Everything we have found in the blood or body in recent months and even years is not just random or a whim of someone.
It has a MEANING.
If we assume that humans are to be connected to AI, or completely connected to the blockchain system - as part of the “Internet of Everything” https://ioe.org/ - then we have to consider this from this point of view.
If an artificial, technical system is to be implanted in the body, it must be able to form a permanent superposition or establish a kind of interference function permanently.
This could be achieved with the help of a superconductor, which - as the Austrian Academy of Sciences has described, and look as follows:
The material must be particularly permeable to magnetic fields in one direction of propagation but shield the magnetic transmission perpendicular to perpendicular to it.
As no natural material has these extreme properties, the physicists developed a kind of magnetic tube: they coated a cylinder of ferromagnetic material with a superconductor, which is a perfect magnetic insulator. Such a structure, consisting of alternating layers of ferromagnets and superconductors, can transport up to 90 percent of a magnetic field over any given distance. Just two layers should be enough to transmit up to 75 percent of the magnetic field.
They coated a ferromagnet made of iron and cobalt with the high-temperature superconductor yttrium-barium-copper oxide and tested the arrangement in an experiment.
The method can be used in quantum technology, where static magnetic fields couple quantum bits together. Likewise, applications in spintronics, which process the magnetic moment of the electron for information, are also possible.
This could be one purpose of Morgellons - that they have exactly this function, made from synthetic and biological material.
The picture of Maria Crisler on the left clearly shows the thread structure - and on the picture on the right, one of my pictures, no additional imaging is required to recognize the cable structure.
We also have the bubble structures, which often appear together with the fiber structures. The bubbles contain red blood cells, which are dissolved and thus provide the iron for the filaments, which are needed for the wall structure and at the same time represent a kind of antenna. Whether the bubbles or filament structures appear first - is a similar question to that of the hen and the egg.
A second - artificial - magnetic field is set up in order to bring the water behavior into
a different liquid crystal state - which is necessary for the technology. The ratio of para - and ortho hydrogen is changed.
At the same time, we need a biological substance that is tolerated by the body,
because of its toxicity. This in turn will be the fungus, which is bred into this hybrid.
Calcium carbonate crystals lead to increased electrical conductivity, which is the case with spirochetes, they are electroactive. This could explain the spiral-shaped structures in the vaccinations as a basic framework. We also find many filite structures in the blood, which contain the calcium required for this.
Microbiota such as E. coli, Shewanella and Listeria show similar electroactive
related properties.
In addition, the bacteria-induced deposition of pyrite, calcium carbonate, calcium alginate and magnetite in the epidermis could explain the symptoms of some Morgellon patients.
So if I bind the Ca, as with EDTA, the structure of the antenna is disturbed and the structure of the Morgellon antenna is also disturbed. However, this does not automatically lead to complete healing.
In addition to the new metamaterials, which show enormous metamorphosis properties - this video is of interest:
Here we have the interaction of hexagons again - as already described in this post
The light component
The interaction with the quantum dots - even if they are now called something else - but their function remains the same - see also the explanation in the video above
And everything together is already tuned to 6G-capable technology.
Since I also keep getting questions about specific frequencies, here's a little hint:
Biology communicates via the magnetic scalar wave. I am basing this on the research of Prof. Dr. Meyl.
This does not mean that a scalar wave alone is the solution. This wave is merely the carrier wave - as in the radio. The set frequency is the carrier wave onto which the actual information is modulated.
The retrieved frequencies in the body are very different - and are retrieved by the body itself through adjustable information channels in the extracellular space. They look like tunnel structures - according to Professor Heine. These transmit information in the connective tissue and can collapse again. These waveguide channels look like hyperboloid structures.
The structure is able to filter out the appropriate frequency.

They work in a similar way to finger traps when they adjust to a frequency - I'm sure some people have seen this video of how they work :-)))
In order for a scalar wave to be received, there must be a resonance to it. If the resonance is complete, this is referred to as a closed resonant circuit. The transmitter and receiver are in phase opposition.
In most scalar wave devices on the market, the receiver is the human being. As we do not have any devices to measure these scalar waves, we cannot say how much radiation exposure they cause.
If a receiver is connected to a scalar wave device, it collects the wave again. According to Meyl, it makes more sense for information to be modulated by the receiver, as a biological system can now decide for itself whether to absorb the information from the receiver or not -This means that the receiver and receiver oscillate in the same phase and the tunnel structures of our body only absorb the part that they need.
For further and more in-depth information - including clinical trials - please see his website at https://www.k-meyl.de/, especially the documentation on scalar wave medicine.
There is only one frequency that is very stable in the body and can be found permanently - this is the 10 Hz brain wave. It is responsible for parallel image formation for vision. This is precisely why this frequency is often used in some bioresonance devices. It would be interesting to see whether nanotechnology also makes a targeted intervention here.
The research goes back to Vladimir Nesterov, Anatoly Asimov and Oleg Elistratov. US Patent US 6,549,805 B1.
The original purpose was a telepathy device - and therefore this research is very interesting when it comes to possible changes in people's perception.
The Oberon device is a result of this research.
So much for my theory and summary of the use and construction of antennas in the body.
Finally, some blood pictures with the red and blue strands - and other abnormalities from the last few weeks.
Here a clearly red strand - blood count not colored.
From the same blood count a rather blue thread structure - which looks very much like a cable. What is striking here is the thick outer wall in white and the interior in bluish tones.
Even more pronounced here.
This bead-like lattice structure was first found in a small size inside a hydrogel-like lump and a few days later in a larger size outside. What that is - is completely unclear to me.
Finally, a structure with regular dimensions on the inside. This comes from a human blood count. I was able to find something similar in the blood of moose at the end of last year, only much larger and more pronounced.
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