The question of whether the moving dots in the blood are quantum dots, qbits or stomatids is relatively easy to answer.
If you take a closer look at how qbits work, you can find the process in the blood.
But first pictures and Video of the blood:
In the following video, ring structures can be seen within the cells that look like leukocytes, on which these dots move around. Mostly in two colors - red and green. One Dot or one qbit on each ring.
It is best seen in fullscreen. Magnification 1000x with oil objective.
Here is the same, only when building a rectangular structure. Also 1000x magnification.
And then we look at the qubits, or rather their definition, and how they are controlled:
What is a qbit?
The qubit is the smallest computing and information unit of a quantum computer. It is based on the laws of quantum mechanics. In contrast to a conventional bit, it can assume several states simultaneously. It only decides on a specific state when it is measured. Quantum computers achieve high computing power with just a few qubits.
A normal computer knows the states 0 and 1.
A qbit has a third state, 0 + 1 simultaneously, the superposition. You could also say that the qbit has not yet decided which state it will enter - 0 or 1.
The control is carried out via a so-called unit circuit.
Qbits that are inside or outside the circle are in the superposition, i.e. in 0 and 1 at the same time.
A qbit that has "locked" onto the circle receives its programming via the position on the circular ring - either 1 or 0.
As long as the qbit is on the circle, a programmed process runs. When it is used up, it stops. This is exactly what we can observe under the dark field microscope.
How reading and writing qbits works:
If you have seen it, you will notice that a magnetic field is necessary to determine the programming of a qbit.
If this magnetic field is disturbed, no meaningful build-up process of synthetic biology can take place in our body. It is now clear why Tony's self-made devices - such as the Triangle or the magnetic field vortex - work.
They interfere with the switching of the qbits.
At the end of this post you can see the magnetic field vortex and a link to the building instructions.
The function of a quantum computer simply explained in combination with the magnetic field:
Taken together, it becomes clear that the rings with the dots on them are a control unit for quantum processes. As soon as a qbit comes out of its superposition, I don't want to leave it to chance whether it becomes 0 or 1. That should be determinable. The rings or unit circles are responsible for this.
There are technical units in our body that are controlled by quantum processes and must be connected to a quantum computer in order to generate meaningful action.
The construction of a collectively controlled consciousness like a beehive.
An urgent question that arises from this:
Is a person who makes decisions and has this technology in their blood still able to distinguish who is making these decisions? Man or machine?
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Adding to your discussion:double slit experiment (experience). Our conscious perception is just that. If altered at quantum level before preceptors(receptors)become our organic thoughts then the process has achieved control internally (our body, a biofield of magnetism). The connection from external to give it direction (command) awaits!
Thank you for your post and work! We are experimenting with biomagnetism to disrupt the magnetic bonds of these mechanisms. Any experiments with working with biomagnetism and having success?