Stop focusing on the blood. Mitigation - what comes thru the mouth, nose, skin etc is more important. That's where the focus needs to be. There's a reason why they want multiple "vaccines" constantly and poison the skies continually. Bc our immune system does actually reject their technology. Our Creator given bodies inherently understands this. Showing pictures of blood cells and giving convoluted "scientific" explanations that the average person can't understand and then asking $ for "research" doesn't help our "situation". BC we simply don't have the time for such nonsense. I don''t mean to be disrespectful at all. But from my personal experience - I would have died if I stopped actually listening to my own body and rejected "protocols". The Greenland Shark lives 250-500 years without ever visiting a vet or taking supplements or having green lasers or whatever "technology" hooked up to them. Maybe it's time Humans took notice of this.

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I agree up to a point, Juan. Though God has also made it clear the blood is very important. The Blood of Christ. Christ gave us salvation with His blood. A symbolic intake of His blood at communion. You get my point, I know.

But I agree with much of what you're saying. In my experiences with Morgellons, I'm not convinced it's been able to infiltrate the interior of my body in a significant way. Significant for Morgellons, I mean. It has effects inside my body. I don't mean it isn't inside me, but it has been forced to do most of its growth on the outside. The majority, by far, of the damage it's done to me has been on the surface of my skin. My skin has fought it from penetrating more deeply and it has been forced to do a kind of terraforming.

I can go into detail on what I mean, but you may understand already. I'll answer any questions if anyone has them.

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well" Psalm 139:14.

Thank you, Silvia, for composing this. It's a great way to show people and to save for future reference and it's horribly beautiful. What more could I ask for?

IT IS ALSO HIGH TIME EVERYONE WAKE UP. Past time, actually. You're right.

Something to keep in mind - God will not intervene if you don't believe in Him. He's more than respectful that way and forces nothing on anyone, not even salvation.

ADDENDUM : I presume too much when I say God forces nothing. I mean that in an individual soul by soul way. And I don't need to presume that either. God's will be done. AND His will changes the course of the entire world. What we are experiencing now may be one of these times. I don't know.

All glory to God.

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You make great points and are obviously more eloquent than I. And maybe my beliefs are bc I am a Morgellions sufferer. My body has been through a kind of hell for almost 2 years and if you had asked me a year ago if I thought I would be alive today I would have told you emphatically no. Yes - the blood is important and Christ gave us his blood but we can't forget that John baptized him in water. What I am saying is that the blood is the endgame. That is what the global psychopaths want - to completely transform our blood. But they won't be able to succeed. But you won't wake up more ppl by showing what it is doing to the blood. You will, however, scare the crap out of ppl if you show them what is happening in their mouths...show them their saliva mixed with any dye or colored juice and rubbing alcohol and their heads will spin. I don't have any fancy equpment other than a jewelers loup but I do "experiment" on myself. From my initial - I'll call them "mouth spittings" - which horrified me and led me to the realization that I was afflicted w/ Morgellions - my symptoms and spittings have changed. What use to be big clumpy clotting structures that moved around for days have gone to really small jumping bean sized things that actually seem to die after a day or so. What also prompted me to write to Sam is not a criticism of her work. But I did see a press conference of La Quinta Columna - who pretty much focus on blood - where they suggest that what is happening w/ the blood is all the result of aliens/another species. I've always been a little suspicious of this organization - but hey - my family is from Spain so I'm familiar with what The Fifth Column is. The thought that anyone or organization could blame another species/aliens for what is going on almost made my head explode. No - HUMAN BEINGS DID/ARE DOING THIS TO THEIR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS. Anyway sorry for the long response. Didn't mean any disrespect to Sam- I just think the focus is not really effective at this present time i.e. there are more effective (and less expensive) routes to go that will wake up much more ppl.

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I agree. If people do the spit tests for themselves and pay attention to what they CAN see for themselves, they are more likely to understand the scope of what all life is up against. Though Jesus did say everybody would be running around oblivious to what's happening, so we can't be discouraged when they won't wake up.

I'm so sorry to hear about you being infected with Morgellons. I actually loathe the name. It is a psyop created by the CIA to throw people off the true origins and intentions of this horrendous biological experiment. Which is far beyond an experiment. I understand your suffering.

You've confirmed my suspicions about La Quinta Columna. That is a dirty psyop whether they know it or not. We are all being massaged into blaming the "other" for everything instead of realizing as you so clearly stated :


I'd like to add : With permission. Whether we know it or not.

That cannot be said enough IMO. For several reasons. One being that if we don't take responsibility for ourselves and realize we are playing into the hands of evil, we are sunk.

There are larger deceptions coming. It's likely hostile aliens that we will blame for all our problems and look to the antichrist to remedy. When it will be a delusion created by man against man in the unwitting service of Satan. Just as Morgellons and the current tech are man made creations under the puppeteering of Satan.

If any scientifically-minded person reading this scoffs, I urge you to understand you have been manipulated into exactly the position evil wishes you to be in. I was once a scoffer, too.

Anyone practicing "spirituality" rooted in anything other than God will be deceived and worse. Standing in faith in God is the only way. Jesus is the Way.

Like the recent eclipse and fake auroras. "Signs in the Heavens."

I also think a fake Second Coming is likely.

Anyway, I appreciate your message and insights. God Bless.

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Thank you for your kind response. I personally am not afraid. I'm just heartbroken that Humanity has come to this point.

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Me, too, Juan. I keep crying off and on and am broken hearted as well. Somehow I thought we'd do better than this. Though it's great to meet others, even if only online, that understand and feel the same. Like you.

I think you are very eloquent. God Bless.

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And look at what just happened: https://carnicominstitute.substack.com/p/communications-blocked

The blood is the endgame. Again, you'd wake up more ppl by showing them what is happening in their mouths. But I see NO ONE doing this. And you can no longer comment on SAM's substack unless you're a paid subscriber. Suspicions confirmed. The cottage industry of "truthtellers" asking for money from a desperate , uninformed and gullible public is very discouraging. I guess it's more satisfying for them to show beautiful pictures of contaminated blood w/ groovy music behind their videos. Ppl really nd to wake up to what is happening. CC has yrs of research behind him.

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There are strange things afoot that's for sure.

This exact same thing happened years ago with Morgellons. People showing all sorts of thing under microscopes and strange protocols. Many of which you had to purchase. Nothing came of it.

My one time father-in-law when listening to me pondering the nature of humanity, said, "Look. People are no damn good." Then he went back to trimming the bonsai tree he was working on... The bible confirms his sentiments.

I think we all just need to cool our jets and realize it doesn't actually matter if people wake up to what's happening or not. It's happening. We need to get ourselves and those we are responsible for in the best spiritual shape with the closest relationship to Jesus through the Holy Spirit as possible, then PRAY and do the right things for our bodies. Take care of them.

Put on the full armor of God and be ready to spread the gospel.

I haven't thought we were going to conquer this tech on our own. I don't think the people who created it can control it. The results of what it does in each individual's body is going to come down to spiritual alignment. With God or against God. Just as He said. That does not mean I think God is going to save every piece of flesh we inhabit if we believe in Him. What is happening is enormous in scope and His plan is this enormous event.

Thanks for letting me know, Juan. I can't really tell what's up with Carnicom. He said he was hopeful he would have a reasonable available method of mitigation by the end of Spring and here we are in June and he hasn't published it.

I think we have to understand that Carnicom has been conducting research on this tech that is completely factual and verifiable for twenty years and has found no cure and it's not because he lacks the ability to find it.

I haven't seen a new post from Karl or David N. or matt or Will in some time. I think we are crossing the rubicon. Have faith and endure until the end.

Thank you, Jesus.

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Juan, what do you suggest we do?

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Good question. But I think that everyone has to follow their own way in what works for them. I can only tell you what works for me - after in desperation and spending a small fortune on what I like to call the "protocols of the peddlers". Also I'm not a doctor. As I see it this attack is coming from the air, water and food - in that order. I watch certain prepper channels, not bc I am one but more out of curiosity. And they always talk about the 3's - 3 minutes w/out air will kill you - 3 days w/out water will kill you and 30 days w/out food will kill you. The air has been happening for decades via geoengineering. The water - not sure how long that has been going on but I will mention that my local governance (which is pretty rural )is trying to buy the local private municipal water company and it will be named a "District" (yeah - can we say Hunger Games anyone lol). The corruption goes deep. The food per Celeste Solum has been infiltrated by "nano" since 1/2024. So - in terms of air we have a really small home but do have a few air filters. With water - we are lucky to live near a spring which I filter, distill and filter a 3rd time. Food - we're big fasters but try to grow our own as much as we can - I no longer trust the rain water (the chemtrails where I am are out of control) and we can't afford to build a greenhouse. We grow indoors and have small pop up greenhouses that were bought inexpensively for outside. We no longer shop at grocery stores but have relationships w/ local farmers via coops and farmers markets. The biggest things that have helped me the most - but pls keep in mind that I was in really bad shape - was going on lookoutforcharlies info on saturated potassium iodine (bc we are all def being radiation poisoned), fasting, stopping the 25 plus supplements I was taking out of desperation, and buying a pop up steam sauna which I use everyday. I think artificial intelligence is ridiculous and satanical and I don't have a smart phone. And despite my long winded (ironically) response to you, I try to stay off the internet as much as I can - which is hard bc it is "still" is a source of great information. That will change though as they censor and try to impose digital id's. etc. Additionally, I am not "religious" in any way - I grew up Catholic and I despise this institution as well as so many others. But - I do have to ask myself - who was the most influential MAN in the past 2,000 years? So yes - I have faith. Our problems stem from Humans - specifically the Central Bankers. And it's high time we throw them out. So sorry P for such a long winded response for such a simple question. But I guess we're all just trying to figure it out so we can help each other.

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Juan, thank you. Could you please tell me more about lookoutforcharlies info on saturated potassium iodine?

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Lookoutfa Charlie is on youtube and perhaps on rumble as well. If you look up saturated potassium iodine you'll find a lot of info though. Again, I am not a doctor. Everyone has to do their own research to decide how to handle their own personal health. We still have bodily autonomy even though the WHO and the global psychopaths are desperately trying to take it away.

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I'm not sure I believe in a Creator, but I do believe our bodies are divinely inspired. DNA is light and frequency. Both elements allow conjunction with divine forces whether or not an individual calls them angels; presences; intelligences; etc. Knowledge is light. Worlds exist beyond our material one. We are indeed, as often quoted, a material being having a spiritual experience.

My body also does best with little supplementation. All our genomes are different which is why some people die after injection; some are fine; and some suffer devastating adverse disabilities.

I, too, believe our bodies can fight much of this invasion. Parasitic detoxes work because these invaders are largely "read" by the bodies as "foreign" or invading parasites. This is why EDTA IVs work.

The reason Oligarchs want to transform human blood is that their current pathway is to synthesize biologic and artificial technology. This is the apex of their technology currently. They must deal with a biologic human first. They want to transform the biologic into synthetic. Harari can spout his aphorisms about we're hackable humans, but he's still primarily an animal. He's a physical being. They want to live in the 24th Century, but we're just barely into the 21st.

The reason some people who awaken to the overwhelming evil speak of aliens or ETs is because they can't fathom that level of evil exists within humankind. So, their minds postulate "an other" to blame. I agree with you. Our only enemy is ourselves. We are here to learn lessons about life in materiality and to purfiy the life essence or soul for further advancement into higher spiritual realms.

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Yes - are bodies are divinely inspired whether you believe in a Creator or not. Harari makes my skin crawl. The guy literally reminds me of Gollum...he even kind of looks like him! Seriously.


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I had to laugh! Me, too!! Harari is a poster child? Good heavens. The man looks like a runt who overcompensates with draconian rhetoric. I also find creepy that he wears pants exposing his socks in sneakers--like some teenager gone bad.

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I hope this goes all over TwitX. So many people don't see it yet 😑

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It’s the shit nightmares are made of.

Unfortunately it’s reality! 😒

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I hope you read this, Silvia. I have appreciated your work, but nothing in the way of mitigation or possible cure of anything you've tried wasn't tried a decade ago without success.

I'm not sure why you feel threatened by people talking about the spiritual aspects of what's happening to us all. Especially when you are engaged in spiritual practices yourself.

Perhaps you think remote viewing is a science when it is in fact an ancient spiritual practice known and practiced by decidedly unscientific practitioners for thousands of years. Simply because it's taught in a military setting does not remove it from the cache of spiritual practices commonly known as sorcery.

You do have a nice eye and I've enjoyed looking at your photos and videos from an aesthetic pov, but I really don't understand your need to position yourself as a victim of persecution. That seems hysterical to me, but maybe I don't know.

I wish you and your group well.

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Here are some interesting links.






Other scientists have presented dark field microscopy evidence of blood samples and vial samples of many vaccines, not just for covid, child hood vaccines in general with clear evidence of nano-technology similar to this one.

Natural humans and unvaccinated blood supply is a real thing for blood transfusions. Vaccinated + boosted blood is darker thicker in people. I have seen it.

Dr Carrie Madej sounded the alarm finding Hydra in the sample. She survived a plane crash.

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The life is in the blood!!

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There's no way this technology is engineered by humans, this is alien tech acquired by traitors here on earth ...

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May 31·edited May 31

Bonjour SAM!

Thank you so much for this nanotech and fibres visual wrap-up! Good music too. It is a wonderful awakening tool and it could very well be followed by an introductory microscopy class or serve as a preamble to any discussion on new technologies or the orientation of our governments towards the medicine of the future, to name only these topics.

Events do not happen for nothing and all I can say is that you are inspired.

I will continue to support you, both financially and morally, mostly because your approach goes off the beaten track of science and spirituality. Such clash is occurring right now.

Keep up your good job!

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Nice work, Sylvia. I look forward to developments in your ongoing laser research. Cheers, Rod

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Hi Sam

This is Tera from Substack.. I love your video. The SciFi music was great, and powerful. I would have liked to have donated my Hydrogel picture that had non biological worms growing before our eyes.

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If I’m not alone we are all wondering what our blood looks like at 400x mag. Furthermore since our captured medical system would be befuddled if I went in asked for an on the spot analysis at 400 x, it becomes obvious that we are dead ended by design to even see if our cleanses are working! Anyone in central Mn have a microscope for cash analysis?

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Great 2 min video to share with family and friends. Thank you!

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Cool music 😎👍

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Hi Sam, Is there anybody out there examing in a lab all this Nano Technology? Take a peak at the asteroid chuncks in my urine. Do you have any pocs of them? RR

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