In search of the place where synthetic blood is formed...
After my two posts, where I was able to show that we now have synthetic blood cells in our circulation, the question arose as to where they come from.
Non-decaying blood ... - what is that?
7-week-old blood - and complete cell structures are still visible
Normally we would think of the bone marrow - and possibly the spleen - although this is more likely to be degraded.
According to the literature of the Carnegie Institute, artificial blood cells could be produced from the so-called "threads".
This then looks as follows. The picture below clearly shows the difference between the blood cells that stick together and the cells that lie directly on the thread structure.
But I had blood samples here that showed virtually no thread structures - so where does it come from? And especially in these quantities.
After searching through blood samples for some time, I found a structure that is normally referred to as a megakaryocyte.
These are large cells with clusters of thrombocytes, also known as platelets, which are normally produced in the bone marrow and have strong blood clotting mechanisms.
They are observed in viral diseases, parasitic infections or genetic causes.
Using dark-field microscopy, Michael Coyle discovered that the red blood cells in the serum - not just in the bone marrow - can secrete platelets.
The process in which the red blood cells excrete the platelets cannot be observed with conventional microscopic staining techniques and bright-field microscopy, as the blood is killed during this process.
But here we have the phenomenon that an accumulation of thrombocytes, or what is described as such, begins to eject round, initially small blood cells from the inside outwards, which are then further processed by quantum dots and become larger and larger.
Here in the movie - a picture taken at 1500 times the speed, where this can be clearly seen.
At the same time, the actual erythrocytes on the outside of the structure begin to lose their membrane potential. This goes so far - that in some cases only a desert is left - but a cell-forming structure is still present in the center - like this one:
Original speed:
The same phenomenon can be seen in a cell growth that is pushed outwards from the inside.
As this is a large cell, it is naturally constricted by the coverslip on the slide. Normally we are dealing here with a round structure, which could then also give off round new cells in an ever larger form on the outside.
In summary, it can be said that this complex appears to have a cytotoxic effect on biological red blood cells and also seems to produce new synthetic cells like a factory.
The production of synthetic blood cells would therefore be possible completely independently of the bone marrow. Which does not necessarily mean that no remodeling processes take place here.
Of course, this phenomenon still needs to be better researched - but I would be delighted if enough colleagues would even consider that such a thing exists. Unfortunately, the mere thought of it closes the floodgates and people stop listening.
I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that we in medicine - whether conventional medicine or naturopathy - have simply accepted many explanations for phenomena without questioning the usual explanations. From the point of view of synthetic biology, many things look completely different.
The long-term observations on the dark-field microscope in particular allow many conclusions to be drawn. It takes time and is more work.
Brilliant as always.
Are those blinking and moving specks quantum dots?