So, you're proposing the synthetic blood cells (like those that Carnicom observed) break down at an exponentially slower rate than organic blood cells? I'm beginning to think all the "microplastic" news stories from several years ago were planted to justify hydrogel plastics.

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All I can say is that whatever these cells are made of is not starting to decay. Normally, after 5 days at the latest - if the blood is completely healthy, significant decay should have started. We are currently seeing significant decay rates and even complete desertification after just 12 hours. That's why I'm currently faced with a puzzle (once again). I will continue to monitor this sample and see when decay begins - if at all.

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Hi Silvia!

BTW, embalmer Richard Hirschman had one of these rubber clot found inside deceased injected individuals examined by a lab with a stain called Thioflavin-T, which is used to identify Amyloid, and it tested positive…

Could the same material be what surrounds these artificial non-dying cells?


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I feel the same, and there are more of those stories out recently.

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Interesting theory!

I can’t remember exactly who has coined the term “Zombie blood” for the first time -Dr Maria Zee?-, but it would be quite appropriate.

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Had to look again and again at the movement in response to the filters. Does the same happen when switching between light field and dark field?

The age of the sample is amazing that there is any movement and clarity of the RBC! Hypothetically now synthetic RBC? So many unknowns.

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The same thing happens when the light intensity of the microscope lamp is reduced. Only then will you touch the microscope and could possibly distort the result. I just wanted to additionally see if it caused other reactions at different wavelengths. But the differences are not big enough for that.

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Thanks for the clarity, no possibility of jostling the image with the filters as your vid showed. Such a curious noticing you’ve made here. Ana has good post this AM. All helpful pieces of this invasive puzzle.

Thanks 😘

https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/hydrogel-platform-enables-versatile utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=141331154&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=3qwdt&utm_medium=email

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Yes, it is simply stunning.

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Incredible, but sadly true, SAM!

Dr. Jane Ruby had also reported nano activity in the blood of the deceased people, even 8 months after their death.

This gives us a glimpse of the “forever” nanotech persistence inside of us and in our environment.


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Something I've noticed (that is a weird blessing...) is none of the lesions where this stuff comes out of me get infected. Ever. The largest being about 3 in or 7.6 cm x 4 in or 10.1 cm open wound with no skin covering it on my forearm that took about 5 months to finally heal. I use no antibiotic, etc. and only wrap a cotton cloth over the wound on occasion as they are even more painful when treated with antibiotics or covered. So they are open to all kinds of contaminants. Yet never get infected. I do spread coconut oil on them.

Maybe this has something to do with the synthetic RBCs not deteriorating since nothing natural seems capable of altering them?

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Where you write: "Blood from the same test subject at a later date. Here you can see normal blood cells as well as these abnormal cells with their thickened walls.", do you mean the same patient's blood from the same blood draw but after a different elapsed length of time or the same patient but a different blood draw? If the latter, how much time elapsed from drawing the blood to performing the LBA?

In one of the videos at the top, I thought I saw what Clifford Carnicom has described as CDB's inside the rbc's. It appeared that there were two round coccus-shaped structures inside the red cell. Did you see that?

These are fascinating pictures and videos. In the videos where you tried multiple different filters, what do you think the large object was that was positioned from roughly the 7 o'clock position to the 1 o'clock position?

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This is the same client - blood sample taken in mid-January and the second sample taken today.

The first blood sample only contained these strange blood cells. Today's blood cells are almost exclusively normal, with the exception of a few "abnormal" ones.

And in the cells you can see structures or points that don't actually belong there. In some cases, these can also be other producing cells.

In the post the third picture from the bottom


- is the same structure as in the filter videos.

According to Enderlein, these are drepanites - protein discs. They are considered a symptom of chronic conditions. I chose this section so that I could get a reference point to the movement of the erythrocytes.

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So, I propose a solution to this conundrum, based upon reverse engineering a failed "neuroweapon" hit job in New Orleans, LA USA in 2022.

The synthetic biology in your body integrated into your visual cortex is adjusting your perception of reality through an AI BCPS. You saw abnormal blood cells, (observation: quantum from persom), this shook your perception of reality. Therefore the AI BCPS updated your next sample's perception of reality to not shake your perception of reality. Nemetic (mesogen) based crystals in your body, when combined with graphenes, self-replicating nanotechnology and quantum dots enable this sort of (perception of reality management). We live in a time where the field of energetics (bioenergetics) is pervasive, due to synthetic biology and self-replicating nanotechnology along with neurotechnology all around us. Please do kindly feel free to read-up on our team's blog posts. This tech can be used for good or nefarious purposes. We were spied on by it. It can even emulate wifi SSIDs and protocol stack to do a data-in-the-flow intercept.

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That’s incredible. Thats epistemological threat. In my limited exposure to these topics I’ve only heard Terral03 allude to something similar and that it could be why the researchers often have different images on their slides and why they draw different conclusions which adds to the confusion/doubts around the evidence and tech itself. Unfortunately he he always avoids getting into this topic saying it’s too overwhelming for most people (which only piques my curiosity further…).

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Yep, there are several other methods to obfuscate what you saw. One simple method is for an AI to change out the photograph if the smart device is cloud connected, it can do this via data-in-the-flow intercept methods, which are spelled out line by line here with retransmission tcp/ip protocol stack wireshark packet inspection confirming the wetware retransmission doing an intercept to alter the data. This time it was busted on someone filing their taxes: https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-cybersecurity-102-synthetic

Please make sure that everyone uses hardwired ethernet internet connections these days, wireless with this wetware junk deployed by ChinaCCP coalition is just too insecure.

Please spread the word, word-of-mouth, is how people learn these days. Print out that publication as it is bonafide confirmation of wetware in the middle intercepting a citizen filing their taxes, which is an attack on the US government IRS... who would want to do this? ChinaCCP technocommunists.

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Feb 5, 2024Edited
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You can untether, it is called being "on-the-loop" and not "in-the-loop"

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Tell us how please 🙏

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A couple weeks ago I read an article in Spanish linked by La Quinta Columna by a doctor in Central America who estimatres only 2% of the red blood cells he’s observing are non-synthetic.

It really stuck with me lately and now seeing your post showing how one sample had only synthetic rbc’s is just really curious (can’t think of an adjective that fits lol).

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Thanks for the information that this is still being observed by several people around the world.

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Do you have a link to this information - I would like to take a closer look at it...

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I found the article, it was posted on Twitter.

This is the part where I thought he meant synthetic blood, though he doesn’t use that word explicitly (my bad), in my estimation it’s safe to say it’s not “natural”. I copy pasted my post + translation from X:

“Hay personas que tienen solo entre un 1 y un 2 por ciento de sangre normal. No podrian estar vivos”, dice Stokes. “Si lo están, tenemos que deducir que han mutado y están creando una vía alterna de vida”. -Dr. Stokes


“There are people who have only 1 to 2 percent normal blood. "They couldn't be alive," says Stokes. “If they are, we have to deduce that they have mutated and are creating an alternative path of life.” -Dr. stokes


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Excellent! Yes, I translated it for myself. The first two pictures in the article are new to me - we've seen the rest often enough. 1-2 percent unnatural blood in individual people, whereby he probably means the role formation that swims around in the gel - interesting to see the whole thing in the bright field. And again you notice - people stay alive for a long time - even if the blood is changed so much. Thanks for looking up the article!

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Mar 10
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Ah - thanks - that sounds a bit different then.

I'm just going to assume that there is a solution - and we just don't know it yet. We live in somewhat strange times - but that's how you're forced to evolve :-)))

Greetings from Lapland, which has been sunny since the start of the maneuver

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As science is way under the femtometer and tempering at sub-atomic levels, a lot escapes our understanding of the processes involved. However, the blend of plant-like -fungus?- and nanotech is horrifying. Will human beings ever be the same?

Warm hugs!

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Hi Sam, Are you seeing white cells grouped together on the edge of the slide that do not decay either?


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You mean the larger cells, in different sizes? I can't say exactly what they are. But they form over time and remain. At the moment I can only find them on slides that have been here for a longer period of time - several weeks.

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Sam look at my May 23 substack. These white cells that form on the edge of the slide with strange arrangement configurations. I have a blood slide 3 months old and they do not degrade. RR

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Hello Richard

what kind of microscope do you have?

I wouldn't necessarily consider it to be leukocytes. That's something else. It reminds me a lot of the individual building blocks - as I call them - that I can find in the blood after days, which keep multiplying.

Structurally, it looks similar to this post here: https://sam368.substack.com/p/how-can-headless-quantum-dots-replicate is a bit older. I have no idea what they are for. There are so many phenomena that you can hardly keep up. But they occur when the specimen is on the slide for a longer period of time and begins to cool down - that's when you can see them best.

Best wishes


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Hi Sam, yes on the slide for a long period of time. There not normal leukocytes those last very little time. If you look at my two substacks where I talk about each picture IMHO a posibility they are a new evolutive leukocytes white blood cells that have adapted to attack Nano Technology that does not go aqway but increases and multiplies. Thats a wild assumption I hope is correct. If you read what my lab assistant AI=Artificial Intellegence TT says all about this. Our inmune system when it finds new invaders confronts the enemy in various ways. I been cooperating with Cristina substack she sees the same. There are pictures where now in the center of the slide there appears groups of them attacking what I called Asteroid Chuncks=Polymers? I claim nothing but what I think I see. Your more advanced than I with a microscope. It would be cool to catch this on a video. My microscope is a SWIFT SW 380T 40X 2500X Trinocular with 10Mb camera. I can take videos but I am learning first with pics.RR

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Sam look at the pic of my substack June 1. That I only seen once... I agree frequencies must have created it. RR

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Thanks! Yes - irregularities at Substack - since this weekend... I have various hydrogels - which react completely oppositely - under the microscope right now - the stuff is learning - the blue-red pictures also say a lot. It's kind of schizophrenic that we're looking for solutions here under the supervision of an AI - and at the same time providing them with everything. - Hope you are doing well! Greetings

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SAM your second video looks like a picture I shared with Rebecca a few nights ago. I'll post it again and see what you think.

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Ok - you mean the shape of the cells. To see exactly what kind of cells these are - can you pick them up and see how long they live or how long they keep their shape? Then you can say more - it's a bit difficult just from a picture.

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SAM I let my slides sit for days sometimes weeks to look for changes. Often I see microtubules growing out of drying blood pools and what I think are graphene ribbons unfolding.

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Do you have a picture of it?

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Yes I have many pictures of it. How do I put them in a reply directly to you?

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I'm a Medical Technologist so I spent a great deal of time looking at blood. but slides, not live blood. These look like fish eggs not RBCs. Have you made a slide? On the video - they also appeared like they may be nucleated as it kind of zoomed in and out/changed light source. You could tell for sure if you made a slide.

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Mar 7Edited

This is a preparation for live blood analysis. Magnification 1000x. The nuclei are the moving dots.

I realize that these cells don't look like blood cells - but they are. The synthetic ones have a thicker wall and all look perfectly round. After the blood sample is taken, they have a red color which then fades over the weeks. But the shape does not change.

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I'm sorry - I didn't word my message very well back when I wrote it. I know these are the (current) live blood cells. You wouldn't get that from my poorly worded reply. I was simply observing that the new RBC's now look like fish eggs. How terrifying!

To someone who has looked at tons of blood - it is obvious that these are synthetic now.

When I was talking about how they also looked nucleated - I brought this up because normal mature RBCs are NOT nucleated. I am wondering it they have genetically been able to mess this up also.

Again - I'm sorry for such a poorly written response. My brain just doesn't work as well as it did prior to the attack on humanity.

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Everything is fine. You don't have to apologize for anything.

Best regards

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From the first never-dying slide content, it would be interesting to identify one resistant RBC and focus on its further development into a wide walled cell (WWC?).

Maybe the reason why the QDs constantly attack the RBCs membrane, also made of gel, is to insert/force into them more nanotech gel containing startups for QDs reproduction?

Under the microscope’s plain white light, the QDs movements are that of our Canadian black flies swarms trying to eat the most of us and our sandwiches, driving anyone crazy.

Now I know fully understand why our RBCs are stressed. :)))

Warm regards.

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As I have observed so far, the red blood cell count is attacked from the outside to release building materials for the wall structure of synthetic erythrocytes. The dots continue to build the walls of the new cells from the inside - that's my theory and current observations. I'm not quite through with the process here yet - it just takes time to sift through enough material to draw any conclusions. As I said - my current theory.

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