SAM I'm sharing an idea with you. I'm involved with Sonicating herbs to open cell walls and releasing more of the active compounds in the herbs. It also kills bacteria, spores and anything else in the solutions. So it should break up the nano particles and make them more available to dissolution by peroxidases. What do you think?

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The problem is more likely to be the barium strontium titanate crystals in the soil. They absorb a UV wavelength of 260 nm - this is exactly the growth impulse of the cells, or the division impulse. Plants therefore stop growing. We had this problem in southern Norway and in other parts and farmers had to fly in grass to feed their animals years ago. I don't know how to solve the problem at the moment. But it is probably a basic problem - which should first be made public - because this would also explain many diseases in plants as long as they have not completely stopped growing and the contamination in the soil is increasing.

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SAM there is a rescue for this. It is used in the US and in other places. Fulvic and humic acid. It binds graphene and other heavy metals and is used for soil remediation. Call MotherEarth Labs in Texas USA. Ask to speak to Carrielyn Carter. She started MEL years ago. She is a research chemist and has helped many farmers. Her products have helped people with heavy metal toxicity.

See Dr Ana's new info on it degrading graphene posted in the last few days.

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FLCCC Alliance has a "vibratory" / "shake" protocol. You can utilize Rife Frequencies in a Rife Machine (originally built over a century ago) to accomplish this with synthetic biology resonance frequencies as well as Sars-Cov-2 critical resonance frequencies. I've purchased a device from a group in Iceland (electric driven, DC). However, would advise to only use the EMF field devices, as direct electricity charges-up the synbio in you and causes its' growth to rapidly occur.

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So the lamp is for the water before use - the bucket is only switched on when the lamp is switched off. I am an intuitive person and not an intellectual person - like you trained technical people. I mostly see things at night - and so far I've been able to rely on it to work. It takes enormous focus to see this information - and yes there are AI influences - you have to be very aware of that. That's why it requires training - good training.... I don't want to go deeper into it now...

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Electromagnetic energy induces currents in that which it affects also. It is not without the ability to charge at all. Hence why if you use the wrong frequency with either coil Rife or gas discharge it can actually worsen a disease. The true and only real version of RIFE uses a gas discharge tube containing helium. It must have all the current sidebands and enough power to work effectively. It usually takes multiple repeat treatments at 4 hours a time using over a 600w class c amplifier or radio transmitter to power the tramsducer. The reason most sell their cheaper rife machines and don't tell you why is because they are not sure if they worked or it maybe didn't at all and they want to sell it. I was designing a lab grade, fully adjustable unit with experimental features on it such as auxiliary outputs and built in amplifiers, DSP full adjustment, and segmented scanning range isolator mode. The later would allow you to scan a sweep under microscope by say an eighth of the full bandwidth so you could leave a sample and see which one destroyed the subject and save much time. Once that eighth range you scanned was successful you could then chop it in half again to see which side of that eighth was successful and continue the process again untill you find the exact frequency by visual destruction. You could even get software to trigger the rife to halt just as it detects visual changes via pixel recognition on a computer. It would save epic amounts of time finding new frequencies for a new a problem. Sometimes you would get lucky and sometimes it would be the last eighth frequency that does it. But the nano martial we are trying to destroy also may need to be attacked in a frequency range far higher than what rife currently goes to, some of these frequencies might damage us too. It is the unknown above 2mhz. Most dis-ease's are treated by RIFE at almost as low as the low 10's hz to 2mhz range as per RIFE himself. I may one day get to continue this design with help. I got as far as stacking multi digital wave generator IC's and feeding them into modulators and controlled them via a microprocessor. So I didn't get that far, but that is the hardest part. I won't mention the key unique feature i was looking to achieve but it seems it would make rife over a hundred times more affective if it worked properly. The trouble was just getting that feature to work with clean waves at equal levels consistently throughout the entire spectrum. I hope one day that I get to getting of my microscope and go back to this, it was super fun and exciting to have these ideas thinking I would get to see something cool with my touch on it. Maybe it would never have worked as well as I thought anyway, but who knows. If it did it would have been the world's most effective RIFE for both home and lab research purposes. So many things in life I never got to do because of the last 4 years of plandemic BS.

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Ok - I need a dictionary to understand all of this... But I think I get the basic idea. What definitely strikes me is that almost all frequency-based therapy devices support the process of self-assembly of nanotechnology - it looks to me - as if they are simply recharging themselves and charging their "batteries" and simply becoming faster. But there is always some weak point. Since it is a complex intercommunicating system - there may be a way to disrupt the communication between the individual components. Then we would have achieved a lot to start with. A lot is not always more. Since Cliff Carnicom was able to trigger the process with a low current on his slide - it would be unthinkable that a small impulse could be enough here, it just has to be the right one... The small forms the big. This is exactly what is happening in our bodies right now. Killing a flea with a rolling pin will be difficult. As far as I can, I continue to see what ideas come to mind.

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My original Don Tunney Rife/Bare unit uses an argon tube

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Brandon I have used Rife frequencies for many years along with sound and color. I'm not aware of specific frequencies that work with what we are dealing with the last 4 years. If you have a link please send it to me.

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Yes, there is the Rife Handbook that has frequencies itemized and a group in Iceland that has a set of frequencies. I'll publish them on substack as well as link to via website.

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I would hope that these frequencies are not the old standard ones because these microorganisms are morphing all the time.

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The synthetic biology changes to emulate local environmental signals (e.g. spectrum).

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I have no doubts about those signals. What do you think about those 4 Tesla coil shields that are in use?

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Karl and Sam in particular might want to look up a physicist that I've known for years. His work is still on the internet. His name is Dr. Gary Wade. Karl I suggest you call him. He may be able to help you. I like you're ideas. Sam you will like his work as well.

Think about this..instead of worrying about Rife frequencies on radio carrier waves carry that thought into Rife frequencies in sound waves !!

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sounds interesting, will look. Unfortunately sound waves have been explored from the very early days and there is a huge problem achieving the same results. The energy from those waves is dampened by parts of the body and finds it extremely difficult to send any real level of energy to a target inside the body. The idea of radio waves on a carrier was superior since it gets around this, The carrier wave is able to penetrate through the body more easily due to its higher frequency of about 3.1mhz, the waves carried on that signal basically can then jump off the carrier like kids on a school bus when that carried signal resonates with what ever is in its path. That is basically a break down version of it anyway. It is not exactly like that but a good way for those who are not technical to understand it. Audio does not use the carrier wave even though awkward designs might be able to adapted to do so and so this energy is already propagated in part and will be absorbed and transformed more directly when hitting the external tissue, organs, etc. Rife offers a pretty accurate payload that does not waste its energy until it hits that which it resonates with and delivering much more energy to the target. After all, the idea is to find the resonant F and overload energy into it so the structure cannot handle it anymore. Think of a kettle connected the wall via big 10A cable. To stop the kettle working we decide to attack the wire, we decided that as much as it likes energy flowing through it to function it has its limits. we decided to transfer twice the voltage and current to it. The kettle is greedy as an inductive load and will draw more power if it can get it, unlike non inductive loads which are regulated or will draw only what is required to some degree. As the kettle sucks that power through the cable will begin to heat up rapidly due to resistance, there will be smells, then fire! Everything has its energy levels, but the container that holds or transfers it has its limits. Rife tries to induce electrical current into some part of an evil cell or bacterial structure so it completely destroys the properties of it in anyway possibility. Understanding this we can see why most other ideas lie audio, magic wands, cheap rife, and other things just do not warrant merit.. Rife is the ultimate and most superior form of destruction in this sense, it just depends on the machine power and quality. This is pretty closer to the concept of DEW or other weapon if used by Dr Evil on a larger scale. So now you can see why DEW if abused can be so devastating, and why RIFE is the only superior method using carrier radio waves to do its job. The reason there is so much pseudo junk on the market is because proper RIFE is expensive. People will search for cheaper alternatives and take risks on less expensive devices until they end up even more broke and in despair. If people want the effects of RIFE it has to be proper RIFE. i hear the MOPA and GB4000 is one of the closest actual market available designs out there still. Their are kit forms too for engineers, but the design kind of sucks considering you have to build it yourself and what features/limitations it has. This might interest people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ_1H1dAts4

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Karl a Rife ultrasound works much better than regular sound waves and takes a special piece of equipment to create them. So we get into the frequencies, harmonics, sub harmonics and fractals. Look up Dr Gary Wade PhD physics. I've used Rife for more than forty years. I'm not unfamiliar with it. Dr Wade has written a lot on his web page worth reading.

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Agh yes I have since these, arguably yes and no that is better. It does have some ranges where it does not perform aswell and the equipment is similar to drive it except he has to modulate in a square wave to compensate for the transducers lack of F range ability. I was interested in this design all though I can't say I am taken by it 100% yet. I looked to buy the parts and the proper sized ultrasonic transducers which meet specs are actually more expensive than a gas phanatron tube. So I can see pros and cons with this one. I will say that when people say audio I usually bieve they mean using speakers since that audie frequency range is where the term audio comes in. Ultrasonic is different. Audio is pretty much useless for RIFE type ventures and would deffen you or shake your spine apart before it transfered enough energy into the pathogen. It's a shame because I never saw much testing or should I say testimonial for the ultrasonic method. It is relevantly unique to the inventor and has little track record to cleay validate it's usefulness or claimed effects. Ease share if you come across more on this. I find it fascinating and certainly would try build one at one point for test. It sounds very tangible and I am inclined to believe the concept is likely fairly effective. I am just not sure I believe it is more effective than radio frequency based device since because part of the energy is lost mechanically, in air, and external tissue before hitting the structures. This would seem odd to me. But not impossible, of course everyone who invents something will claim it to be superior to other creations. This is why I question things that seem tangible first and then try to tare the design down before I decide to invest in building one. Also good learning and fun.

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Hi Karl its good that you question everything. I like that. So did you look at more than one of his web pages?

You sound like you have an electronics or physics background? I've read all of his work over time. As you know Ultrasound is used in pain clinics and in hospitals everywhere. I can totally get that his equipment works as I trained in sound therapy years ago. I'd like to see some of you guys on SS to take a deeper dive into sound therapy and why it works. Have a good one!

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Yes i have a background in Engineering. I self taught electronic engineering, design, and repair. I have built medical devices, Audio equipment, Robotic machines, and all sorts of fun stuff. You can definitely heal and invoke cellular response with ultrasound, there is no doubt there at all. Butt its ability to send enough energy to destroy stuff may be limited to certain F ranges and very inefficient for transferring high energy in some useful ranges enough to DESTROY some things if you get me. cant wait to get me some transducers like that one day though and play with them. What if you built a device that used RF with a Gas tube, and match the same effect with ultrasound too. I wonder if this would make it even more effective. i suspect this would have very interesting effects. hmmmmm

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I’ve just started using a nano bucket! Im so excited this works. Where did you get your color therapy light?

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I have the entire system from Germany at www.lichttankstelle.de - they are Roscolene filters - but they should also be available in the USA

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Great effort, nice, but here are my thoughts. so the water is already contaminated, you might want to do a control sample before because the stuff in the water will develop faster into larger structures once you energize it. It is very important to show a control sample, bottled water and tap looked almost like a vaccine when several people including myself tested it across several countries recently. It was horrible and currently i can only see perfect water under scope with RO water, even the distilled comes up with visible material in it. This stuff consistently grows or forms rapidly in the presence of electrical current. I've shown this with electrical slides and so has Michael Merrick on telegram. At 4 and 8 hz it was still stimulated but in a pulsed fashion unlike when I used DC and AC which did the same without pulsing. It loves emf full stop, no doubt about it. I even reversed DC currents for which it just changed orientation and began forming the other way. I was going to build a triangle to test it for my self. I tried the bucket which took time to wind the coils and got no results with it. I added salt to the mix also, still no joy. If i put charcoal in the bath then I see something but I also have a mess to clean, lol I am an engineer and have tried to see how this works, but it is rather contradictory after doing tests with custom slides and pulsed coils under microscope. The answer i got is that the spike works differently in your body. Essentially it is a half hz emf pulse of extremely low power. But I will try it again under better conditions with far higher power coils while actively watching under microscope.

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Of course, the water is also contaminated. I test it here almost every day and there are huge differences from day to day alone. Distilled water is so expensive up here that it is out of the question for us in the long term.

We get well water, but even that is already highly contaminated, so we have to treat it in order to drink it at all. But perhaps more on that later. I can see that the bucket has an effect from the blood tests in the following days. The first day afterwards is usually catastrophic - as if the tissue fills up the space that has become free - similar to detoxification cures - and it usually takes 3-4 days to get a normal picture - if you can call it that. Hence the intervals between uses. And we continue to test....

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Do you have to replenish the water seeing that you are getting nano particles in it?

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I don't quite understand the question. The nanoparticles should leave the body and they bind best to the oil which can be added to the water. This makes it easier for me to get them onto my slides and look at them under the microscope. After 20 minutes of treatment, the water is disposed of.

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So helpful. I have the Dinshah light and book. Thanks for sharing!

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Hi guys!

This is a wonderfully robust intellectual exchange of ideas here. 😀

Reading about your comments on the detrimental effects of 50/60 Hz electric service, I’m reminded of some research I came across several years ago at a now defunct website Keeleynet.

I think you’ll find it relates quite nicely, and there may be a solution to counter the negative effects on our bodies.



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Yes - I worked through Walter Russell from top to bottom. Very good for being able to generate completely new trains of thought and rethink!!!

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Good on you, Sam!

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Hey Sam, curious to know why you use Himalayan salt and not unrefined Sea salt?

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This is currently the only salt that I know of that still has its actual geometric structure - as it has lain in the mountains for thousands of years. The salt in the blood changes, or the salt crystal is somehow covered up - this then leads to a changed entry and exit angle of the light and thus causes a change in frequency. Maybe I'll write another article about it. I haven't had sea salt under the microscope yet. Try it out.

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Ok I see. I have seen that you can manipulate the crystal formation when dehydrating sea water naturally in the sun. What I had seen is that placing pyramid shaped stones in the dehydration tray will help form pyramid shaped salt crystals. Which I found interesting. I haven’t tested myself.

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So the plus (?) cable of the charger goes to the flasher (which contact exactly?) And then the flasher to the bucket and the bucket to the minus of the charger? Or does the order not matter at all? Really want to avoid short-circuiting my house. Thanks for your help. Maybe you can upload 2 more close up photos of the wiring. There seems to be no info on the wiring details.

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From the charger to the so-called battery connection - positive pole - then to the bucket and back again.

With a three-pole it's a little more difficult. Photo no longer works either - then I would have to completely disassemble my device again. Otherwise, take the video here - and put the English translation - that's how I connected mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSEzAGOZAFI

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Yes, it worked. Without blowing up the house 😉 thanks a lot for your help!

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SAM, check out this book please ""The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook" Compiled and Edited by Thomas J. Brown"

Also, make sure to avoid using Tik Tok app and others by ChinaCCP, I've published information on the risks about this. Hope this information helps your DIY experimentation work. The higher the frequency the better - regarding driver to circuit and also 30 cm min diameter for plants to help them grow.

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I don't use any apps - except this Substack here. We live up here in the Arctic Circle, isolated and with virtually no WiFi. You can't completely identify the towers, but you can't get any more pampas than that. Computers and cell phones are already stressful enough due to their radiation - so don't use them as much as possible. We're sitting here in the last wilderness of Europe - no Musk satellites... Of course there's enough stuff here too - but significantly less.

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Cross post from your stack Brandon...

If you want the real deal or to build one, check out.....

Eric Dollard and Paul Babcock


and or Bruno Sacco and Tony Kerselaers



Original Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator found in Italy!


The eBook reports accurately the technical analysis of the Georges Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator: machine, components, use cases and many recovered original documents. This work has been made possible since we recovered three original units in Italy once belonging to Dr. Boris Vassileff who used these machines for many years in his clinics.

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I've had a Lakhovsky Oscillator here for years and have recently become very careful with the thing. As already mentioned in other posts, this technology charges on anything that is powered by electricity. It can support our system - I'm just afraid it won't solve the problem of nanotechnology. I could be wrong - but at the moment I don't put myself into this thing anymore... But it also varies from person to person - one method doesn't always work for everyone...

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How old is your MWO machine and who made it? Tony's gizmo's remind of a degaussing ring. I've herd him say that the pulsed magnetic field interrupts the "nanos program"

I fully agree with "But it also varies from person to person - one method doesn't always work for everyone..."

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meditech europe - but I don't think you can get any there anymore - it was labeled as a musical instrument 10-15 years ago - otherwise you won't get it on the market anyway...

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From Vril...

"Around 2008 in Europe, a few engineers were connected to someone that had some original Lakhovsky MWO machines crated up. These were the crowning achievement (aka – the REAL MWOs) of Lakhovsky that achieved his claims and keep in mind, WE MAKE NO CLAIMS. It was reverse engineered and the first person to build these units and make them available to the public was from Croatia (a friend of mine who helped me with some projects in the past) – someone that was a master engineer and craftsman. They’re built correct, but are very large and bulky because they they are built in the spirit of the early 1900’s MWOs and are very expensive. A friend in Seattle bought one and by the time he received it, the cost was substantially higher than the VRIL MWOs. If you want something that looks more like the original unit, my friend’s is the one to have. However, our friend brought it to our shop to get diagnosed since it stopped working and to our surprise, the output strength was quite a bit less than the VRIL MWO. I think it is because the universal power supply that can be wired for 110vac in the states is designed originally for 50Hz and it doesn’t work very well for 60Hz. Keep in mind that this Croatian MWO is the FIRST ever commercially available MWO that is built not just to spec but with the correct circuit and it’s BEAUTIFUL!"

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Another thing I just found in my vast collection of knowledge gathered over the years is how to counteract the negative effects of EMFs on the bod.

This: “Spatial learning deficit in the rat after exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field”



Rats were trained in ten daily sessions to perform in a 12-arm radial maze, which is a behavioral test for spatial memory functions. Exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field (45 min, 0.75 mT) immediately before each training session retarded learning significantly.

Pretreatment with the cholinergic agonist physostigmine before magnetic field exposure reversed the field's effect on spatial learning. Data from this experiment indicate that magnetic field-induced spatial learning deficit is caused by the effect of the field on cholinergic systems. “

Cholinergic agonists are the name given to a group of medicines that mimic the actions of acetylcholine.

On another note but related…..random white noise could also counteract the effects of the 50-60hz.

“because the white noise sound signal is random, it interferes with the 60-Hz field. The cells of the eggs could not "log on" to the 60-Hz signal because it was entrained to the random vs the static frequency.”


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I use a bioresonance device that can read a frequency from an external object, invert that frequency and return it to the body (whole body, specific organ, etc) it can also make a homepathic remedy of the frequency for continual use... I would love to see this tested under a scope to evaluate the possibilities against this crap.... Honestly, the people who have made this stuff must have an easy fix antidote!

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SAM, that light you are using is delivering high frequencies to the coil. I'm sure you are aware of this, but thought it should be explicitly mentioned. So you're driving the coil with many frequencies, external, the lamp and your electrical system driver. Understand? :)

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The lamp will be inducing almost un measurable frequencies into the coil, I never get frequency readings that show any significance when using an oscilloscope connected to coils unless it is close to the switching converter from a PWM managed light source. The light itself does not really effect the coil at all. If it did it would ruin the life of many design engineers who have to build stable circuitry without noise induced where inductor and other coil based technologies were required. There are no teachings I am aware of that show any significant reactances in coils due to light exposure, this is why we use photovoltaic devices for measurement of light and light frequency since coils measure radio waves, emf, and various other signals only, they are terrible for reading light in any useful way. Also even if the lamp could affect radio waves it would not likely be able to alter the large dominant frequency you are pushing into it since the effect of wave interference is a complex one. What your coil will be picking up if you put oscilloscope probes on it is stray radio frequencies and 60hz mains cycle. The 50/60hz mains cycle can even be measured off you at a considerable distance from any power cables. One guy walk out his home outside and could still pick up a small 50hz signal coming from himself. 50/60hz is very very damaging to all living things, the studies are shocking. Bleeding through blood vessels in rats, odd and unsociable behavior in apes, and many other shocking studies too. Just think, those studies were done over months, not years. Eeeeek take me to the jungle!

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When I started my medical training - we learned that 50 Hertz is the worst thing that can happen to a cell. Back then, I asked myself why this particular frequency was used in our power grid. Well - nothing surprises me anymore...

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100% it is 60 Hz over here in the Americas.

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So, we should dig into it further. The "sweep" is the best feature of useful machines as well as ensuring there is a nice powerful spike on the start of the square waveform. Further you can have it provide feedback and zero-in on the critical resonance frequencies of the material (e.g. what destroys it, while minimizing thermal heating via IR sensor for lab specimen).

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If you are referring to RIFE type resonant frequencies then the most important thing is the sidebands rather than the wave shape. Several people did detailed experiments and found this to be the case. Switching between square, triangle, sawtooth, seemed to make less difference than the sidebands. I do think there will be problems with resonant frequency destruction, much of the material is not of same size, shape, and consistency. This is a requirement for effective use of these technologies, so a sweep is likely going to be necessary for each range of products. Not sure IR imaging would help give a definitive outcome with this material, heating does not necessarily translate to destruction and does not help define which parts of the mix are heating either, the material is volatile and very complex, heat may translate to something else happening too. But it is an interesting thing to try for the hell of it, You might get lucky. I actually have an IR imager on the list, but that is for viewing microscopic plasmonics along with Kirlian for which I had other ideas. But there are other methods of obvservation which are critical before trying these really.

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Feb 10, 2024
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Thank you!!! - Silvia

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