Our blood on the way to the cyborg brain???
The parallels in our blood with the nanobrain and time crystals

A search that begins harmlessly and ends in a realization that you never thought possible before.
Since synthetic biology uses non-linear optics - and thus the time component plays a major role - you end up starting with the use and function of time crystals. And it has ended in the realization that there is a possibility that our blood will be turned into a cyborg brain.
But let's start from the beginning and go step by step:
In our brain, everything is one - past - present - and future. The times all interact with each other in real time. In our experience of memories, it is as if it is happening right now. Our dreams at night - we experience them as if they were real.
A crystal absorbs light and emits it again in refracted form. Each ray of light has its own unit of time, running faster or slower than the other. And each one carries information with it. Nevertheless, there is an exchange between these different times. And this can be manipulated.
The ability of computational processes in our brain are so complex that it resembles a time machine - or even a black hole (Buonomano, 2017 Your Brain is a time machine) The time bandwidth of conscious experience alone has an order of 10 to the power of 26.
Isn't it striking how many new crystals there are in our blood?
George Orwell quote:
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
Our brain uses the universal language of nature - prime numbers. 15 prime numbers are enough to create 99.99% of all geometric shapes in the universe. All elementary particles, nodes or energy loops follow a prime number geometry.
If we deal with a reality - we are fully occupied. If we consider making a decision, we have to combine several realities. If the second possible reality is now linked with further realities - our heads are spinning.
And now there are supposed to be 12 dimensions.
How do these worlds interact with each other - in the form of geometry?
With 12 dimensions, we can imagine it on 12 surfaces - and geometrically speaking, we have a dodecahedron.
If several worlds or possibilities now interact with each other, a spatial interaction loop is created.
World 3 - interacts with world 10 (or possibility) - which interacts with 1 - with 5 - with 9 - and which in turn interacts with 3. The loop has closed. Geometrically speaking, this is a circle. (Furey 2018, Three generations, two unbroken gauge symmetries, and one eight-dimensional algebra)
This way of communicating leads to a new kind of information processing in which magnetic rings relate flow and charge through geometry - there is no more electron flow there. Like the flow of information in DNA. (Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl - DNA and Cell Resonance)
Qbits in the blood
Electronic charges can form many geometric shapes and this pattern results in a network of clocking loops.
Here we have arrived at time crystals.
Time crystals of the interactive level that contain charges are similar to the time crystals of magnetic atoms - the Hinductor (Chua, 1971 Trans Circuits Theory)
This in turn can lead to the formation of new materials. As I suspected in earlier posts, the basic building blocks enter the body through various uptake mechanisms and form new ones here. So it is only in the blood or in the body that it is synthesized.
So-called fractal condensation leads to self-similar, kinetic reactions (Kopelmann 1988 Fractal reactions kinetics - Science 241) to new materials, which can be programmed by a set of prime numbers. (Ghosh 2016, A simultaneous one pot synthesis of two fractal structures via swapping two fractal reaction kinetic states) It starts with a seed material that has the ability to self-assemble and expand.
It behaves like a life form and grows ultra-fast. As we have already seen, the change in our blood takes place in phases. Each subsequent phase shows more changes than the previous one. It behaves according to a prime number development
2 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 11 - 13 - 17 - 19 - 23 - 29 - 31 - 37 - 41 - 43 - 47
The current changes are much faster than the previous ones. This seed material shows the following growth:
Some units remain seed material. Others form cavities, others form clocks and still others form singularities.
The singularity points connect and each of these points forms a seed.
All parts grow and decay simultaneously.

At the top of the picture the calculated surface of the geometry of singularity and next to it the appearance of some erythrocytes. Do they contain seed material?
For this purpose, communication between different materials and carrier substances must be possible. A comprehensive interference. All materials have different resonance frequencies and carrier properties. There is no material that can do this. And what other information medium is capable of linking different times? In nature, different times interact with each other. What is the fundamental component?
Whether in the quantum world, in atoms, in magnetic whirlwinds or in cheese bread.
It can therefore be assumed that synthetic biology has a control mechanism - light.
We now have a combination of geometry and light. The mass, shape and wavelength of light and thus the key information that is decisive.
Everything exists from the clocks of the past, present and future. It can be read simultaneously from a 360 degree perspective and always looks completely different.
This is the same phenomenon that occurs in near-death experiences. An all-round perspective. You experience everything at the same time - you, the other person and also feel all the effects at the same time.
To achieve this, a completely new type of technology is required. In the past, information was stored or processed in empty space. The electrical or magnetic part of light is neutralized or set to zero. This area can then not be used as a particle. = Strings of Darkness.
This is now set to change. It should now happen at the interface between light and matter. The strings are to be transformed into usable, vortex-like atoms. (Nye 1983, Polarization effects in the diffraction of electromagnetic waves)
To put it in household language: Your sweaters are stacked in your closet, and you can't do laundry in this space at the same time. It is occupied. But the new technology is designed to do just that. Washing laundry and creating a stacked and horizontal sweater arrangement at the same time.
Everything described here is a nano-brain, an artificial brain.
A nanobrain has all three components of a life form. It can feel, it can work and, above all, it can process decisions. (Bandyopadhyay 2020, Nanobrain, The Making of an Artificial Brain from Time Crystals)
The central control unit (CCU) and the central neural network (CNN) of a megamer brain or brain jelly.
On the one hand, there is the theoretical arrangement of the control units - the information units are located within structures, which in turn sit together within a larger one. It's like a doll inside a doll - like the Russian Matrjoschkas. And next to that is the change we can see in the blood.
At the same time, we can see a change in the flow properties of the blood - is it on its way to becoming a jelly? Is our blood being transformed into a single, artificial brain unit?
That would be the complete takeover of the human body by an artificial intelligence. However, this is not just taking place in the brain - but in the entire body.
Then we would have a cyborg.
Folks - not with me!!!!
The caterpillar becomes a jelly and then a butterfly.
If I am to transform myself - then please into an independent, free being with wings.
Be it in thought or action.
For a life worth living.
I am happy about any support.
I now also have a Ko-Fi button where support is possible, or through a subscription. Either here on Substack or on my website. For your help, you will also receive access to my Future Targets, Extra Targets and the first blueprint for the LaserCube.
Man, Sylvia, you are clever! This is difficult for me to understand, but allow me, if you will, some time to reread, as it is past my bedtime! (Down under).
People out there, please make some comments in layperson’s terms, to help me understand this better!
Thank you Sylvia!
Wow! You’ve presented a narrative that makes sense to me of what may be going on here. Your analogy with the caterpillar metamorphosis 😳 ! Artfully put and my wishes as well.
I allowed myself a thought experiment the other day. If the natural world and all its complex transactions between everything is always attempting to ‘balance’ and improve its systems- taking a view of the entire universe/cosmos -if indeed things operate in this fashion I imagine, it could just be that the energy systems (amazing and beautifully crafted ) may just cancel out or ‘correct ‘ this man made interruption of natural workings.
The recent sunspot activity inspired this train of thinking. Who knows- I’ve always also thought the penalty for stupid is extinction.
The desire for control has gotten out of control.
Thank you again for your work and creativity in looking at these changes of life in the wee world. So far beyond my knowledge and small light scope peeking at live blood.
I’d like to support your work but I don’t send value digitally and you are far away from the mountains in the eastern US.
Could something be mailed to you?