Why blood and tissue should become magnetic...
Or rather, why synthetic biology needs magnetism
With thanks to Tavvy - for sending me important articles. One person alone cannot cope with this large amount of data - and I am happy about everyone who passes on relevant information!
The synthetic biology or technology in our body must be able to organize itself, receive energy and coordinate movement. We therefore need a basic communication network that is independent of our biological communication network and does not provide any overlaps. Otherwise there would be interference. A telephone conversation between 4 people - where only two want to talk to each other - would not be very productive.
Let's start with the production of genetically encoded magnetic protein crystals
The aim here is to develop genetically encoded protein crystals that are almost macroscopic and generate magnetic forces.
They have the ability to mineralize iron in order to build a magnet.
Iron-loaded crystals are attracted by a permanent magnet.
Let us now compare the picture with the crystals that we are now finding more and more frequently in the blood. Needle-like structures that always have a small attachment as shown in the picture above:
In this context, the crystallization properties of methylene blue should be pointed out once again. If there is too much of this substance in the blood, it tends to crystallize. Although methylene blue is a good means of converting too much released iron into iron that can be reused by the body - and there is an initial improvement in the condition - it could also be used for the construction of these magnetic needles.
If there is an oversupply, these structures literally explode in the blood, as can be seen here:
However, there is too little iron present intracellularly for this process to be successful. But if I release iron from the red blood cells - the whole thing looks different. Here we have a large reserve of required building material.
Direct attack on a red blood cell
It is also worth remembering the cells, which start to have a blood-toxic effect when they burst or open and can release a lot of iron in one go.
The article itself talks about competition with optogenetics or chemoantrogens - I assume that these fields will work together to make it successful.
From the Remote Viewing sessions, it became clear very early on that this technology is based on its own space-time lattice, which is necessary for the growth and communication of synthetic biology. On closer inspection, it became apparent that one part of the lattice is based on magnetic forces, whereas the other part, which is at a 90 degree angle to it, must have a different control component.
Likewise, right at the beginning, several remote viewers show the indications that 2 components, or 2 clusters or 2 shapes play an important role.
Graphene oxide is not normally magnetic either - but it can develop magnetic properties if it adopts a certain geometry.
The 2019 publication shows that under certain conditions and a gold substrate, it is indeed possible to impart magnetic properties to graphene nanostructures.
Once we have created a magnetic base, it will now be possible to manipulate these proteins, crystals or cells through external influences and magnetic fields, to move them or even to develop a drive for individual structures.
The following article describes how integrated drive and steering systems can be used for nanorobots.
The problem here was still the energy supply for these nanorobots. But if we look at luciferase, which is capable of producing energy, and non-linear optics, which can send energy to this molecule in the form of light (from the body's own light and energy network) - this problem would be solved.
I have already described an idea of how this process can work in an earlier article:
This paper also shows the advantages of using biological components with magnetotactic bacteria for the development of hybrid nanorobots. Hybrid nanorobots have parts of synthetic and biological components.
The propulsion within a biological system can be controlled by chemotaxis. This is, among other things, the way in which defense cells are attracted to a source of infection. In other words, chemical cabs. Magnetotaxis is the name given to the mechanism that uses magnetism for the same purpose - a kind of magnetic cab.
If we look at this synthetic biology and its distribution, we come to the conclusion that it is now everywhere. Water, air, food, plants, human and animal blood or bodies - simply everywhere.
It is difficult to take individual therapeutic measures, let alone to believe that aggressive expansions are good for the body in the long term.
The only thing we can do at the moment is to somehow block the communication between these units. This would allow growth and development to come to a standstill.
Which brings us back to the need to understand the control of this technology.
One area is definitely the magnetic field.
The only other way out would be to eliminate nanotechnology worldwide and at the same time - which would mean switching off all transmitters. And that brings us back to the option of a major solar storm.
Let's take a look at graphene or graphene oxide:
If we now have graphene oxide, which is stimulated by radiation from the outside to form a network, we still need an internal structure - a kind of skeleton on which the otherwise rather unstructured assemblies join together to form an ordered whole.
Here is another video to illustrate how graphene oxide reacts to 5G.
If we now have a lattice structure in which one part is magnetic - this is how such images are created:
Here is a clear structure that I found in the water:
And if a kind of grid is present, this structure attaches itself to this grid.
In this picture, the structure with grille guide on the left and without on the right.
To summarize, we can say that a magnetic component is used here to control synthetic biology. The individual magnetic components are apparently assembled directly from our blood. The energy for the drive can be supplied by the luciferase, with the help of non-linear optics.
Thus, a combination of these different techniques would be able to form an independent functioning system.
And if your head is spinning from all the new and complicated technology - I can understand! When I started with this substack - I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
But we must always remember - technology is just a copy of nature. Everything this technology does is copied. We have to be able to react to it, otherwise our evolution would be over. And I refuse to believe that.
For your help and support, you will also get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube on my website:
Thanks to Tavvy, I now also know how to create a Bitcoin QR code.
The financial market is also undergoing a devastating change. Whether you like it or not is a completely different matter.
Hi Silvia!
I’ll take some time to digest the many concepts in your post. LOL
Here is an interesting article from The Exposé on 5G, Quantum coherence and liquid crystals behaviour your subscribers may also like:
Warm regards.