This is going to be a long post - very long....
The situation we find ourselves in is the result of decades of thinking - someone else is responsible for me and I'm going to run after them. The advantage of this? I can blame someone else and don't have to change anything myself.
If carrots were proclaimed as a remedy for heart attacks, there would be no more carrots tomorrow.
At some point you have to realize that our car engines use old steam engine technology and that our cell phones contain technology that is not taught at universities. Example: Put your cell phone in the microwave and call it. Should it ring? Normally not, because it's in a Faraday cage. But it does - and why?
Keyword fractal antennas!
But let's start from the beginning.
Started in 2019, when a patent was suddenly filed for a virus that was already considered extinct. A coronavirus. Around 20,000 variants were known at the time. And a vaccination patent has now been filed for one variant. Before the outbreak, of course.
Suddenly there it was - the threat - producing fear, panicking the crowds and promoting the cure at the same time. After the last world war, everyone wondered how all this could have happened in Germany - now here we are again - it's happened again - in medicine - and it's happening again - in Europe - off to the next war. The pattern is always the same.
Then we realize - hey - there's something in the blood that doesn't belong there. Completely new processes are taking place. And since we drive great cars with steam engines, we also try to fix these new processes with an old approach, even though nanotechnology reacts to our cell phones.
Our so-called science explores life on dead blood - instead of using dark-field microscopy and looking at the processes on living blood. But the light in dark-field microscopy comes from the side and not from below - so it is not recognized.
We need completely different approaches. So in April 2023, I started to delve deeper into this topic. Be it through remote viewing, literature and observation on living blood.
This is my summary of how I currently see things - and it's not a carrot.
Technology is a copy of nature. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Nanoparticles react to a different control than a finished tissue. The big consists of the small. The small is there first. This microbiology is based on resonance and light processes. We start from there.
Every biological system has a fractal-based light system that is built on a geometric space that is specific to it. This space is the cube. Everyone knows the old riddle of squaring the circle.
To make it simple. Our light system is controlled by liquid crystals. The most important and most balanced crystal is salt. It always reflects light, no matter which kind, in a certain way. It looks like a pyramid. The angle of this pyramid indicates the space. If I take six crystallized salt crystals, they form a perfect cube - our space or grid that forms.
This is important because light now refracts in a certain way within this space. This is also known as fractal calculation.
It can be seen clearly in fractal images. If I use two rays of light in the fractal curve calculation and let them meet, nodal points are created. These result in an image that can be depicted in two dimensions. The resulting images are very similar to insects. If I take three curve calculations in the same room - i.e. three light curves - and let them meet, familiar images of plants, faces and animal shapes emerge.
At some point, it became apparent that the salt crystal had changed. It formed a different angle. The consequence of this is that our biological lattice has become distorted. This also changes the light nodes - which are not useful for biology, but for the new nanotechnology, or the machine in our body. And lo and behold, the hydrogel structures under the microscope began to look like insects. A clear indication of displaced fractal tissue in the body.
This alone means that the energy in our body is diverted in favor of another system. This is exactly what I have observed here several times now. People or animals with high exposure to this nanotechnology lose weight, start eating without end and freeze when the energy balance no longer works.
My LaserCubus is able to start regenerating the salt molecule again.
The transformation of the salt crystal
And before the shouting about lasers starts again - here is an article that clearly shows that certain laser frequencies do indeed lead to an opening of the structures. There are 5 main frequencies that achieve this in different combinations, depending on the cross-linking of the hydrogel.
530nm, 405nm, 617nm
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-40805-w (This is about triple-crosslinked hydrogels that require a triple key - i.e. three lasers simultaneously or in succession)
530nm green, 405nm blue/violet, 635nm red, 455nm blue/violett and 617nm red. The hydrogel bubbles that produce substances must also be able to release them into the blood. Since these bubbles or hydrogels cannot simply be dissolved by a frequency, a safety mechanism was used that was also copied from nature. Similar to the DNA reading mechanism - where two frequencies with different wavelengths are required to open the DNA - two wavelengths are also required to open the hydrogels.
At the same time, a certain pattern is required for the two wave frequencies, which light waves need in order to determine their direction and the formation of the fractal nodes. As already mentioned, this is the cube, controlled by our liquid crystals present in the body.
So at least 2 frequencies plus a specific pattern. This is exactly what the LaserCube imitates. Further expansion possible.
But this carrot is just the beginning. What we are achieving here is a recovery of energy in the biological system and the beginning of a slowing down and purposeful separation of the energy supply of the artificial nanosystem in our body.
Is opening by enzymes possible? I suppose so. But since I want uniform control, I cannot assume that every person has the same substances in their body, and therefore control via frequencies is easier and more trouble-free. In addition, frequencies can be used more specifically on a target.
Let's go further. The dilemma with our electrical engineering. First and foremost, we always have a transmitter and a receiver. This is not the case in biology as a whole. Scalar waves are used there, which we cannot measure at all with our normal measuring devices. With scalar waves, we have the phenomenon of resonance, with which I can very quickly supply many units from one transmitter and at some point the transmitter and receiver are no longer distinguishable from each other. It is a completely different form of communication.
It has also been shown that information that is to be transported and transmitted with a carrier wave (your radio loudspeaker is also transported piggyback on a carrier wave) is transmitted much better if there are several scalar receivers that also resonate with each other. (Your radio is not able to communicate with your neighbor's radio)
In technical terms: transmitters and receivers vibrate in antiphase, with two receivers they vibrate in phase with each other. This facilitates the transfer of information from the carrier wave into the biological system. This alone shows why nature and biology prefer the scalar wave.
And all the qbits in our blood are excellent spherical antennas, as used in scalar wave technology.
Qbits in the blood
So how do we solve all this? We now live in a global technical frequency cage of satellites, cell phone towers, HAARP, NEXRAD and what else do I know. Like in an incubator. And the author of this article also uses remote viewing. Completely suspect for many. For me, less suspicious than trusting an oracular pharmaceutical company that knows in advance what kind of pandemic is coming next. That's only possible if I know that I'm causing it, because I at least want to sell the drug I've already produced.
By the way, one of the better-known remote viewing trainers - like Major Dames and his team - was commissioned decades ago to find the biggest threat. What did he find? An enormous solar storm that changes everything on earth. Since in remote viewing it is difficult to find an exact date, this team created a timeline of events that are coming our way. This timeline also included the accident in Fukushima and the nuclear weapons in Korea. Everything on this timeline has come to pass - there is only one event left. The solar storm.
And what could bring all this nanotechnology to a standstill? A full-scale solar storm! We're seeing the first foothills of it right now. When will it finally come? I can't say, but the signs are definitely there.
Nature will get rid of this stuff. We can prepare ourselves and start to find other solutions.
Let's be honest - if one of us finds the super cure-all for this nanotechnology - how long will that person stay alive? Have you ever thought about it? As long as we're fishing in the mud - everything is fine. Possibly falling for an old game and spitting in each other's soup.
And the last thing I'm going to get involved in on this platform is the usual divide and rule principle. And among colleagues who are also looking for a solution.
Knowledge is something I have to acquire - not a debt that has to be paid. This is another reason why I won't give advice on medication or other substances - everyone is different and I won't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do.
My Substack reflects what I can represent to the outside world, be it knowledge or connections.
We need to work together across disciplines and throw learned dogmas overboard. Our previously accepted science and our blind obedience have brought us into the situation we find ourselves in. Continuing like this will not lead to success.
I also taught medicine for 14 years until I came to a point where I could no longer justify various things with my conscience.
Here is a small impression of what I mean: Creuzfeld Jakob. Triggered by a prion from infected pork from farmer Müller. A protein. Highly resistant. It survives the hydrochloric acid in my stomach when I eat it. Completely logical. Then this non-dissolving prion has to overcome my intestinal wall, in large molecular form. How does it do that? I assume it can beam. And then it is suddenly in the bloodstream and is not recognized by our immune system. There is no defense reaction and no fever. Official explanation: it's just too big. Right. Now it has to get into the brain. It can only get there if it crosses the blood-brain barrier. But we know that this prion has already learned to beam. And now it has finally arrived in the brain. The target location for causing damage. And now comes the highlight par excellence. This prion from Farmer Müller's pig begins to transform its DNA into that of the carrier in the brain.
As we all know, the process is completely different. But that was the official doctrine at the time these cases occurred.
Now we live in times of bird flu. Best transmitted by migratory birds that fly 1000s of miles seriously ill, shit on our chickens here and then drop dead immediately. Even better - they infect cows - which in turn infect humans. Let's look for the carrot...
Nevertheless, I wish you all a good Sunday!
Your currently irony-filled Remote Viewer
I am happy about any support.
I now also have a Ko-Fi button where support is possible, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. For your help, you will also receive access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube.
The autonomous mining trucks the real massive ones are having troubles, due to the X flares messing up the GPS satellites.
The auroras are coming down closer, red, pink, yellow, green, purple and blue.
God is going to teach the transhumanists a lesson in humility.
Hi Sam,
About 40 people have now watched their blood improve greatly in a 20 minute period thanks to your work. I don't profess to fully understand the mechanism of action and don't care as I am just very pleased to see the results.
My own blood is as good as I have seen to date and for this I also thank you.
Living in the real world is preferable to any theoretical world for me personally. Having seen the damage from people assuming that we are all the same chemically only reinforces my belief that the answer won't lie there for everyone equally.
Optimism, positivity and working collectively seems to be attracting many to help here now and the results people are seeing speak for themself.
Entanglement experience is known to me only via a very unpleasant circumstance and I look forward to seeing it from a more beneficial perspective soon.
Best Wishes,