Please don't stop thinking out loud. We are all in uncharted territory and need the freedom to express our thoughts, while being open to sensible challenge.

Sad to see you being poisoned in such a wonderland like the rest of us.

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Mar 1Author

I don't think there's a region in the world where this stuff isn't there. And now the "maneuver" or big exercise LSGE 2024 of 90 countries of multinational military personnel all over the world in the air, on land and at sea, in space!!! and in the cyber area - to be able to operate uniformly - yes no - it's clear...

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Mar 1Liked by SAM

Excellent result and great post. . . and thanks for the credit btw, but it really goes to the enigmatic H. K-V. He gets a bit 'out there', but that's where this journey is taking us.

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Mar 1Author

I think you have to be a bit crazy to follow these tracks to their destination.

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Harald is endlessly fascinating but I now also suspect. One of the interviews I watched he was pretty callous towards someone that spoke against the 3 letter agencies narrative and ended up climate changed. That one comment put me off and I'm now very suspicious of him, more so because ultimately that's exactly what he portrays himself to be doing.

He did say Morgellons has a basis in fungi which ties into Clifford's cdb hypothesis, also says he cured patients with it.

Anyway, sorry to high jack. Keep up the good work

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Mar 1Author

Can happen - you can't agree 100% with whoever - would be boring - he's done a good job and uncovered and put together a lot - let's take what we can benefit from and move on.

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100% same for the spokespeople and politicians, as long as they're walking the direction I am I'll appear to follow them. I hold my own course though as should others and the ideal/intent is to be supported not the individual.

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Mar 1Author

From a medical point of view, I can only say that fungi are very good at storing heavy metals of all kinds and are difficult for the immune system to attack. They are therefore an ideal transport mechanism for everything that the body actually wants to excrete. And when the body is flooded with heavy metals, the immune system apparently tolerates more and more parasites - because they are a help. Normally, our system does not know such a flood of metals. Our biology should be able to adapt more quickly - but our life cycle is not as short as that of bacteria - :-))))

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Hence the fungus they have been reporting on lately.

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Mar 1Liked by SAM

So how are these minuscule spikes and threads different from breathing in asbestos? I cannot envision them being different at all. Both have sharp tiny points that can stab into cells of the lungs, or stab themselves into red blood cells just the same. Why isn't the EPA all over this as they were with asbestos? Let's compare hysteria: with a trace of asbestos, we get to tear down an entire house. But this stuff goes unchecked because the public isn't aware of it (yet). That way it can then go on doing its respiratory damage to the public before the bureaucrats need to lift a finger from public outcry.

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The EPA is now under the DOD, I heard.

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Mar 1Liked by SAM

Harold! Now we have a solid base of understanding. When I first saw that video 3. Years ago it all came together. Uber intelligent guy. Yeah, maybe eccentric but imo the stranger than fiction ideas need exploration. Interrupt the signals to my body’s biofields. Get the shit out! Caution: snake oil pushers present disseminating poisons preying on fear. We are on our own to research and take a culmination of research and apply it to this standard: nothing beats natural unadulterated organic as possible food!!

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These kinds of nanostructures are highly concerning. The more sharp, or edgy the nanomaterial is, the more toxic it becomes. In this case a very spikey needle-like particle can wreak havoc on any biology it comes in contact with DIRECTLY, through physically puncturing, ripping and cutting.

You can think of it like a nanoscale sword.

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I'm not convinced the unvaccinated show more severe symptoms...?

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Mar 1Author

I'm starting to worry - they're catching up enormously .... unfortunately. At least that's what I can see here.

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Wonderful work !!!!! congratulations and thank you !

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Mar 1Author

Wonderful with a proper aftertaste - but thanks for the flowers... :-)))

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EPA isn't DoD. It is also NOT part of the three main branches of government: Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. The EPA falls under the White House and its Cabinet. Here's link on Cabinet organization:


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Symptoms from what?

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Mar 1Author

When aluminum oxide nanocrystals are ingested in combination with barium stronitium titanate - copper is flushed out of the nervous system by the chelating agents and the barium strontium titanate crystal is often incorporated instead.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 7Liked by SAM

Copper has been very beneficial to me as a supplement for the last 10 months, along with iodine, zinc (in a 3:1 ratio with copper), MSM sulfur, and borax. If I cramp, I take potassium. I also take magnesium sulfate, borax (sodium borate), and sodium bicarbonate mineral salt baths three times a week with Tony P.'s Triangle. Lately I've been adding a small amount of copper sulfate to the bath water to precipitate fluoride out of city/county water. https://revealingfraud.com/2022/12/health/copper-and-zinc-metallothioneins-for-detoxing-longevity/ is a good read.

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I'm still investigating the issues. It's ongoing. And I resonate with Brandon Iglesias's solutions for restoring his body from a DEW hit. He's using red light at night and Methylene Blue. I've used IR cold lasers over the years and recently Methylene Blue. I also walk at least three miles a day and live on a small farm in a moderate climate. Our temps don't get so cold that we can't bundle up to spend time outside. Lately, our summers haven't been so hot that we can't spend time outside. Because of having to take care of a few large animals, my husband and I don't have a choice but to go outside... which is to our benefit.

Imbalances we see in the blood could also be caused by insufficient natural whole spectrum light.... caused by too much artificial blue light and not enough natural IR and NIR light, which are available outside at sunrise and sunset. The best balance of the whole light spectrum is available to us outside at noontime. If we aren't sleeping well at night, it's because of living in artificial light, which causes hormone imbalances. Circadian rhythm is out of balance. Etc Etc. Those living and working in city and urban areas have more of an issue with this than those in rural areas... although we both can live in virtual reality instead of being connected/grounded with the Earth. Consider how artificial blue light EMF alters our biology: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/the-1-emf-youve-forgotten-about and https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/why-vampires-hate-blue-light

I'm adjusting my daily schedule because I've heard these words of wisdom before from Ari Whitten. It's a way to get out of the virtual tech trap. I'm headed outside for a walk right now.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Liked by SAM

I see a layer of these crystals all the time in my blood and in rain drops. Not as perfectly formed as those in your pictures, but they are there. Thank you. Until now, I didn't correlate them with aluminum oxide from chemtrails. I too have listened to Harold talk about piezoelectric crystals. This is a good time to review his explanation. Started taking a heavy metal homeopathic complex to remove these. I'll let you know how that goes. Don't forget, they are neurotoxins. I bet they would cause connective tissue autoimmune diseases and participate in clotting issues. All I know is that by detoxing toxic heavy metals numerous times over the past 30 yrs, I've kept myself healthy. Got my fingers crossed again.

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Is it safe to say: mammals are getting mad cow type brain disease from these nerve ending “replacements”? The deer are getting this to. Sadly my guitar gently weeps..

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Mar 1Author

The symptoms are those of Creuzfeld Jakob or mad cow disease. It always depends on the dosage - if it is too much, the symptoms appear. Here too, the deer start to itch constantly and tear at their fur. I could actually scream when I see this.

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Do you think giving them boron or borox In small quantities, might reduce this?

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