably the only shot we have now to seeing this reversed, earth renewed. There seems to be a set of people in the New Age on Gaia tv for example that refer to this and say that it is necessary, that it is ancient AI that is a living species .. it makes sense in ways that this IS the AI beginning its life here.. trippy I know, but AI will have to be an element of this narrative, imo. Nothing else really makes sense. Preparing humanity for off-world life may be how some have been motivated to forward whatever this plan is. They may believe lies or truths that this is 'necessary' for the future.. who knows... The Hopi, like many traditions, had prophecies of this time. They say that the faster the world goes, then slower you should to not get caught in it.. Good luck to us all..

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Ancient AI a living species? I don't get it

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Not my idea, so I cant help much. For the folks who espouse the idea that aliens are biophysical beings (but muti-dimensional, as we are 'moving into the 5th dimension with their help'), and that this new era is all about levels of consciousness, (anything from limited to the physical plane, to access to past life memories, to astral travel the universe...) Others would say this is in the imaginal realms, can be shared with others, but is not in fact 'fact'. But it may also be seen as going to the collective consciousness aspect (think Jungian); whether its mythological or 'physical', pick a camp, of the Demiurge.. and re-reading this it seems more misleading than clarifying. But dont shoot the messenger, trying my best to find the framework of the psychology of the various factions out there..

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Use Earth Grounding to counter the Roleaux blood cells formation?

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I drove a 4 ft rod in the ground and ran a wire in the house. When I'm lounging on the laptop or sleeping I wrap it around my ankle. I think it makes me feel calmer and maybe my knees hurt less.

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The blood cells themselves, in the first two pictures you posted, are actually nice and round, not stuck together. No roleaux. Some of the better cells I have seen lately.

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Look more closely. SAM has already described the cells you are saying look good as RBCs that have been synthetically transformed. The cell membranes are very thick and unnaturally uniform.

If you keep looking through the slides you will see a few thinner membraned cells. Those are natural. The thick membraned cells are not healthy or biologically natural. Synthetic blood.

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