Adding to your discussion:double slit experiment (experience). Our conscious perception is just that. If altered at quantum level before preceptors(receptors)become our organic thoughts then the process has achieved control internally (our body, a biofield of magnetism). The connection from external to give it direction (command) awaits!

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…has already been happening, no waiting for anyone, but for how long now? I’ve been aware since 1990’s while on active duty and the release of the internet, but sill not sure of the date the breakthrough occurred by the DOD; government and civilian contractors compartmentalized within various universities/labs. I only know that manmade Plandemics, therefore the excuse to “mandate” the (militarized) Vaxx to install these systems and other lab experiments has been evolving since 1958.

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Thank you for your post and work! We are experimenting with biomagnetism to disrupt the magnetic bonds of these mechanisms. Any experiments with working with biomagnetism and having success?

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Yes - but it's too long to explain here. I haven't gotten around to writing a post about it yet either.

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Dr. Garcia from New jersey is an expert Biomagnetism practitioner.

maybe he can be of assistance.


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Could you share if it works, or not based on your experiments?

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Coming as soon as I can get an overview of everything here.

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Sam you should give me a shout and maybe have a zoom chat with David and I. I like your keenness and adore it in ways. But some of your interpretations are not in line. With the technologies we have identified. Green lasers and light waves are not doing as you believe, and I would like to (share) with anyone who wants to be scientific and get the right results. Clifford carnicom spoke to us and we all agree that enzymes are the answer to breaking bonds. I hope we can share so that the public can have better informed solutions. Lots of love!

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I'll write to you by e-mail. It may well be that we arrive at different results due to different approaches. And that enzymes are another way is also possible. see you later

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Karl, I could be mistaken after reading,Clifford Carnicom’s latest article, but I thought he alluded to the possibility that there could be a number of avenues to ultimately reach the same end goal of defeating the nano technology. Yes or no?

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Which enzymes Karl? Will this be shared soon?

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My goodness! This makes sense to me. Brilliant! I think you’ve found a key key here - the cubit systems have been deployed, as of a few years ago, very expensive- and the numbers of them in use has grown tremendously since the first 400 of them/ per the IBM annual report from 2021.

So… altering the magnetic fields sort of scatters the messages?

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Something like that, I assume. That doesn't mean the stuff is out of the body yet - but it's a step further. I can only talk about our blood counts - and they are improving. The fog in my head is clearing and I finally have more energy again. Of course, we are still in the test phase and we all know that the blood counts are constantly changing and new components seem to be appearing.

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Working theory! I have to temper my enthusiasm. Gratefully ❤️

Looks to be a big connection though - linking the dot’s activity to the Cubit system activity.

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I will dare propose a hopeful concept here, which may seem strange to people who are materially inclined (as are the scientists who came up with this technological weapon for sure), because I think it would be good to know all the options we have at our disposal to overcome it. Namely, let's just assume for a moment that Homo Sapiens is a composite of 3 parts. First and foremost would be the human spirit (we still call it like that) - an immaterial "being" which has been bombarded with materialistic concepts for the past 200 years in this modern world we live in to achieve exactly that, to forget who it is really. But, what if the real truth has been preserved to date in the language it (we) still uses. Namely, we still refer to things as the body or its parts as their proper owners, calling them my body, my brain, my blood, exactly the same as we refer to the other objects we own, like our cars, houses, etc.. The second part would be the spiritual being's mind - which would be a recording of everything that takes place around us (including our perceptions, thoughts and feelings) in every single moment of our existence (so that we can use them for future calculations), plus all the mechanisms the being has devised, all in order to aid "it's" better survival in the future. Last of the tree would be the body it (the spiritual being) occupies at any given moment. Now, as it is the being that does the thinking and decision making (by using it's mind), and the body is used only to execute those decisions in the material world, whatever happens in the body as a result of the weaponized tech present in it affects the body processes only (causing pain, malfunction of a system or systems, tiredness or changes in the glandular system which can cause certain urges for the body). Now, having said that, while these changes do not affect the thought processes of the being directly, the sensations created in the body by the mentioned technology can affect it adversely by having it experience the unpleasant symptoms of the illness, the pain, tiredness and/or the various sensations which could be causes different hormones). In addition to this, the thought processes of the spiritual being can also be affected because of the existence of the mentioned tech, but only indirectly. Namely, memories of past events with similar sensations which have been stored in the beings mind, can be triggered (activated) by the current sensations caused by this tech. And, because those past memories (which usually operate under the surface of the beings awareness) also contain perceptions, emotions and thoughts from past times, those old recordings of perceptions, thoughts and emotions can interfere, confuse and affect its thinking process in the present. However, the past experiences, emotions and decisions of each being are very personal and unique to them, so while the thinking process of each being in the present can be affected by them, it can not be controlled by the Quantum Computer in the suggested and possibly the intended manner the designers of this tech may be hoping for. In any case, deactivating and cleaning up the toxic load in our current bodies and environment would help two fold - 1) bring back a state of better physical health to the body (and thus free the being from the non-optimum physical symptoms of illness), and 2) it would also prevent the possible activation of similar past incidents in the mind which could be caused by this weaponized tech, and which could then create a confusion in the current thinking process. But, the actual cleaning up of all of the "garbage" from the past (all of the painful past memories sitting in the mind) would definitely be the way to eliminate any possibility of messing up with the thinking process of the spiritual being in the present, as a result of this or any other evil technology targeting the human body.

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Good thoughts & speculations. Let me add that any consideration of the human should not disregard the many spiritual texts from the East which posit man as a four-fold living entity or Being comprised of a mental body, emotional body, physical body, & etheric body. Each one of these is viewed as a powerful force in nature. The energies of one necessarily affect the energies of the others. That which is the least known or recognized by the everyday man on the street & which is the least understood & studied by the scientists is the etheric body which forms our magnetic biofield or aura which is a actual manifestation of our Soul & hence, a divine link to God.

Sam’s recent statement in a previous article highlighted a major conceptual shift. Science has deemed the human body exclusively as a biological unit. Yet in reality, it is probably more accurate to say that it’s an ELECTRICAL unit & that electricity (in it’s many diverse forms) fundamentally underlies all biological & chemical processes in the body.


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And as that is the realm where the scientists who created this weapon seem to operate at this time in order to service the psychotic enemies of mankind who hire them, I would not be surprised that it's solution (antidote) will also be found in that realm.

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Yesssss, Limon! This is so true.

Wise solutionists would be thinking like the Enemy, who in my personal opinion, are not of the Earthly Realm. They are the Dark Overlords of the human Nefarium cabal who are perpetrating the atrocities against Soul & love/heart-based humanity.

I honestly feel that a quantum/scalar/bioenergetic solution will win the day, because that is the realm from which the Perps are acting on behalf of their Dark Overlords.

Sam (Silvia) with her amazing mind and deductive skills, is working on a solution which, in my personal opinion, is getting pretty darn close to accessing that realm. And seeing good results!

Together, we will crowdsource a successful solution. :)

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Hello Limon.

You are a wonderful thinker with amazing insights to share here. Please allow me to offer a bit of constructive advice from one who reads a lot of dense educational material.

If you were to break up your writing into smaller paragraphs, it would be easier to grok the amazing concepts you’re sharing!

As you have it now in one very long block of words, my mind gets blown out without having the visual "rest" of paragraphs. I want to copy and paste your words in a text doc and make paragraphs so I can try understand the concepts.

Does that make sense? 😄

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I agree with your assessment that "the body is used only to execute those decisions in the material world, whatever happens in the body as a result of the weaponized tech present in it affects the body processes only..." The evil tech will greatly affect us on the physical level.

What is the soul is made of? There have been experiments with thought and Faraday Cages suggesting that thought can pass through. The implication for transhumanism is that our soul or consciousness can't ever be uploaded into the cloud or be held prisoner inside a computer. A replication of our personality and mental processes perhaps. It would be like each of us having a ChatGPT coded with our personality and memories, but "there is no there there." It's a simulation. We will not be there.

When your guardian angels speak to you inside your mind, you can distinguish between a thought that arises from self vs from them. Same with thoughts being implanted into us in 5G. You will know it didn't come from you. You don't have to follow the suggestions. We can shield ourselves with daily prayer and practice of developing a strong will. The problem is most people are already persuaded by external mind control from TV, media and social media. If you couldn't separate yourself from the hivemind while it was external, outside of your mind, body and biofield it will be much more difficult.

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I don't understand how any of this makes sense, the triangle is a bad idea. All electronic experiments we have done have clearly shown this. It's how we speed up the development of cells and crystal formations from the warfare sources.

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I have something else that might interest you, since electronics is your area of expertise. If we have to completely retrain in medicine because a lot of things were withheld from us, it should be the same in electrical engineering. I'm just saying - cell phones with quantum technology and cars with the technology of an old steam engine under the hood.

I have worked my way through this literature - which is not easy - but it is also available in English

Documentation on scalar wave technology https://www.k-meyl.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=75

Documentation on scalar wave medicine https://www.k-meyl.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=100 and

DNA and Cell Resonance https://www.k-meyl.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=59

Very informative, especially because it shows the geometry of the hexagonal biological structures that we find in the blood. - Enjoy reading - I had to look it up a lot :-))))

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If you assume electronic stimulation and impulses - I agree with you. All electronic effects on the body are used by technology for further development. However, the Triangle is designed to disrupt the magnetic field. It has an effect on us, as does the deficiency field vortex and that in particular. See my posts. Every electric field has a magnetic coupling that is decisive, especially in the retrieval of DNA and artificial RNA strands. The only thing I can't assess is whether there is a difference between vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

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Silvia, as far as I can see, the Tony P tech that you’re using is more than just the triangle. The fields that you're employing to good effect are quite complex. There are three components as far as I can tell.

You’re using a Tony P bifilar Tesla coil, wrapped specifically according to Tesla 3 6 9 principal, and you’re using a spinning fan with magnets glued to the blades with another coil on top. All these things together I believe are creating a highly disruptive field for the nano!

Here’s a fun, possibly irrelevant story.

I was listening to an old conference call recording with electromagnetically targeted people where they talk about countermeasures that work for them.

Apparently, the “perps” absolutely ABHOR the use of metal fans in their targets’ homes, presumably due to the disruption of whatever kind of fields they were employing, to the point that they would come to her home and steal them. One gal glued magnets to the metal blades and voila, the targeting was repelled.

It appears that magnets on or around the body repel the externally-driven attacks, so why not apply the same principle to intra-body nanotech?

Do with this info what you will! 😄

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YES!!! I think you are absolutely right!!!

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It is a laptop charger hooked up to a coil. It wasn't designed around anything. It is a QI wireless charging coil more than anything. It is not a frequency based medical product with complex waves, it's just a coil, a power supply, and signal flasher. Those guys couldn't explain how it worked to me a long whike back, but I already know. It's a very simple device and what it does or what it emits is 101 engineering. If I want to charge the tech up I would build a spike 🤣 that's how an engineer would do it, and that is why they developed QI chargers based on same technology. People need to know what they are selling people.

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Apr 28Edited

This type of device is about influencing the magnetic scalar wave - A vortex works like a frequency converter and the DNA is wound up like a coil. The two DNA strands run in opposite directions and build up an alternating magnetic field from which the magnetic scalar wave is generated. Synthetic biology also uses its own DNA. The information is already present in the body - and is just waiting to be retrieved. We urgently need to exchange ideas

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Hi Karl.

From what I understand, the triangle is comprised of magnets that are glued together north to north or south to south facing. Meaning in opposing (aka “bucking”) fashion.

This opposing magnet action allegedly generates a scalar field of it’s own. There are at least 60 magnets glued thusly around the triangle shape.

His designs may possibly be based on this John Bedini experiment with scalar fields: http://amasci.com/freenrg/bedini.html

According to Bedini: "The brush noise from the DC motor provides a pulse signal to the coil, which modulates the 'colliding' field pattern of the magnets and creates interesting scalar effects within a narrow pencil-beam pattern which extends from each face of the magnet out to a few inches."

Here’s what Tony says about his devices:

They create a DC electric pulse. We use a DC power supply to create a field in the bucket or bathtub. Some power supplies have a cut-off mechanism where they turn on and off. This creates a mini electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The EMP overloads the programing of the nano materials and wipes it clean for a while.

The idea is when the field hits the programing it disengages it, then without the programming the nano materials just become inert nano substances such as nano-metal which can then more easily be flushed out of the body. The gentle pulsing of the field first disengages the programing, which is designed to build, construct, and network.

The second thing you are doing is to make nano substances collide. Nano particles are 1 nano-second apart – they don’t touch each other. They know where to go and how to flow. They know what part of the equation they fit into, and they fall in place. As they assemble up they do not interfere with one another. The moment you make them touch each other they take themselves out.

You have substances that are 3 times harder than diamond and a hundred times stronger than steel that have a charge. When they touch each other it is like a major explosion in the nano world. When two collide it has adverse effects on the network that they are in. It is like a line of dominos. You hit one and a hundred of them will fall.”

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Hi again, Karl.

I wonder what you think about the results that FM8 found with his meter and the triangle. You may have already weighed in about it in Eric's post, but it seems to validate the use of the triangle to disrupt SOMETHING in the communication between the nanotech and the remote signal affecting the nano.


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Silvia, I think you might find this interview interesting! About scalar physics, but more.


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I already studied scaler as an engineer. It's mostly pseudo science. Try finding a formula to make magic scaler waves, you won't find any. You can only find papers on real scaler waves which are less exciting than the pseudo science magic ones. They also do not have the properties implied by some communities selling the products based on pseudo scaler magic. It took me a while to workout what scer was and was not. But the deciding factor was when no-one could explain how an engineer could configure or formulate this magic. If it was real you would be able to find out how they do it. People are claiming to generate allsorts of scaler waves from all kinds of devices with different transducers and all because there is no known way to do this and so people won't know it is a hoax either. Justisten to the ses pitch, the pseudo science and ignore that that no one can tell you how to formulate it. Funny stuff, but really annoying. Since I spent ages trying to understand this mystery only to find out i wasted my time. The 5g towers have a patent that uses real scaler waves from 2 dipole antenna. This is real scaler, but it's not what people. Are selling on via the Internet. If you know, you know 😉 best wishes and warmest regards

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There may be a lot of crap on the market. I think you're right. The most well-founded thing you can find comes from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl. He formulated the theory that confirms systems that are already working. But as always - if you don't want to release something to the public - this is how you do it. Here is his website https://meyl.eu/go/indexb830.html Some of it is available in English.

I think we need to find the point where biology and technology have a common approach and control point. Only then do we have a chance. Everything else is like band-aids, to use an analogy. This is not easy, but not impossible. In other words, quantum technology and scalar wave technology.

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No, that kind of scaler is real. It doesn't do what most people are touting today, particularly in some medical devices. That's the scaler i am speaking of, it is essentially a carrier wave with another frequency transmitted through certain types of transducer, you can also use it to harmonise with a receiver that is tuned in a unique way. When you use this kind of tech for healing or destruction of pathogens it is RIFE that is closest for suitability. Scaler is documented in papers way before this guy and by many. Scaler waves are not as exotic as they sound. Many engineers have shown scaler working, but people are acting like it can do fancier things. If you want to destroy something with resonant frequencies you just use a carrier wave with signal, a very powerful transmitter or amplifier, and an output transducer like a heltzheimer coil or a helium discharge phanatron tube. But you need the key frequencies of what you wish to destroy. There are problems with this given it is not a disease. The particles do not want to be overly excited by accident since they will damage you internally. The exact frequencies would be essential and extremely hard to obtain without knowing all the targets. A rife scan doesn't work, we've tried it and it energized the material instead. It did not work favourably, not that we expected it to given the witches brew before us. Using scaler as a magic device beyond this is comical, scaler would just likely penetrate better maybe but it isn't all the magic people have been touting. Those who have studied it long enough know this. I started designing unique industrial RIFE machines and gave up because it won't help me here as much as finding out what we are dealing with exactly. Scaler, spikes and lasers won't stop the nano constructors. Enzymes and chelators will. Unfortunately only a few things we have found so far actually work in any way at all. There is a chance that some of this material overlaps resonant frequencies that are harmful to you if you take high doses. Their is no certainty in these methods at this point and no one will get lucky putting random frequencies at low power in to the material in question. Rife himself gave the odds of that and for finding just one frequency could take you many years even using a slow sweep. You know, stopping at every 1hz for 5-20mins, that's 0-infinite hz and some of those frequencies will harm you badly above 40mhz. Some below, there are frequencies removed from some devices below 40mhz since they are known to effect human function and health negatively. I admire your broad interest but will say that is where I started as an engineer 4 years ago before I realized this was a soup of nanotechnology and that even with my understanding, skills, and even with top engineer buddies smarter than me that it wasn't going to work out without enough scientific analysis and careful calculation of the material itself. It's a dead horse untill then, none of us are far enough that we could tell you all the materials held in these hydrogels. Even if scaler could do any better than rife here, then what frequencies are you going to use, at how much power, and how are you going to find those frequencies? Some engineering skills will tell you it is way more difficult than you think considering that finding that frequency at high power could polymerize the material In your body during a frequency sweep. No thanks, don't want to try that on me or be responsible for doing it to another person without it all being calculated by formula based on known target criteria. Keep up the good thinking though! Many are doing nothing, i admire your desire to do something! Just be careful when you see a change because something did something. It may not be doing what you think since every stage of this technology is verable to changing morphology, appearance, and more when subject to photons, electrons, pH, and other stuff like dyes. Something may shrink a bit after you shine a blazer on it but has it destroyed it or even hindered it? I our experience the answer is often no. You have to repeat tests, and see what happens later on to find out if maybe what you think is still happening. Green laser for instance will not harm this stuff. I did a lot of laser work a year ago, and I just made an RGBO LED light grid In a custom slide setup according to science papers. The green LEDs which are super bright seemed to excite all the hydrogels in my case. They are also in the range of 532nm since they are diodes like lasers. I was going to wait a bit to post those results and all the gels still unpacking and converting in the blood. If you know what you are looking for you will see the Green light waves do nothing, and furthermore the gels seemed more rapid in their expansion with green light. Not good stuff. The lasers I used before seemed to be the same. Slow down on observations is my advice, it's easy to jump the gun and tell everyone you have a cure, but people stop listening when later they realize it wasn't all it cracked up to be or made some other stage worse. My advice is to look for hydrogels and the enzymes that can break them. Other methods are just so unlikely at this stage. We will be making a blood chart with terminology for structures in the blood and in the injectables soon. Cells, colloidal molecules, colloidal cells, polymers, substrates, fibers, NP's, etc, etc. It might help in your ventures too. Warm wishes!

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