Brilliant as always.

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Are those blinking and moving specks quantum dots?

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Mar 7Edited

I think so - they're hitting the newly created "walls" all the time.

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No these are called somatids. Beauchamp 1854 identified these somatids and their pleomorphism.

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Mar 11Edited

Yes Naessens was able to confirm Bechamp's view with his somatoscope. I don't doubt that parts from Somatide are staying here. There are just some things that don't fit in there. When these (I'll call them points now) start to change color from yellow to green or red - they are technical units. And why should the somatids only form at the edge of the specimen? Shouldn't they then occur everywhere at the same time? On the other hand, I'm not sure whether my microscope is really able to capture these smallest particles in this beginning cycle. Suggestions?

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Congratulations, and a big Thanks, Silvia.

A huge discovery here.

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I follow Dr. nixon's group work since 2021, it's so impressive to see how tiny technological devices are formed from nothing (well, darpa's hydrogels). Formed and vanished. This adds another level of creepyness to the thing. They are transhumanizing the population, clearly.

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Hm, maybe this is not a good question, but, would you say that this effect of "synthetic" blood cell creation was "designed" by someone?

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I assume so. This is not a biologically normal production of blood cells. Above all, our blood cells live a maximum of 5-7 days after blood collection under the dark field. These live for weeks, the preparation does not dry out properly - which indicates that there is not only water in the plasma and neither bacteria nor fungi dare to get at it.

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Would such qualities of the blood be useful if creating a supersoldier, or a slave? Or do I need to stop reading such dark science fiction novels before bed?

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Science fiction sometimes provides more answers than we think :-))))

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I've had Morgellons (CDB) for fifteen years and have areas of flesh that are being literally turned into a plastic-like artificial flesh. I also have biosynthetic organisms and fake blood in the same areas.

So...your syfy books may be closer to textbooks than we understand.

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So this could not be a case of novel ability of our blood and hence not beneficial to us in the slightest?

I though maybe you discovered some type of effect which would be created due to all the "attacks" on our "normal" biology (poisoning of the environment)?

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It would be nice. But since these so-called quantum dots are primarily involved here, it is probably another capability of nanotechnology. Especially since I was able to observe the cell death of our normal blood cells in combination with this structure. That makes you wonder - but good question!

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Yeah, I do not see any benefits for a living organism if this blood behaves like that!

Excuse my questioning, but in what way quantum dots have energy for functioning? I guess from body electricity? Or is it JUST outside EMF?

I believe that our bodies can develop further in organic ways, due to environmental changes. So I am trying to discern what would be man-made changes and what would be natural defense mechanisms.

For example, in certain cases human heart can build its own additional bridge artery - trying to "heal itself".

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I think our body provides the necessary energy. These things only stop moving when there is absolutely nothing living around them...

I can't say to what extent they are still fed by EMF or other waves - but I have a guess as to how they are controlled - see this post here


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Will do.

Thanks for the replies :) And for your work.

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I've read literature where mitochondria are absorbed into hydrogel so the lucferin can utilise ATP. Might be a similar process for synthetic cells.

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"These live for weeks, the preparation does not dry out properly - which indicates that there is not only water in the plasma and neither bacteria nor fungi dare to get at it. "

This is like describing a Zombie...

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The inability of normal degrading and decaying bacteria to affect the synthetics is what I see on the outside of my body as well when the synthetic blood comes out of my skin.

No "normal" biological bacteria can touch it. It remains bright and shiny and the wrong color red and never dries and is sticky.

Your discovery is fantastic. It may mean if a way to destroy the "factory" can be found, we can stop the production w/o (hopefully) having to worry about bone marrow damage or spleen. Thank you.

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It's hard to say - I just observed it - and I haven't gotten any further than that yet... But the first step is to see it.

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Yes. And I'm grateful you have.

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Very reasonable hypothesis, darn good watching Sylvia! Grateful for you and bringing your open mind to the table of possibilities here. It’s the only way to attempt to figure all this fakery out.


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Thank you for reporting this. I have included it in my comprehensive list of methods of global control and depopulation:


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I'll take a closer look... haven't had time to read in more detail yet.

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Thank you. I will greatly appreciate it, if you managed to find the time and have the inclination. Do you agree with my one-sentence synopsis of your article before I post the link to it?

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Mar 8Edited

Hm - I don't know which summary you mean - but it's your blog - write as you see it. The chickens are great though :-))) What I have read so far - I must write my articles in more detail - if you sit in front of the microscope for hours - it is all logical and clear to you - and forget that other people do not have this experience and have many questions. To come back to the grilled chicken - live blood analysis is exciting - and once you've seen your own blood at work - it's like your own little cosmos that keeps you alive. You get more respect for life. We try to explain these little miracles - but I think we are a long way from really understanding it.

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I figured you were just too excited to report the unique finding. I would have been. :)

Also, my noticing the role of altered proteins (please, check out the chapter in my article) might be possible to combine with yours. I doubt that healing and recovery are possible in the long run, but gaining time might work until everything collapses.

This is the sentence I mean: "Sylvia’s article is titled, “Where are synthetic red blood cells produced?”, and suggests that quantum dots merge with RBCs, which produces semi-synthetic cells that reproduce on their own."

It looks like you and I will be able to have helpful conversations.

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with you that the situation we are in is not or will not be easy. On the other hand, there are endless possibilities if we take quantum physics seriously - which is what nanotechnology works with. So there has to be a solution. Once you start to see the crazy and realize that it exists, you can start looking for crazy solutions. I'm currently reading Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life - and it's helpful because a cell without a membrane is still viable and the inside of the cell behaves like a gel. We get stuck in thought patterns - instead of looking at nature. A caterpillar completely dissolves - its cells become a single liquid, which then structures itself into new cells. Metamorphosis. This nanotechnology seems to be able to do that in a certain way. It transforms from one aggregate form into another - transitions are fluid. Actually, we should be able to do that too. The question I ask myself is - what keeps us always in the same state, even though there are infinite possibilities for variation? Biological life forms are very variable and adaptable if you let them.

I'll take a look at your "proteins". But it will be sometime this weekend.

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Intriguing. I am definitely losing my flexibility, and must rely on thinking outside the box, which is what I've always done. I'm also often sloppy, when it comes to details, but it's good to have a handful of authors around here, whose work is compatible with mine and we complement each other's. Your breakthrough is the first memorable thing for me since the "microscopy people" started, and the stalemate has been so irritating for me that I stopped reading about it for quite a few months. Karl's calling me an agent and banning me for asking legitimate questions about sodium citrate didn't help, either. (it happened after this: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/is-sodium-citrate-good-for-you, but I followed up on the subject here: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/how-can-you-ascentain-how-bad-synthetic). Thanks to Matt, I've found your report, and I am pleasantly surprised that microscopy, after all, might lead to more than watching the grill.

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Thank you for this! Do synthetic RBCs look like normal RBCs? I got live blood analysis done a few months ago, and my RBCs looked like something out of a scifi movie. Now I'm wondering if they're synthetic.


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The good news - these are biological erythrocytes - they deform when oxidized. As far as I have been able to observe so far, the synthetic ones are extremely dimensionally stable. Resistant to all sorts of things. That's why they always look evenly round. The only really reliable way to find out which category they belong to is to leave the preparation for days or even weeks and observe it. Normal blood disintegrates. Artificial blood lives for weeks and the "hairstyle" is still in place. If I hadn't noticed the lack of decay, I wouldn't have recognized them in the first place. Your red blood count in the picture is in the process of decomposition. The membrane potential seems to have massive problems due to oxidation processes. I also see this problem in unvaccinated people. It is a fallacy to believe that you are "safe" without vaccination. There is no such thing as pure blood any more. Unless you have been on another planet in recent years. Sorry, but sometimes sarcastic remarks slip out.

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Thank you! Yeah, I'm super sensitive to vaccine shedding. So lemme ask you ... if those are oxidized red blood cells, then is it a terrible idea to use oxidizing therapies like chlorine dioxide or ozone to detox the nanotech? Would that exacerbate the problem or is the oxidation of the RBCs due to toxins like nanotech, such that oxidizing them would paradoxically create less oxidation?

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Mar 8Edited

Since we are dealing with a technology here - I think we should not only think in terms of biological measures. As long as I only discharge - this stuff continues to work and it gets into the body again and again. It's like a bucket with a hole in it that I'm trying to fill. We up here have currently achieved quite good regeneration of the red blood cells with the Triangle. However, this is currently also a daily application. See this post


In addition, other biological support measures can of course be effective. We are still working on further tests here - when I have more news, you will see it on Substack.

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Thank you! I had seen that post, but somehow I missed the part about the regeneration of the RBCs. That's fantastic! Are they actually being regenerated or just made more healthy? I just started using the Triangle a couple weeks ago, and I'm to 15 minutes/day. No noticeable changes yet, but I'm keeping on.

But in the meantime, I also want to detox the stuff that's being broken up by the Triangle. I'm already using EDTA, but it's not enough, so I'm considering adding chlorine dioxide, but not sure if that would further oxidize the RBCs.

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You will become healthier - but it is not the complete solution. I can't say anything about many of the detoxification measures reported here - because we can't get to them. For example, the program that Dr. Ana offers is not accessible to Europeans - everything gets stuck in customs. So we have to look for other ways.

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Matt j.a.o.b did a recent analysis of a variety of people's blood and said the healthiest he had seen in some time was an elderly man who used chlorine dioxide consistently.

If you go to matt's stack you can read more and ask him about it.

Clifford Carnicom has emphasized the need to keep supplying our cells with what they need for health even if the tech is using the nutrients to build itself or do it's work. That makes sense. We don't want to starve ourselves in this process of trying to kill the tech.

I've just started CDSolution and am seeing positive results already. I plan to incorporate the Triangle soon and I also take high quality vitamins.

I think you're wise to be cautious and question protocols. It has taken me a long time to give CDSolution a try because I needed to understand the mechanism better and I'm a layperson, so I have a steep learning curve.

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Thanx, Pirate. I used to admin all the chlorine dioxide groups on FB before FB shut them all down, so I'm very familiar with it. And I've used it extensively, and it saved my life 10 years ago. (And BTW, we found that CDSolution was not as effective as CD and CDH, so we stopped recommending CDSolution.) So I know that chlorine dioxide is an amazing detoxer. But my concern is that if my RBCs are already oxidized, using an oxidative therapy like chlorine dioxide could exacerbate the problem.

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Can you do a video that you narrate and use a pointer to show what is being explained- i agree that we should all be open minded to new discoveries, because as the recent covid debacle shows, we just can’t trust anything in science anymore; it seems all controlled by the deep state. We truly do need a citizen group of independent scientists working free from the corruption of the captured universities.

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Wonder if this relates to what embalmers are seeing?

Something is calimari-like in the blood and kills the person and then more red blood cell clotty jelly clings to the white calimari-like clots after death.

It's in the too impossible category so it would take courage to report on it.

Defies normal logic, so thank you Sam for saying and showing what you are seeing.

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According to the Carnicom Institute, these synthetic blood cells are extremely susceptible to agglutination. So they could fit.

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Ask any kindly haematologist and you may be able to get yourself some artificial blood. It apparently exists. You might be able to set up some kind of comparison.

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Mar 7Edited

Hematologist - Lapland - Arctic Circle... Where am I supposed to find him? :-)))

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Phone Guernsey

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Artificial blood has been around for many years thanks to the military who fast tracked it. One of my mentors told me about it some years ago. This was to save wounded soldiers lives when blood replacement stocks ran low. I have forgotten what it was named back then.

I'm sure they have modified it over the years. The military has its hands in just about everything.

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I really think the link above explains everything. What we are dealing with is way bigger and it’s not human. Never has been.

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Thanks for this. This is what I think too.

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Does Jose go on to tell how to defend our self's ?

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Not that I’ve seen but like all things. I’m sure there is a way, probably many ways I’m hoping.

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We have Dr Ana's plus other substacks....


also Sabrina.....

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I’m still listening, SAM. And as always, open to any logical theory or conspiracy. This post made it into my archives for sure. Ask Dr. Ana and Nixon for their opinions. In the meantime, I’m challenging the complicit forensic scientists of the DOJ, FBI and CDC for their “expert” dismissal of this evidence as well.

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Hydrogel? But, doesn't Hydrogel need water? Is this in the open air? Not contained in a closed environment?

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It had access to plenty of water as its mainly what we comprise of.

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