Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by SAM

This makes me wonder what existed in our blood BEFORE we started looking for nano tech. If thought creates, then how do we know currently seen nano tech and nano particles didn't exist 50-100 yrs ago? We don't. What I do know is that we keep repeating our long range history and polluting our environment over and over again. We're not very good at changing our behavior.

Human beings have been acting like they are God since the Garden of Eden.

Remote viewing also applies to time travel. Both the past and the future are in the present moment. How does one differentiate between time frames? I'm not being a smart ass by asking these questions. Because I want to know the answers! Any hints?

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Sep 20Author

Your access data for the website has also been sent to you!

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I don't understand what you mean. I can read your website from the outside, but the contents are locked behind another pay wall... including Substack articles that are locked here... like Pegasus & Medusa - Nanotechnology, which I expected to have access.

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Sep 24Author

See PM

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

You have to log in to my page with the access data that I sent you – it was sent to you in a separate email.

Pegasus & Medusa is an extra target. Everything under NEWS is for paid subscribers only – so the future targets and the extra targets – and for founders, in addition, the mystery targets.

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Sep 20Author

The timelines are an interesting question – for me, a timeline in which I or the respective viewer who shares my timeline with me does not change – neither in the past nor in the future.

It is only when changes occur in our thinking or behavior that we begin to change a timeline – they do not change by themselves. Thus, with my current consciousness, I can only see the timeline that corresponds to my current state. If I change – or am in the process of changing, possible other timelines emerge. The same applies to the collective of humanity. And the way I see it – we as a human collective see two lines opening up before a splitting within the possibilities – but whether you take one of them personally – depends entirely on each person.

That's how I would explain it... Hope it helps.

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