May 26Liked by SAM

Man, Sylvia, you are clever! This is difficult for me to understand, but allow me, if you will, some time to reread, as it is past my bedtime! (Down under).

People out there, please make some comments in layperson’s terms, to help me understand this better!

Thank you Sylvia!

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Wow! You’ve presented a narrative that makes sense to me of what may be going on here. Your analogy with the caterpillar metamorphosis 😳 ! Artfully put and my wishes as well.

I allowed myself a thought experiment the other day. If the natural world and all its complex transactions between everything is always attempting to ‘balance’ and improve its systems- taking a view of the entire universe/cosmos -if indeed things operate in this fashion I imagine, it could just be that the energy systems (amazing and beautifully crafted ) may just cancel out or ‘correct ‘ this man made interruption of natural workings.

The recent sunspot activity inspired this train of thinking. Who knows- I’ve always also thought the penalty for stupid is extinction.

The desire for control has gotten out of control.

Thank you again for your work and creativity in looking at these changes of life in the wee world. So far beyond my knowledge and small light scope peeking at live blood.

I’d like to support your work but I don’t send value digitally and you are far away from the mountains in the eastern US.

Could something be mailed to you?

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So basically this is the Chinese “magic” bioweapon that Brandon Iglesias talks about.

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by SAM

Hello SAM!

Great post! Thank you!

NDE events as well as deep meditation really make one see/sense everything that is around at the same time, and allow instant travels.

if I understood your text, the cyborgs-humans would travel the multi-strings universes back and fourth at will through their present activated state. Whose will would that be then if any third party can control their vital functions?

My thought is that the humorous human factor will never be tamed or enslaved. Hoping everyone has already activated their shield by now.


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Would very much love to have a shield.

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I don't think astral time travel is restricted to cyborg-humans, it's achievable by humans too. Conciouness, intention and actualisation. In fact I think cyborgs can't do it without being human. Its why the Greys keep coming back for their ancestors DNA.

What I did in March 2014, Yeshua Ben Yousef did the same on the day of crucifixion, I saw it. Yeshua was not a cyborg-human...

The human soul, living consciousness in a heart of loving courage is far stronger then the plasmonic Graphene chips, be they micro or nano, Ive beaten both. I'm a living example, for real.

They tried to wipe my memory many times over the last two decades, erase my soul consciousness. It didn't work. I have many stories of my past to tell.

The plasmonic Graphene chips do induce anger, being they're low vibrational, it is a desired affect for the super soldier programs. I let it show in the past, deliberately lashing out on-line to get attention. In the hopes some spook somewhere would look into my file, and find out my friends who were abused and maimed, some to death in the Army.

Having my brain smashed in January 2022 by 6G GPS satellite was a blessing. It finally destroyed the brain computer interface. No more, "yes,no,yes,no,yes,no,true,false,true,false.". For me it was not a control mechanism, it was a recording device for them, so they could watch me.

Now I'm free.

Silvia, Danyèle and everyone else, keep a loving heart and we will all over come our adversaries assualt, on humanity.

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May 28·edited May 28

Hey there!

Thank you for this kind comment.

And yes, our human nature is much more than most people think it is, as is the «reality» we’ve been taught. Unfortunately, many people are just so afraid to face the infinite and fascinating doors that such knowledge opens. Do they sense that once that it is known there is no possible turning back from it, choosing instead to follow the institutionalized ignorance and mockery game?

Take good care!

Warm regards.

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Great question, from the current perspective, of those who control the current system. They need the institutionalized ignorance and mockery game, to maintain control over us, humans. To keep humanity, living in our divinely made vessels, on the third plane of existence marching down the synthetic biology time line, in order to thieve our essence. Otherwise our adversaries may cease to exist on this plane all together, collapsing their timeline, into a mere possibility, rather then a continuous alternative loop. That is their form of immortality. Stuck in time repeating a loop. How boring, and against God's law.

They've already tried a few times to lob meteorites at the Earth to force the synthetic biology time line. They now know they can't do that. So they're getting desperate, similar to a cornered dog. They've lost control over the quantum AI.

Time that is running out is now on our side.

So yes, the more human people that know, the better. :))) Essentially it's over for our adversaries, they just don't know, when it comes nor will they know.

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May 26Liked by SAM



I am listing to this recently as in partial to grasp!

Then Ieee, Freud slip, your post.


This has to be similar as you described .


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24


The video is removed from Odysee and web.archive.org.

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Another facet of the war on freedom.

Surprised? No

Amendment 1, going, gone except briefly or archived. Next China sensor ship tied to compliance composition and accessibility to money. The red line? Hope so…

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The only thing that can spare any flesh is God repent and turn away from our faulty understanding and temporary escapes. I personally am sick of this dimension and I’m preparing for the next one minute by minute and I don’t intend to be trapped by this abomination of desolation. He who loves his life shall keep it and he who hates it will find life eternal. Without Gods intervention no flesh will endure. It is written.

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Anyone know what happened to Tony M. (nanoscope.substack.com)???

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How can bioelectricity and microwave radiation be ruled out? Those two, light, and any other forms of waves can be feasible candidates, and if I designed the system, it would switch between energy sources and even modes of operation from time to time, preferably arrhythmically and as fast as possible without forming any identifiable sequence.

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May 28·edited May 28

Hi Sam :) ! You will apreciate, i think, this RV session, between other there, may be.

: A CURE for Cancer 🙏 FENBENDAZOLE + CBD 💪 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZcnJoc6p3g

Edward Riordan R-Viewed the nanotech-human fusion under A.I., in 2017 around the Wuhan stuffs.

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Hi Sam, Like the bees some will adapt and survive. RR

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