Very well done, we need more rational translations like this to keep us all informed. Thank you for being a pioneer in this war. And don’t sell yourself short, you have a high level of technical acumen and a passionate curiosity geared toward helping many people who are suffering….we all have unique gifts so are all scientists in one way or another.

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Thank you for your words!

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Hi Silvia,

3 weeks in now and the proof of the benefits of the lasers is only getting better, even using a direct method whether IV or sublingual. Its been great being able to show people the instant and dramatic improvement in their blood, let alone some off the positive feedback being given some time later on.

One of the first to do it here 3 weeks ago showed an 80% improvement in the blood after an IV treatment. One week later there was a 10% regression and a 20 minute sublingual was done where the blood was back to a 80 % improvement. She came in a couple of days ago to see her blood and there was no need for any further treatment. She will come back in another two weeks for a review.

I did a double canula IV in series with both the 532 green and the 405 blue at full strength ( 50mw ) for 43 minutes a few days ago, so the blood was passing the blue first and followed by the green 30mm later. No ill effects and a big improvement in my blood. I will be monitoring the progression as this experiment will show the effects of what a full strength dose of the combination can do.

It may not be 100% yet, but its the biggest and fastest improvement I have seen from any treatment tried or suggested to date. For those with low powered cold lasers the sublingual may be the best way to get an effect. A bit of cellophane wrap or a soft disposable translucent glove finger may suffice for putting the laser in for that purpose.

The build of our first cube is now underway and I look forward to testing that out too.

Big Thanks,


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Hello Matt!!!

That sounds good! I just fear that due to the contamination of the entire environment and food, etc. it will not be a final remission. We'll keep watching :-)))

But we are one step further!

Best regards - Silvia

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I wish I could give constructive or knowledgeable comment, but all I have to offer is encouragement and praise for your courageous curiosity and ingenuity. Whatever the results they're bound to shed light on the direction we need to take to curtail the offense to our reality. I applaud your efforts.

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Incredible. Thank you for using your intellect to continually research and explain a process that’s beyond my understanding. Godspeed.

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You rock, SAM - Thank you for making us overstand better!

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Some of this sounds rather Interesting. Where do the q-bits fit in here and why does scaler have to do what carrier frequencies can do? Trying to understand some of this genuinely and parts of it are not making sense to me. How did you calculate the laser frequencies. Can you share the formula and math so I can understand it? Bruce lipton on epigenetitics explains the read and write modes of DNA. He is often described as the father of epigenetitics. Thanks

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Apr 30Edited

The DNA frequencies have been calculated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meyl. I found the laser frequencies in the medical literature with the information that there are a total of 4 frequencies that have a resolving effect. Since the other two in the red range are in the middle of the two I used and after experiments on the dark field microscope, I coupled the 530nm green with the 405nm blue. We got confirmation that there are two frequencies needed in combination to do this. (Matt can tell you more) If I look at the hyperbolic light cone and look at the frequencies that control DNA, the two frequencies I chose are in between. This means that synthetic biology is literally able to spark in between. It interferes with our biological processes. All the frequencies of this technology lie in a window within the biological functional radius. At least as far as I can see at the moment.

The qbits certainly seem to react to microwave radiation. I had previously suspected that it was a fractal control system that requires 2 or even 3 5G towers to be controlled and thus become a meaningful action pattern. Maybe satellite control - I can't say.

For me, the scalar wave is the biologically relevant wave. The Tesla coils, for example, correspond to the Ranvier cord ring around a nerve and the diameter of these rings changes the resonance and thus the running speed within the nerve. There are simply too many striking parallels here to be overlooked. I hope you can make some sense of this...

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While I can't grasp all the technicalities of your writings, a lot of what you write about resonates with me. I was targeted by a Lockheed Martin Research Scientist who is listed on patents for tech used by DARPA + The Brain Initiative. It actually began in early 2019 but I didn't become aware of it until Feb 2020 at which time I naively submitted to an EEG (brainwaves) + fMRI (brain mapping) and 6 weeks later, my life was changed forever. The data from those tests were weaponized for their research agenda. I know we're all targeted but the sickest part about what happened to me is they systematically destroyed my family and put me on the street (homeless) for 15 months while they carried out their research (you would be outraged if you knew all they did to me). I still have minor symptoms as a result of whatever it is they exposed me to but rifing is breaking it down.


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Apr 30Edited

Whenever I hear things like that - it makes me wonder what kind of planet we live on. I would like everyone to be able to feel other people and immediately notice what they are doing to others. Thank you for your information! I wish you all the best!

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Tracy, this is mind blowing information. I went to your YT channel and was amazed to hear you speak about your success with Spooky2 rife and PEG (aka hydrogel?) removal/dissolution.

I jumped on the S2 bandwagon way back in it’s inception and have 4 of the original generators as well as remotes.

You’ve inspired me to get back in the saddle!

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You won't regret it ... the Central/plasma is a game changer. I wish you the best with it - reach out if you need support.

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It's hard for me to even grasp what you are referring too. I have been tortured since 2016 every day & still being ripped up. I know that someone here can help explain or help me understand what has been done to me. Tracy can u tell me how u know that u were targeted by the Lockheed Martin research scientist & then how it came about that u submitted to a EEG + an FMRI?

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Hi Jimmy - I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through - detox is essential. The LM Research Scientist was our neighbor. He and another Research guy (Bio & Chem Engineering at CU Boulder) befriended my husband under false pretenses. I had no reason to question their motive until my life was flipped upside down and I reverse engineered everything back to them.

In short, I was targeted with RFs in my home which triggered symptoms (tingling in fingers) that sent me to the ER at which time they ordered these brain imaging tests and six weeks later I was getting blasted with EMFs. Here's a condensed version of what happened: https://youtu.be/CtmY1ehlmVQ?si=wli3X6fO5SOJFBVG

I don't know if you're familiar with how certain people are targeted (see TargetedJustice.com). Lockheed Martin is at the root of a lot of it (they are mentioned in a pending lawsuit filed with the Supreme Court). You can see that here: https://youtu.be/2hOxpQd6Aqs?si=38YIAc21Z1OhiEpa&t=396

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Konstantin meyl? Where can I read more on his findings? to understand better what's being said.

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it is in German - but there is also a part in English - especially his books are worth reading


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And to mention, it's Def from satellites. The towers are just ground level Nets to the artificial physical grid they are building out. Have you seen the russian "woodpecker" pulse. It's said around 10hz and carriers/16 other frequencies they use to lock on to ones bio signature and brainwave. After this a lab out of Cali funded by BlackRock continued the research. And this was decades ago..

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The towers and ssattelites can do the same, just more coverage.

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And the moon has been doing it for thousands of years.Disclosure is coming but if you learn about it on CNN you will have been lied to again,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Moon

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Yea, true. And the ELF transmitting places.

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Hello Jai.

Did you ever discern what Brandon is using for his "on body" ELF generator, to overpower the incoming nefarious ELF (which he claims comes from the cee cee pee)?

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Not yet fully. I'm not sure what he uses. But we are still looking into making a ELF receiver and Transmitter properly. And how to analyse what's coming in.

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Hi Sam, Since January 2024 I only observed few crystals on the slide now there in the soup and on the edges of the slide... Also crystals attaching to other crystals... So if the DNA opens then there can be a insertion manipulation comunication to a outside source... Is that the function then crystals to microchips? Can graphene oxide be viewed with darkfield 250X or 1,000X? Nobody puts pics on this in the 20 substacks I follow. Thx RR

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Hi guys & Silvia!

I have recently come across a product called Microbe Blast that allegedly breaks up proteins, which may also mean polymers & hydrogel. I've reached out to them to see if I can speak to someone about those all-important questions, but meanwhile, have a look.


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Did you find out anything about this and if it can help?

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Hallo Richard,you get an answer to your questions with graphene?

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thank you thank you the 532nm green laser with 100 mw is too strong? and really just under the tong? wauw!!!

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100mW? I don't want to be fried... A lot isn't always better. And as I've said many times - it's the combination of two different lasers, not the green one alone.

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And the correct placement of the slide within the cube is paramount, isn’t it?

The pyramidal energy field that’s being generated has a “sweet spot”, and wandering from it could have less than wonderful health effects, correct?

I’m remembering a concept called the negative green zone in this regard…….

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May 3Edited

True. Explanations will come in another post!!! Otherwise this will be too long :-)))

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ok and the blue is 405?nw 50mw? thank you again for al this information

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