The transformation of the salt crystal
and what this has to do with synthetic technology - and update on the LaserCube
As shown in my last post, the geometric structure of the salt crystal has been changed. It has deposits on the tip, which fundamentally changes the angle of light emission in this crystal.
Synthetic biology - the technical parasite in our bodies
This change results in completely different light intersections in the room and thus in altered fractal control patterns.
Our biological cells require the light grid based on the normal salt crystal. In this case, light is subtracted by the altered angle in favor of controlling the synthetic biology.
In order to return to the original state, this artificial layer must be broken down.
But how?
This brings us to the experiment that I carried out with the LaserCube.
The starting preparation is our normal well water, which has been saturated with Himalayan salt. This salt is now almost 10 years old and must be able to show a normal structure.
Two slides with several drops were filled with this salt water. Slide no. 1 was set aside to dry. The other slide no. 2 was placed in the LaserCube and irradiated for 3 minutes and then left to dry in the LaserCube without irradiation.
After a time of 1 hour, both samples were dry.
And now let's take a look at the results. The difference can be seen most clearly in these two images:
On the left, the typical altered structure of the salt on the slide, which was simply allowed to dry, deflecting the light into the "machine grid", and on the right, the preparation from the LaserCube.
The sample that was dried outside the LaserCube (left) shows the typical changes on the tip of the crystal. Like an artificial cap that sticks to the top. The crystals themselves are also not really clear to see.
Other example:
normal dried 400x magnification
The crystals that have developed in the LaserCube are much clearer and a typical pyramid structure can be seen. They are not perfect - but a clear difference is visible. Also, my prototype is not a precision tool. I think it is definitely possible to build a much better and more accurate model with the right tools.
Here are more pictures of the sample from the LaserCube:
The slide that was in the LaserCube also shows signs of this overlying cap, but nowhere near as developed as can be seen here:
I dare say that we have the opportunity here to start at a completely different point than we have tried so far.
From now on, we will irradiate blood samples that come into the cube for 2 - 3 minutes and leave them in the cube for another hour. We will see to what extent further changes become apparent.
However, as long as there are substances in our environment that keep changing the geometric structure of the salt crystals, this will be a recurring process. Just as the elimination of these substances cannot protect us from a new infection or simply remove a technology that has already been introduced into our cells.
I also see the problem in the contamination of all drugs or infusions. No matter what you use, the preparation itself may be brilliant. But if it also contains other substances that belong to the synthetic technology or supply it with material, that's a boomerang.
I can't promise I've found the solution, but it's a completely different approach.
And one more brief comment. I'm currently receiving a lot of emails and all kinds of requests. I can't answer them all with the best will in the world, let alone in detail, otherwise I won't be able to do my actual work. I hope for your understanding. I may also have to neglect the comments here.
Thank you very much!
And thanks to everyone who supports me!
You can support me via the Ko-Fi button, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. With a paid subscription you get access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube via my website.
Hmmmm fascinating. I wonder if higher dimensional beings could survive zero point? Or if zero point could be used to send sound, via quantum entanglement?
Hhhhmmm I need to read and contemplate.
I can't help but wonder, there appears to be 'external' influence to samples. If at all, is the Pole shift with increased energy particles penetrating, weakened magnetic field and increased radiation of various types influencing everything down to cell level and beyond? Is this maybe the missing link? I don't know, it's not my specialty.