Jul 2Liked by SAM

I've been going through my browsing history trying to find things and bookmarking as I go, I finally found this one:

"Live Blood Results After a 20 minute Gong bath/ frequency healing"


And, I now have a pad of paper to write down any downloads but there hasn't been any the last couple of nights... But, I did remember the video, and have been on ebay looking for a CD (and there are a few "Gong Meditation sound bath CD") to order. I need to get up in the morning so I didn't want to force myself to make a decision now.

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Jul 2Author

Worth a try!!!

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Hi Silvia!

Did you already share how you changed the magnet configuration? We’re they simply bigger donut mags?

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Jul 2Author

I simply doubled them - the ring magnets are on the outside - so you can simply add a second magnet - that's all.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 1Liked by SAM

Hello SAM!

Did you film an attempted construction of a cube in the last video?

Salt is a great and very basic subject! Heart’s vortices induced by also essential to nervous system salt?

Will catch later.

Have a good day!

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Jul 1Author

The samples from the videos lay next to the cube. The pictures from the cube itself - I've only posted them in the Telegram group so far - also look like the previous cubes. :-)))

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by SAM

Ouuuuh! Wrong Deepl translations lead to weird replies? LOL!

I meant the bottom right object initiating a cubic structure in your last video. Same thing in the middle right of the previous video?

I don’t and won’t have a cellphone to read QR codes or SM Telegram. Are the pictures different from your website?

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Absolutely fascinating information. It definitely seems like magnetism (anti-nano devices, ie. buckets, triangles, etc need to be used along with other methods.

I keep thinking about something which keeps waking me up in the download times from 2AM to 4AM, and have no idea, yet, how to incorporate it.. When I was a practicing massage therapist, one of my intentions was to create more space and air, more movement and light into client's bodies. I had studied and taken classes in Trager, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, and my Deep Tissue instructor had studied with a Rolfer for many years. I would integrate them and others as well, in addition to being creative in the moment and listening to their bodies and intuition, I would see amazing things happening... It was quite profound for me, many times my eyes would tear up, and I was so thankful and grateful to see the transformations... And, people were commenting on how they felt too, and ask why did you do that just now? Because your body asked me to work on that area. "Oh."

Now I realize that those areas I was working on to help open up, was where Light, magic, and divinity were "stuck" and needed to be able to flow again. Life is movement, change, and many other adjectives. So the RBC are stuck and not moving. So I keep wondering how & what....seems like we're missing something. I completely agree with the using wrong basic ideas lead to wrong conclusions. When I started studying Permaculture in 2005, one of the principles was to be willing to accept feedback from Nature.

More thoughts about this being a spiritual war between good and evil, "they" being anti-life & anti-God, want to insert into those spaces synthetic "life", lack of magic, darkness, and death.

Things/ways to fight back, ie. magnetism, music and frequencies such as 528hz, 741hz (quite a few to choose from), light frequencies, color, geometry... I keep thinking/feeling there is something we're missing. That I'm missing, and I keep having the awareness that I've been in "meetings" and forget what we talked about, so I keep getting downloads (that slip away as I wake up), so I can finally get my homework. Any ideas how I can get my "homework"?

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Just tell your mind to remember, to provide the answers you need. Don’t forget to have pen and paper to write down you first impressions when you wake up or a Voice Activated recorder! :)))

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Jun 30Liked by SAM

Thank you, I was thinking of that this morning as I was laying there having the awareness someone(s) tried again last night. I thought maybe if I also read some articles and see what I can find out re: magnetism, scalar waves, etc it might jog something.. Well, I found one that caught my eye...

From https://www.iawaketechnologies.com/faq/scalar-waves/, the fourth paragraph: "Vibrational, or subtle energetic research, however, has helped advance our understanding of scalar waves. One important discovery states that there are many different types of scalar waves, not just those of the electromagnetic variety. For example, there are vital scalar waves (corresponding with the vital or “qi” body), emotional scalar waves, mental scalar waves, causal scalar waves, and so forth. In essence, as far as we are aware, all “subtle” energies are made up of various types of scalar waves."

During the mid 1980's to the late 1990's, while participating in many intense classes on meditation, etc, I started to experience kriyas. It was explained to me back then, the kriyas are a way a body can release energies it isn't able to integrate in that moment. Since then, whenever I meditate or do intense stretching/yoga I still experience them, as waves repeatedly moving from my sacrum area up to my head and back down... So, now I'm wondering (for the first time) as it had never occurred to me.. maybe if I try to direct them or use those energies somehow some way?

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