The increasing importance of optical qualities of chemical compounds in blood
The orderly chaos in blood - using the example of barium titanate and non-linear optics
With so many phenomena and new processes in the blood, it is sometimes difficult to maintain an overview. What is important and where do you start to get caught up in the details?
Here is an attempt to reduce the complex relationships to a simple denominator.
The following video is very helpful in understanding how light can be directed. Also in our body, in order to set various artificial processes in motion.
The video shows some of the technology used to control the Nano. You can clearly see the deflection of light or energy.
This means that it can be removed from your body's biological light grid and used for other purposes. At the same time, a reversal of the principle is only possible when a light wave propagates backwards - in other words, a time reversal. As I wrote in a previous article, this technology is able to tunnel information backwards through time.
Hexagons and quantum dots - right into the time paradox
The barium titanate crystal can also reverse the spin of photons! The best working range is between infrared and the visible light spectrum. The lower working and control range of the technology in the blood.
It has the highest reflectivity required for self-pumped phase conjugation. (SPPC). Thin barium titanate films respond to electromagnetic modulation up to 40 GHz!
So uptake range in 5G - and the possibility of upconjugation to 6G - 7G? Would be a possible consequence!
The complete explanatory article can be found under “Applications of opticel phase conjungation” by David M. Pepper.
Applications of optical phase conjugation - Light waves traveling backwards in time in nonlinear optics
TiO3 nanocrystals are insoluble in water. It has piezoelectric properties with the highest optical refractive index of all known minerals.
It absorbs UV light and converts infrared light into visible light.
This is why it is used in non-linear optics.
As soon as barium titanate oxides are in the air - they are also in plants. Their root fibers are the best infrared conductors. The communication in the plant itself, from the root to the above-ground part is interrupted. The plants simply stop growing. This is a phenomenon that we have been able to observe for a long time in Norway and for about 2 years I have been able to observe this phenomenon in some places here in Northern Sweden.
Via plants we then also have it in the food chain.
If piezoelectric nanocrystals are hit by near-earth electromagnetic radiation (cell phone towers or similar), they begin to ionize. In technical terms, this means that there is a spontaneous change of order in the crystal lattice structure, which is accompanied by the emission or absorption of electrons.
The light grid - as seen in the LaserCube.
This creates an interference with the cell potential and a susceptibility to fungal attack. We can also observe this in the plants, as well as the emerging fungal load in the blood samples.
There is another connection. The burn marks on the plants are caused by oxidation. In the blood, we speak of oxidative stress and see the complete deformation of the red blood cells.
In the body, these crystals can provide susceptibility to electromagnetic fields at the receptor sites in connection with the nervous system.
Basically, this is nothing more than a bidirectional interface between DNA light communication and technical radio signals.
If we only try to find a cause for various phenomena in the chemical influence and forget the direct influence of radiation, we will not come to a reasonable result. We need both!!!
The optical qualities of chemical compounds are playing an increasingly important role.
A normal laboratory analysis does not necessarily show you the compound in which the elements are present, but it can give you clues.
If barium titanate is not soluble and we use laboratory analysis to examine a medium that uses standard acids, but which cannot dissolve barium titanate - what does this analysis reveal? An environmental analysis therefore produces a very questionable result. It is a variation of: Only believe the statistics that you yourself have falsified or falsified.
Unless I specifically search for these substances using suitable methods.
If a plant or a person absorbs this substance - bioaccumulation occurs. This means that a foreign substance that does not normally occur in nature does not have any excretion mechanisms in the body. It does not simply leave us. Neither does the plant. To put it bluntly - it starts to pile up in the body.
The concentration makes the poison.
Let's move on to the lasers.
Pulsed lasers are used in non-linear optics in biology and medicine to intervene in cell communication.
Scalar waves are generated under defined angular relationships by a fixed coupling of two longitudinal waves generated by pulsed lasers.
This creates an “extinction” of the wave, one wave is the so-called master wave and the opposite wave is a slave wave running backwards in time.
The waves do not cease to exist, they are upconverted into a “dimension” that cannot be measured. This is called scalar potential. Or a pump wave, a repetition wave running backwards in time.
Is it starting to make sense now that we can't really do anything with ONE laser?
In recent articles and numerous emails, I have repeatedly emphasized that there must be at least TWO lasers working together. And that a certain angle function is also important to create a pattern.
And here again a study, especially on the triple cross-linked hydrogels, which are irradiated with the help of 3 light waves so that they dissolve! These irradiations took place one after the other, and not in the form of a specific geometry. This should be taken into account.
This paper uses exactly the lasers we found for the LaserCube!
It is explicitly about material transformation by light.
The change we have made in the use of the LaserCube is the exposure time of the individual lasers.
We currently use both lasers for a period of 3-5 minutes and then switch off the green laser. The blue laser is then left running for twice the time previously used. Its mW output is also considerably lower. With 5 minutes of running together - this means another 10 minutes of only the blue laser.
So far we have seen a reduction of some processes in the blood. We are waiting to see if this is a constant. Since not everything in this synthetic biology consists of one and the same material, it is probably logical that we cannot eliminate everything. It is a first step.
So once again for those who believe they can fix everything immediately with a tablet or a laser: That's wishful thinking!
We are dealing with a complex system. If you want to take a car apart, it's not enough to dent it in every possible way. You have to get to the engine of the whole thing.
So chemistry, physics, electrical engineering - these are all components that all have an effect.
The question is: Where is the ultimate weak point?
It is also difficult to summarize these complex processes in a small article like this, and in such a way that it remains understandable and everyone can follow it. But I'll try.
There is no right or wrong research. Restrictions mean that I keep my mind closed to processes that are currently inaccessible to me.
Since nonlinear optics has been around and backward time has been factored in, we can make use of negentropic effects. Negentropy is the opposite of entropy. Entropy is the tendency in nature to lose order. Negentropy is the ability to build order and concentrate energy. Negentropy is observed in biology and in fluid dynamics, i.e. in non-linear systems that are able to organize themselves and create fractal orders.
If that doesn't revolutionize research - then I don't know what will.
And many thanks to the subscribers who are currently bringing me together with lots of information, (Special thanks to
:-))) ) articles and people who provide another piece of the puzzle.Thank you for your support!
I am happy about any support.
I now also have a Ko-Fi button where support is possible, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. For your help, you will also receive access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube.
Barium titanite, you can test for it, in a mineral laboratory, only high molar hydrofluoric or sulfuric acid will dissolve it. You need Teflon beakers. Back in the day. :)))
I just searched, jackpot. All the other soft and heavy metals found in urine after Chelation, can be used in the formation in conjunction with BaTiO3. What we know as white clots.
It has the sensor and memory components, wireless comms.
Also the spider silk, with the use of beta sheets and hydrogen bonding.
Even explains the helical flagella, not seen by dark field, but electron microscope. Also described, plus diagrams in the biomedical literature. :)))
Its got the lot drug delivery, nanotubes, polymer formation, doped nanotubes, nano wires, tissue regeneration, anti cancer.
So at least we know what's in the one shot anti cancer "fake vaccine" now.