If EMF/HAARP is the problem, Scalar waves/field generators will be the solution. Someone on one of the substacks recommended one such product as the solution for deactivating graphene oxide. Which brings me to a post I made earlier about the incredible fact that almost no one on the Substacks never ever mentions it any more. And the scientist who first warned us of it lost his life because of that. That particle which seemed to be present in vaccines, and possibly in chemtrails, with its electromagnetic properties is probably still at the basis of much of the trouble, so Scalar should be useful with that too.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

I see it the same way. The problem is that it is a technology that is completely suppressed and we understand little about it. And this network spans the entire earth. You mean the German Dr. Andreas Nowak? https://www.bitchute.com/video/tglc9qQs4KeX/

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Question is what type of scalar build and how to make it properly. Most of the devices shown may have some "scalar" effect... But which. And spending 1k plus on these scam devices just to see if it works or not to buffer/shield/or demobilise SynBio.. seems we will have to learn and build it ourselves or purchase around and study into these units which most don't share the details of the builds. I think your refering to the Blue shield unit. I've seen many on substack recommend that including saying it will break the link to the SynBio/Graphene broadcasting/signal lock.

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Jai, I want to see the BluShield in situ with a blood or saliva sample to see the results. We have a new microscopist here in town whom I plan on getting together with. They are very few and far between, and tend to get targeted if they openly advertise, so I'm totally stoked!

I have the original house BluShield cube and one of the lower end portable Pi shields. You and Limon (@SIMEONDAMEVSKI) have inspired me to now take both with me as we examine my blood! Will keep everyone posted!

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Not sure whose substack it was, but YES, the Cube 1 by Blue Shield was the offered solution. If I lived in the US I would buy it and try it. And probably will anyway. I also know that Ken

Rohla makes two scalar devices - for the home (approx. $400) and I larger one for the entire property (covering a very large radius). The latter is about $1600. The smaller one is of no interest to me since it emits alfa brain waves, from what I understood, and I do not like to interfere with the natural functioning of my body. But the latter seems much stronger per te description and I'd love to try it. It dose weigh 20+ lbs though and it makes it almost impossible (very expensive and possibly difficult to import) in my country.

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Did you know that Ken was basically forced to retire? He has shut down his business entirely, due to constant threats to he and his family (which meant he was totally over the target of course), and he said that AI has so throttled movement to his web store, like many others, that their income and livelihood have been drastically reduced. He's actually okay, and kind of glad to not be working 100 hour weeks!

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Jai, the BluShield fellow is Shawn Paul Melville. I’ve got an original full house cube and basic portable device. I think it works to generate what he calls a scalar torus.

Ken did a video recently and was saying his life was threatened by likely govt types (my assessment) for selling the whole house/land shield, which Ken said is basically several of his pyramidal orgone “rest shields” generators in one.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard that folks who make truly stellar and strong orgone generation devices tend to attract the “black helicopters”. Likely due to the huge healing scalar fields being emitted? We can’t have that now, can we?

I’d love to dissect Ken’s rest shield, which I have, and hopefully reverse engineer the house land shield!

So they threatened to kill him and he stopped selling them. You may be able to special order one though!

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Hi Ancient Heart, thank you for the info. One of the problems I have noticed with manufacturers of such tech is that the prices at which they offer their devices (although not terribly high) make it sell slowly. Thus, it does not spread fast enough to overwhelm the bad guys in a manner they can't stop. For if it did, there would be not enough black helicopters to control it all. If I were him, at this point I would give it away, make the diagrams freely available, like Tony Pantalleresco does. Otherwise, if they take hi out, the bad guys win, the good guys lose. But, I can also understand totally his view too, as he has put time, money and thought into devising and building his devices. My think is: what is the greatest good for the greatest number. And spread it fast. Anyways, I am sure there is a reason why they threatened him, and it makes me trust his device more. As for the Cube 1, if you get your hand on it, I would love to hear your opinion and experience. Finally, I recently bought a P90 Teraherz device (by Olylife). It was before I stumbled upon the Subtsacks. I got worried about the effects it may have on my blood after I read the research by Karl and David Nixon on the effect of Rife devices on the self-assembling nano. The lady who sold it to me claimed that a doctor who has the same device and does dark field microscopy saw no ill effects o the blood after P90 treatments. I would love to hear what someone else who is not associated with the company in any way has to say about it after some research. So please let me know if you hear of it. Wishing you a great weekend!

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/EMF so forth. But they are also using scalar interferometry. Aswell as ELF. And most likely are billion $ builds and infrastructure. But if we find the proper units to build and apply them properly. Shouldn't be too much. Imagine figuring out a "Tesla shield" type technique...

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EMR is most definitely the fuel that feeds the assault for sure, Here is a look at antennas in Norfolk Va a lone - 235 towers and 953 antennas within a 3.0 mile radius: https://www.antennasearch.com/HTML/search/search.php?address=Norfolk+

And so called weather radar systems: https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=continental-conus-comp_radar-200-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined

We are surrounded by a complementary interoperable antenna array radiation factories

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I would add 'reduced' to your sentence, i was a bit confused for a sec....'This also suggests that it is possible to produce deuterium water ourselves.' Thanks so for this info, I am in Portland, you can hardly walk a block and not find rosemary, its everywhere.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

:-))) Done!

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Thanks, Sylvia. Good stuff. Cheers, Rod

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We are finding out that many we trusted are not on our side. Dr. Klinghardt was recommending drinking silica water.

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RemovedMay 24
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Silica is on a nano scale, a nano metal that makes you more susceptible to nanobiotech synthetic biology. It is also a conductor and toxic., used as an insecticide.

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These HAARP installations need to be removed!

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Animal fat is naturally deuterium depleted, especially grass-fed.

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Yes, I feel it burning my skin every day. There also appears to be a link to elevation and humidity, (just my findings).

Interesting this week with many of the substack's I bookmark, there has been a shift slightly away from blood analysis at the same time? May be nothing in it, and some might argue blood examination needs a break, I don't know. HAARP influence, once again I don't know, this is just where I operate from, just a curious introvert.

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What do you think of the John Ellis water generator. Supposedly can create DDW. Through the technique of distillation it goes through. Pricy tho. But not as much as buying DDW.

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