HMMM? No activity for the Dots without 'food' - energy electric, or light- will they, do they dance again when a 'food' source in re-introduced? fresh blood, RF's or light?

Still so many unanswered things going on.

I like your creative experimenting! Thank you.

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Yes, indeed! I too like very much their approach. :)

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Great experiment here Sam, clearly demonstrating that the activity we are seeing is not organic in nature. I’ll be testing this out on the next blood sample I procure, kudos.

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I know you are right about their need for an energy source, but it seems from my experiences, it is their communication between one another that is absolutely crucial for them to stay "alive",

When I have cleared an area of organisms sometimes one will be left behind undetected by me. Over the course of time I see it rising to the surface in a raised white dot. I can then pull it out by sticking tweezers in deeply and it will literally "pop" out. Even making an audible popping noise. These "left behinds" are extremely hard and white almost like bone fragments. And while they had access to my blood and flesh as a potential energy source, they were separated from any other organisms of their kind and without the others regardless of resources, they die. These "bone-like" dead ones are no longer connected to anything with the spider web structures the live ones always have.

If a way can be found to disconnect them, basically unplugging them from one another, perhaps they will all die? There have been instances where several dead ones are in somewhat close proximity to one another but have no spider web cabling between them and I have to assume this is why they died, since sometimes "living" groups are left behind as well and they live on as long as the cabling is intact.

The difference between the ones you show and the ones on the surface of my body is the visible spider web cabling. Perhaps the ones in the bloodstream have "wifi" connection between each other but when they come to the surface they have to be "hardwired" to one another? How is a wifi connection disrupted?

Perhaps this is why sodium citrate is effective for some people when taken internally? The sodium citrate disrupts the "wifi" connection?

Thank you for your work. God Bless.

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Yes, we have to learn to understand this mechanism of communication. And I've already observed that they become colorless when they're not working. They become white. But what triggers it? I hope we can find out too.

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The external body environment I assume contaminated and difficult to impossible to shield or isolate and will continue to feed the imbedded technology. Be it aerosolized metals or polymeric or EMF.

I see several potential countermeasure approaches. The QDs and hydrogels are encapsulated. Identify the encapsulation and degrade it. The organelles have some sort of substructure or lattice. Degrade that. Although QDs are photonic they rely on communicating for initiation and/ or instruction (stimulated by light and/or other frequency). Disrupt that locally with light or frequency. I also think environmental electrical state is involved especially with cellular interaction. This is probably why sodium citrate is effective. It disrupts the charge state in the plasma and cells. All these approaches can be experimentally validated with tools available to us peons.

Great work btw.

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Thanks! Good comment! I've had my eye on the grid structure for a long time - I've only published a bit of something about it. Unfortunately, it is a fact that we are constantly recharging from the entire environment. The envelopment of the quantum dots is an interesting idea but obvious, since most of the technology I have observed always camouflages itself in the body's own substances, nests itself or even uses them as a protective mechanism against our own immune system. My current approach in connection with all the points you mentioned was definitely to disrupt the communication between the individual components. This currently seems to be the best starting point to cause a disruption or a slowdown in the process. Thanks again for the thoughtful comment!!! Greetings

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Hi Sylvia!

Colourless being transparent, is white opaque?

It would be interesting to know what are QDs’ documented flaws or what are the energy overload minimum/maximum the dots will stand? Is there a type/colour/frequency of QD that would short-circuit all the others at this scale or a kind of snooker QD destroyer?


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I haven't seen it yet. The colors I see are yellow, green, red and whitish when almost inactive. In the sample with the non-dying blood cells, they turn light blue. The others are also still present, partially inactive and now light blue dots are coming out of the remodeled leukocytes that eject this black mass.

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Yes, we see quantum dots of all these colours too, each of them having its speed/wavelenght/frequency (sound?). They sure are magneto-electrical light excited objects.

I wonder what would show live blood analysis, before and after, from a defibrillated victim of a heart attack or after one having been given electroshocks.

From what I’ve observed, the big orange QDs are the ones giving the orders to others. It would be interesting to watch where these light blue ones are heading to after escaping the remodelled leukocytes…

So many questions…

Take care!

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In any case, they start to flash around in the plasma. If you can call it plasma at all. It doesn't dry out. This should actually be the case after four weeks. And so far, only this sample shows a disproportionate number of light blue dots.

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Thank you for your work on this. Informative, yet alarming.

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It's Morgellons, not morogellons.

Interesting work ❤️

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I'm German - I'm already happy when the translator doesn't produce a complete language salad...

Updated... you are right...

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Use Deepl.com Very accurate. Worth it!

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